Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Grandma Found A Gecko by Vincent F. A. Golphin, James P. Cottage (Illustrator)

Here's a cute tale about a Gecko who liked Grandma.  The only problem was that Grandma didn't like the Gecko...

The author shared a copy of his book with me for review (thank you).  You can find a copy on Amazon now.

It all starts when Grandma puts her shoe on and the Gecko was hiding there.  She runs around the house and then outside where she's yelling about it.  She won't calm down and take care of it, she wants someone else to fix it.

When they finally get her shoe off the Gecko escapes.  Unfortunately, he's still fond of Grandma and runs up her arm and down her blouse and into her skirt.  I'm glad she went inside, I was afraid she was going to strip down nude outside!  She's shedding clothes and Grandpa looks outside.  Guess who he sees out there?  Yep, it's a grinning Gecko.

Next time, Grandma better check her shoe before she puts it on!

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