These sheep are adorable. They have the cutest little evil faces you can imagine.
I downloaded this ebook from Net Galley. It was provided by Lerner Publishing. The book will be available a hardcover edition or an Adobe Reader edition in September.
They are like two little rambunctious kids. They live in the valley, but lust for the grass in the meadow on the mountainside. Murphy, the sheepdog, spends most of his time just keeping track of them and working at keeping the whole herd safe.
Just like my little brother was at three, these two sheep can escape whenever Murphy takes his eyes off them.
Now Murphy knows these two can get in trouble fast (earlier books in this series show all their madcap adventures). So he's alert and smart and usually in their face when they try to escape.
But, one day, they make it to the forest and hide. And when they head for the meadow, they run into another dog-like creature, but it's not Murphy...
This is the first of this series that I've read, but I really enjoyed it. It would make a lovely picture book with the colorful illustrations. And what child wouldn't want to watch the sheep try to hide from Murphy? They'll laugh at their antics!
Look for a copy in your local bookstore in September, or download it and read it on your ereader. Little ones will want to read it more than once, so be forewarned.
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