Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Geis: A Matter of Life & Death by Alexis Deacon

She's a very well studied girl and is at the meeting because she was invited.  They are there to determine the next chief in the village.  Those who hold high positions think they should get them automatically.  The will from the dead chief states that they must pass a test to win.  They protest but no one listens.  Magic disperses them all over the Kingdom.

Nobrow sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It will be published today, so you can get a copy now.

This is a graphic novel that combines, magic, myth, folktales and more together to tell the tale.

Those that don't return to the castle by dawn will die.  They all have to endure hardships to get there and some give up.  The girl is determined and goes to her father's library to look up information about death magic.  What she finds doesn't encourage her but she's still in castle at dawn.  Even though the prince tried to kill her three times or so.

The graphics are well done, the story is interesting, and there will be more of this story.  Any who survived the first test now has another test coming up...

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