Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Simmer Down by Sarah Smith

Nikki left her job on the mainland and moved to Maui to help her mother with a food truck.  Her mom and dad were going to do it, but he passed away and her mother couldn't do it alone.  It was going pretty well until she comes to her parking place and finds another food truck there in her spot...

Berkley and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It is being published today.

Nikki tells him he can't park there, it's her spot.  They are free spots and he's not about to move.  In no time at all begins a food truck war.  They make signs that aren't complimentary and hide them around the truck.  They steal supplies.  No one is giving up or giving in.  The biggest surprise is that business picks up.  The customers enjoy the fight.

As time goes on they become friends.  They keep up the act though.  Then they become part of a contest.  Whichever one gets the most votes gets the spot.  But they have to hide their relationship or the contest will be voided.  That's almost impossible because they are falling in love.

Who will win?  Will they ever get to stop hiding their love?  They break up.  Will they get together again?

This was a good romantic tale with all sorts of trouble that settles down at the end.  Will they get together or not?  Read it and see.

1 comment:

Carole said...

My library has it - hurray thanks

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