Sunday, July 24, 2016

Machinations by Hayley Stone

Rhona is a warrior.  She's smart, fearless, and battle worn.  The world she lives in is tired and worn out, but she refuses to give up.  The machines have become their enemy and they want to kill all the humans.  She's on a mission to kill them first.

Hydra and Net Galley gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published July 26th.

The author begins the story by killing the main character.  That doesn't sound like a good start but don't worry.  She knew there was a good chance of that happening and she had DNA set aside so she could be cloned.  The problem is that when she awakens, she knows she's not what she was before but she doesn't know why.  What she remembers and what she doesn't is hard to deal with.  She also is not sure if they are all valid memories or parts of dreams.  And her lover from the past wants nothing to do with her.  He lost Rhona, has grieved seriously over her, and he doesn't want to open his heart and get hurt again.  Besides, she's not the real thing.

They don't have a lot of time to get her adjusted and back into the fold because the machines are coming after them hard.  Someone is trying to kill Rhona in the facility.  She doesn't know why but she knows she has to be alert.

This is a bit like a space opera.  We're here on earth but it's not an earth we've seen and I hope we never do.  Humans have leached the land, destroyed nature and natural elements, and there's really nothing to live for except other humans.  The machines want to remove the humans so nothing worse happens.  You can't really blame them.  There's a lot of gun battles and death in the story but there's still hope at the end.  The machines won't give up but neither will the humans.  There could be a sequel if the author is so inclined.  I enjoyed this read.  Sci/Fi can be a great read and this one is.

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