Thursday, November 21, 2019

Come Homicide or High Water by Denise Swanson

Skye is a school psychologist married to the police chief.  She's working part-time right now because she just had twins but she'll be going back to work shortly.  She teaching a younger woman how to do the same work to cover while she's off.  Then there's going to be a conference with one of the parents.  She goes in and finds the worst principal will be in on the meeting, the other is in the hospital.  The parent wants her child moved to a different teacher.  She thinks she's gifted and should be in advanced classes.  The principal shuts her down rudely and tells her no, so the lady says she'll sue him for how he treated her...

Poisoned Pen Press and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published December 31st.

Then she gets a call from a rough family that has their own section of town.  He needs her help.  When she gets there she finds him upset and worried.  He is afraid of being accused of murder and he just found her dead.  The woman with the lawsuit against the principal is dead.

Not only do they have the murder case, there's a missing woman, too.  They have drug the lake, talked to all the neighbors and the only clue they get is when they see something on the surveillance tapes from the dollar store.  When they do find her it's a surprise.

They think the principal might be the killer but he checks out.  He's the one that got the other man involved.  It's about time for him to resign.

It's also a surprise to find who the killer really is.  Poor Skye is almost another victim...

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