Monday, August 23, 2021

Cutthroat Dogs : An Amos Walker Mystery by Loren D. Estleman, Series: Amos Walker Novels (#29)

Amos is at the bank waiting for his turn with the teller.  The guy ahead of him pulls a gun and demands cash.  Amos draws his gun and shoots him near the knee.  Soon the cops take him away.

Forge Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 28th.

When Amos gets a call from the teller, he agrees to meet with her.  He thinks she wants to thank him, but what she wants do is hire him.  He brother is in prison for murder and she insists he's innocent.  Amos says he'll look the case over and if he has doubt, he'll take the case.

This turns into quite a case with folks trying to kill Amos, liars in several places, and an attempt to kill the man in prison.

Will Amos be able to dig through the files, talk to people, and finally get to the truth?

He does and the man involved will surprise you...

1 comment:

Carole said...

thanks for adding this. Cheers

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