Friday, July 15, 2016

The Sound of Running Horses by Donna Ball

Aggie and her husband, Ryan, were taking a well deserved day off.  Ryan is taking her to an island that hardly anyone visits and they will have a picnic on the beach.  They don't even get the picnic set up when Aggie is called back to investigate a shark attack...

The author and Goddess Fish Blog Tours gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy on Amazon.

Aggie is the police chief of Dogleg Island, where they live.  Her husband is a deputy sheriff.  Upon their return, they find out it's a false alarm.  The lady evidently got a cut from a floating log and the shark attack was a false alarm.  

Aggie is back at work after almost dying in the last story.  She's still a bit shaky and her brain isn't working as fast as usual but it's working.  She keep seeing things that don't add up and hearing things that don't make sense but it takes her a while to put it all together.

If a shark attack isn't enough, her dog finds a dead body on their picnic site.  That ends the idea of having a day off or a picnic.

As Aggie digs through the few facts she has and keeps asking questions, she's making more people upset.  One of them is a council member which means she might be looking for a new job soon.  She doesn't stop asking questions.

The story is fast paced, has lots of action and has plenty going on.  There is convicted convict running with a young girl playing Bonnie and Clyde and killing people that are heading their way.  The rich aren't.  The good boys aren't either.  The ending is fast and furious and you're not sure how it's going to work out until the last page.  I like this kind of mystery and enjoyed the characters, too.  Especially the dog named Flash who is still trying to figure out humans...

Donna will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.  Enter HERE.

Encourage your readers to follow the tour and comment; the more they comment, the better their chances of winning. The tour dates can be found HERE.

Happy reading and good luck! 


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Donna Ball said...

Thanks for hosting me today! I look forward to chatting with everyone who drops by.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Evonne Wareham

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