Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Altogether Unexpected Disappearance of Atticus Craftsman by Mamen Sánchez

This begins as the story of a young well-to-do young man that has been spoiled with the best his whole life.  He's now working for his father's publishing company and he's sent to Madrid to shut down a literary magazine that is losing money.  He agrees to go and look the records over and, if necessary, shut it down.  The whole office is run by women.  The jobs are a blessing for them.  The boss gets the idea they are going to lose their jobs, so they decide to do something about it...

Atria Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published August 9th.

This is a charming story that works its way into your heart.  Atticus is good looking, popular among the women, confident and he likes things in order and his life to go on as programmed.  The five women in this magazine venture are going to mess that up properly.

The boss lady asks the youngest and prettiest one to flirt with him.  She takes him off on a secret mission to find some long lost papers written by a popular author.  He foresees a literary coup and goes off with her and her uncle.  He meets her family, which is an experience not many Englishmen share.  After he's been wined and dined and danced and drunk, he begins to fit in with the family members and he definitely falls in love with the lovely young woman.  However, she doesn't want to marry him.  He's heart broken.

While all this going on, his father is upset because he's out of contact.  He doesn't know where he is or why it's taking this long.  He and his wife finally come to look for him.

Meanwhile the group at the office has found out why the magazine is failing.  Someone was committing fraud and getting double paid for invoices.  As they work on resolving that, mom and dad show up the office looking for Atticus.

It seems that in Spain, love is in the air.  The cop on the case finds a soft spot for the boss lady.  Atticus has his girl.  His parents even feel more amorous.

I enjoyed this tale a lot.  There's plenty of action, everything gets straightened out eventually and it was fun to read.  Why don't you give it a try?

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