Tuesday, July 19, 2016

This Must Be the Place By Maggie O’Farrell

He should just stay away from women.  Or maybe they should stay away from him.  He's not real lucky in love...

Knopf sent me an ARC of this book to read for review (thank you).  It is being published today.

Daniel starts life with great expectations.  He has a wife and children and a good job and he's happy with life.  Until he finds she's been sleeping with someone else.  Then it's divorce, a custody battle and she won't let him see the children.

His next great love he left behind when he went to his mother's funeral.  He intended to go back but didn't make it.  He did send a letter; she didn't see it.

His second marriage and final love blow up in his face when he finds out his middle love died twenty years ago.  He goes back to the US to see his father (he's living in Italy at the time) and he takes a side trip to the past.  When he tells his current wife about it and admits what actually happens, she's upset with him and leaves, with his other children.  

The book bounces from character to character, from time period to time period, and it made it a bit confusing to read.  There was a lot of detail about his and her previous lives.  It's all drama, trauma, drugs and alcohol, and mixed up and misunderstood emotions.  It takes him a long time to get back to life.  If you enjoy family drama, this book is for you.

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