Monday, July 25, 2016

A Deadly Affection by Cuyler Overholt

Genevieve has become a doctor as her father wished.  However, she's specializing in psychology and her father would have preferred a medical doctor degree.  He's willing to let her try, though.  He just doesn't understand how far she is willing to go to help her patients.

Sourcebooks Landmark and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 6th.

This is a Victorian mystery and the first in a new series.  The author gets very detailed in descriptions of the past as well as the present.  It read a bit slowly but it was interesting and kept me going.  One thing that happens as Genevieve tries to prove her patient did not kill the doctor is that everyone lies when it's convenient.  It could be to protect her, to save her being hurt, or because it benefits them but she can't even trust her own father.

The women she's seeing are all women suffering physical illnesses from caused by traumatic situations.  This can range from a crib death, to sudden death of a spouse, or loss of a parent.  The ladies get so upset they start having physical symptoms.  She hopes to discuss the issues of mental health and resolve their physical well being.  She tells them it's okay if they are angry.  One asks if it's okay to be happy because an ill person has died.  Caretakers tend to feel guilty because in some cases they welcome death.  While she tries to help them, she's also working on the murder case of her patient.  She doesn't believe she did it, but she's afraid she might have.

The case is complicated.  The policeman doesn't want to listen to her, he has his suspect.  When she goes to court to see if they charge her, she finds an old flame in court.  He's there to take responsibility of some young boys and offer them jobs.  She feels a spark of interest in him.  She also needs his help.

When she visits with him, she begins uncovering lies her father told her.  She also finds her patient has some secrets.  The further she goes in the investigation, the more complex the case gets.

Genevieve is no young girl but she still has a lot of growing up to do.  She does in this story.  She even defies her father and society by telling the truth to a victim that has no clue about her condition.

I could never have lived in Victorian times.  They would have shunned me and left me out of social events.  I don't think I would have minded that...

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