Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan

Nina works at the library and she loves connecting people with books that resonate for them.  She knows a lot about books and it's the perfect job for her.  Unfortunately, her library is being closed and she has a chance to reapply to the main library or she can find a new job.  While she's trying to recover from the job loss, she keeps bringing library books home.  Her roommate is not thrilled.  She doesn't want more books in their home.  But what's Nina to do?  Then she got an idea...

William Morrow and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 20th.

I really loved this book.  I'm addicted to reading and have my own book business so I knew how Nina felt.  I also know how rewarding it is to recommend a book and have people get excited over reading it.  Books talk to me and this one talked pretty loud!

She decides to buy a van and run a mobile bookshop.  She doesn't have much money so she looks for an older used van.  She finds one.  It's been sitting for a long time and doesn't look like much, but she takes it for a test drive.  She also stalls it on the railroad track crossing and almost gets hit by a train. She meets the men on the train and they get her off the tracks so they can go on.  She begins a friendship with one of the men she hopes might turn into something more.

When she gets back, the man who owns the van refuses to sell it to her.  She goes home heartbroken.  A call from the pub owner offers her an opportunity; the two men in the pub and the owner will buy the van and then resell it to her for the purchase price.  She says she needs to think about it.  She does and she buys it.  Then she goes on to the adventure of her life...

She finds out she can't do her mobile business in the big city but she can in the small town where the van is.  So she moves.  Her new landlord is grouchy and rude but he has a lovely place in the barn he will rent to her.  It takes a bit to get the van cleaned up and ready to go but when she starts visiting the town, folks flock to her.  There hasn't been a library or bookshop in town for ages.  She's not making a lot of money but she's staying alive.  Nina likes to help people and her landlord calls her a do-gooder, but she doesn't care.  And, soon, he seems to be helping, too. 

This is a sweet story with some strange happenings that's set in Scotland.  Nina finds her life purpose and meets her love in this small town.  That awful loss of job turned out to be the beginning of her life as a stronger woman.

Give this one a read; it'll make you smile.

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