Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Female Detective: A British Library Crime Classic by Andrew Forrester

This was written in 1846 and is about a woman detective.  As you can guess, she wasn't supposed to be doing something like that.  Women had their place and detecting wasn't it.  However, she listened about as well as I do and set out to solve cases despite that!

Poisoned Pen Press and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published August 2nd.

The short stories are tales of Victorian life and I found them a bit dry and boring.  It takes an overabundance of words to tell a tale in that time period.  The female character is unusual enough and brave enough to keep your interest though.  She even does undercover work.

My favorite tale was the last in the book titled  "The Mystery."  I also liked the one where she determines the heir is an imposter and tells the rightful owner the truth.  She's sorry she did and it looks like well-meaning family will go to jail, but it turns out alright in the end.  She tries hard to do justice, but she's human.  When the no-good man will win with her testimony it bothers her.

Matters of crime, morals, justice and life in general are discussed in this collection of eight stories.  I found them interesting from a historical perspective.  I'd never have made it during Victorian times and it's interesting to see how the characters use their restrictions to get things done.

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