Monday, July 4, 2016

Final Act: A Lambert & Hook Police Procedural by J.M. Gregson

Hook was not at all excited about being part of a television program.  They want him to comment on the imaginary policeman's case and tell the audience if he's doing it like real police, what's abbreviated (police inquiries), and more.  They want real insight on police work.  He tells them there are times it's boring.  It's not boring on the set.  The man with all the money and obnoxious manners is found dead in his tailer...

Severn House and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published the first of September.

It seems no one really regrets the death of the producer.  He liked to lord his position over everyone, he blackmailed folks into lower pay, and he despised homosexuals.  Everybody working for him has secrets and he, regrettably, knew them all.  Most everyone was relieved he was dead.  Then there was another death...

The list of suspects is long and almost everyone is lying in some way.  Actors are hard to read because they have practice hiding their own emotions and can lie convincingly.  But someone in the midst is a killer.

As the cops sort, things get a bit clearer but they get messier, too.  The man deserved death as far as the performers were concerned.  It took a TV show on the weekend to give Lambert the clue to who the killer was.  That was a nice touch.  The reason the murders took place is different, too.  This has an ironic ending.

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