Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A Shot of Murder by Brenda Gayle

Charley is a newspaper reporter and she enjoys it.  Then her boss invites her in and tells her he's giving her position to a male reporter back from the war.  He wants her to take over the women's page.  She doesn't want to and tells him so.  She says she'll think it over...

This is a Goddess Fish Blog Tour and they and the author shared the book with me (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

Charley's brother was in the service and got held in a prison camp.  Now he is drinking too much.  He goes missing and she goes looking for him.  She finally gets a lead on him from one of the taverns and goes to the house of the lady he left with.  What she finds is murder, the woman is dead.  She knows Freddy didn't do it, so who did and where is Freddy?

She finds no trace of him.  But she meets a Toronto cop who starts looking with her.  It starts getting complicated here.  He's AWOL from the police force, her boyfriend gets mad at her, no one knows the dead woman's real name. and Freddy is still lost.

As they try to make sense out of what they see and hear, it's a long road to Freddy.

Brenda Gayle will be awarding a $30 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.  You can enter HERE.

Encourage your readers to follow the tour and comment; the more they comment, the better their chances of winning. The tour dates can be found HERE.

Happy reading and good luck.


James Robert said...

I appreciate getting to hear about your book. Thank you for sharing your great book!

Brenda Gayle said...

Hi Jo Ann, Thanks so much for hosting me on my book tour today.

Victoria Alexander said...

Sounds like a good book!

Stormy Vixen said...

Sounds like a great book for me to read, thanks for sharing it with me!

Brenda Gayle said...

I want to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who took the time to stop by to check out my new book, A Shot of Murder. And many thanks to Jo Ann & Journey of a Bookseller, too. Stay safe & all the best. <3

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