Sunday, July 3, 2016

Do Not Bring Your Dragon to the Library by Julie Gassman

This is a fun book to read.  It combines two of my favorite things:  the library and dragons.  I've spent a good portion of my younger life hanging around in the library checking out books and periodicals.  The story emphasizes how important libraries are and shows you just how much trouble a dragon can get in there...

Capstone Books for Young Readers and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published August 1st.

Andy Elkerton did the illustrations and they're wonderful!  The dragons are vibrant colors, different sizes and have different bad habits.

The Librarian stands right out front telling the young man he can't bring his dragon inside.  The dragon flies over both of them right into the library.  Oh my...

They knock down shelves, get excited reading and set their book on fire, sit on the children at story time and more.  When the librarian finally evicts the dragons, she suggests the children check out stories for them to read at home.  That way no one runs out of reading material and there's much more room for the dragon.  It's a win-win situation!

I liked the storyline, the layout and loved the illustrations.  This was a really great read! 

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