Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Black Lotus 2 The Vow by K'wan

Kahllah takes it personally when someone murders a cop and then puts a black lotus to be found with him.  That's her trademark and she hasn't killed for a while now.  She'll have to see if she can find the killer.

Akashic Books aent me an ARC of this book to read for review (thank you).  It was published yesterday.

She used to work for the brotherhood but no more.  As she asks questions and is searching for answers, she finds someone is after her, too.  Anybody involved in the pot seems to turn up dead.  Dead people don't answer questions.

This story of full of fights, filled with bad cops, gang members, and people it's almost impossible to stop.  It's an intensive read.  And the ending is a shock to her.  Things aren't always like they seem. 

This is the second book in the series but can be read as a standalone.  There will be more...

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