Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Girl in the Mirror by Rose Carlyle

They are mirror images of each other but they have a dark place in their souls...

William Morrow and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published October 20th.

Iris has been jealous of her twin summer for a long time.  Summer became her parent's favorite and she married Adam and is living happily ever after.  Iris married Noah but got divorced.  She's doing OK but she's jealous of her sister's relationship.

When her father dies, all his money will go to whomever Carmichael has the first baby.  There are a lot of Carmichael's and it creates trouble in the family.

When Samantha invites Iris to take a trip on the sailboat she loves, she says yes.  She thinks Adam will be her crew.  Wrong, Samantha is.

When they begin their trip, all is fine.  Samantha cooks, Iris handles the boat. 

One morning when Iris arises after her night shift, she can't find her sister anywhere.  Reviewing the film she sees her knocked off the boat by the sail.  She looks for her for a week before giving up.  Then she goes back to shore.  Adam assumes she's Samantha and she lets him do that.  Soon she's taken Samantha's life over.  She's happy being Adam's wife and she's soon pregnant.

But her perfect life is about to end.  Samantha comes back, with a gun...  Who is going to die?

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