Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Bluebonnet Betrayal: A Potting Shed Mystery by Marty Wingate

Pru has an excellent opportunity.  She's been invited to help set up a Texas display in Chelsea Gardens.  It will be part of a gardening competition in an exclusive site that means a lot to even be chosen to display.  It's to be a natural design, with rocks and plants native to Texas.  It'll even have bluebonnets!  She's excited and happy to be included in the setup, but she quickly learns her part in this design will be greater than she was told.  After all, the original designer is late...

Alibi and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published August 2nd.

I really like this series.  Pru is an interesting character who has many facets to her personality.  I like her relationship with her husband she found later in life and the brother she didn't know she had.  But if there's trouble around, Pru will find that, too.  When she finds the designer in the middle of the display with a pile of rocks on her, she keeps asking questions until she gets in trouble, too.  Good thing she took her husband with her...

These are cozy type mysteries with a touch of green.  Gardening is a featured item but the mysteries are good, too.  The author keeps you thinking and wondering and makes the story dangerous enough to be exciting.  

She had her gardening group come ahead of her and Pru has picked up some comments from them that show jealousy, envy, and other base emotions.  When she figures out one of them was her half-sister, she wonders how well they got along.  When she comes up with the reason for the death, she comes very close to death herself.  Who would have guessed such an oddball character could be deadly?

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