Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Nottingham by David Hazan, Chris Fernandez, Brian Hawkins, Shane Connery Volk, Luca Romano

This is a graphic novel.  The blood shows up real good.

Mad Cave Studios and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you)  It will be published October 5th.

This is a look behind the scenes of Hood and his Merry Men.  Little John is not very little, you don't learn who Hood is until the end and there will be more to this series.

You learn the backstory and you find that no one is all good.  They all have some bad habits.

The illustrations add to the story.  This was an interesting read.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Murder in an Orchard Cemetery by Cora Harrison

Sister is surprised to hear the sound of a bomb outside the convent.  She was on retreat and not fond of political candidates being there as well.  Now one of them was dead.

Canongate and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 7th.

The body was in pieces but they knew who he was.  Was it the IRA?  Who killed him?

The sisters work on trying to make sense of it.  It was a homemade bomb and they learned how it was done.

Every path taken ends up being a dead end.  Then his daughter who has diphtheria and is a nun confesses.  Is it the truth? 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Writing a Wrong by Betty Hechtman

Veronica writes many things.  She teaches a writing class.  She will create love letters for you.  But she never imagined finding one of her customers dead!

Canongate Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 7th.

She finds that he has given her a false name.  He used her letters with various women.  He was a con man and stole their money.  So who killed him?

He wasn't a nice man and he messed with a lot of ladies.  The cops think he got killed during a burglary but Veronica thinks there is more to it than that. 

She keeps asking questions and snooping and then she eventually closes in on the killer...

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Murder at Standing Stone Manor by Eric Brown

Donald and Maria have moved to the country to get away from the hustle and bustle of the City.  They love their new home and the friendly neighbors.  Some of the neighbors are not so nice but they can stay away from them.  Then they find the professor out by the Standing Rock, dead.

Canongate Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).This book will be published September 7th.

As they try to make sense of this murder, it involves two families.  Most of them don't get along so well.

Between jealousy, grudges over past indiscretion, and attempted murder, this small town is a hotpot of anxieties.  There are ex-wives, unknown fathers, and very selfish people all involved.  It's a mess.  But somehow they get confessions for the crimes.  Just listening, being nice, and encouragement was all the non-cops needed.

Friday, August 27, 2021

An Untidy Death by Simon Brett

Ellen helps people get rid of what they need anymore.  Some are hoarders, some have grown old and don't need all they have.  Whatever the reason, she'll help them.

Severn House and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 7th.

She goes to meet with a woman whose daughter hired her.  She has an orderly mess and says she's fine with it.  Ellen stays and visits because she was a journalist and has lots of tales to tell.

Ellen is stricken when she hears the lady died in a fire.  But it's no accident...

As Ellen digs into the past, she meets all kinds of people.  Even the man that became a father but didn't know it for years.

I was surprised by the killer.  Will you be?

Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Glitter End by Vivian Conroy, Series: Stationery Shop Mystery

Delta is living in a small town where everybody knows everybody else.  Things are going along nicely until she finds the dead body...

Poisoned Pen Press and Edelweiss allowed me to read this story for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 28th.

Delta and her partner, Hazel, ask a miniature artist to show off her display in their store.  When it gets there it's a lot bigger than expected, but they put it in place anyway.

The dead man was seen arguing with the miniature artist.  Turns out that he was her husband.  They didn't live together.

He was guilty of running a pyramid scheme and everyone thinks his wife knows where the money was hidden.  Not true.

Delta and her boyfriend work on solving the case.  He's no longer a cop but he can still get useful information.

The killer is a surprise.  And he's not through killing yet... 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Beasts and Beauty : Dangerous Tales by Soman Chainani, Julia Iredale (Illustrated by)

This is an anthology of twelve fairy tales.  The author takes the standard fairy tale and creates another ending.

Harper Collins and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 21st.

These endings are interesting.  They are not happy every after and some almost scary.  This author has quite the imagination and he makes the ending meld with the original.

It was fun looking at how he changed them.  I enjoyed this read.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Marked Man : A Joe Gunther Novel by Archer Mayor, Series: Joe Gunther Series (#32)

This is a tale of the old time MOB bosses and how one man made a killing away from them.  He owned a huge warehouse he's refurbished and his whole family lived there.

Minotaur Books and Edelweiss allowed me to read the one for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 28th.

It all starts when the man who created this new world for his family dies.  They think he's died from old age.  The autopsy shows he was murdered.

As they try to learn who would do such a thing, two more people are killed.  Neither of them were accidents.

You get journalist, cops and more looking for answers.  What they find out is that they slept around, many are related that don't know it, and the excess of money that now is up for grabs makes it even more complicated.

Nobody is very sweet in this story.  There are three killers.  And it's a hunt to the end.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Cutthroat Dogs : An Amos Walker Mystery by Loren D. Estleman, Series: Amos Walker Novels (#29)

Amos is at the bank waiting for his turn with the teller.  The guy ahead of him pulls a gun and demands cash.  Amos draws his gun and shoots him near the knee.  Soon the cops take him away.

Forge Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 28th.

When Amos gets a call from the teller, he agrees to meet with her.  He thinks she wants to thank him, but what she wants do is hire him.  He brother is in prison for murder and she insists he's innocent.  Amos says he'll look the case over and if he has doubt, he'll take the case.

This turns into quite a case with folks trying to kill Amos, liars in several places, and an attempt to kill the man in prison.

Will Amos be able to dig through the files, talk to people, and finally get to the truth?

He does and the man involved will surprise you...

Sunday, August 22, 2021

A Perfect Bind by Dorothy St. James, Series: A Beloved Bookroom Mystery (#2)

They updated the library she worked and removed all the books.  She started boxing the ones she wanted to keep.  She knew the basement had a large room she could hide them in.

Berkley and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 28th.

She doesn't tell the head librarian what she has done and anyone who wanted to use the library had to keep it a secret.  She carried books in a tote around town and checked them out.  

All was going well until someone got killed in the alley.  Then someone started knocking books off the shelves.  

She is trying to find out who the killer is and who is trashing her books.  That works OK until she starts getting threats.  Can she find the truth before she gets hurt?

This was a good read.  She has a romance trying to develop and he tries to keep her safe.

There is an exciting ending for you, too.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Moscow Affair : A Nicole Graves Mystery by Nancy Boyarsky

She's a private investigator until her boss promotes her to office manager.  She doesn't like her new job so when another opportunity pops up, she accepts it.

Light Messages Publishing and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 21st.

She's going to take a cruise and observe some people the government has interest in.  She has vacation coming and she thinks this might be the work of her boyfriend, so she says yes.  She's taking a cruise to Russia.

She's only been on the boat for a day when another woman asks to sit at her table at dinner.  She says yes and then can't get rid of her!  She's not a bad person but she seems to be mixed up with the folks she's watching.

As she observes them, she sees them throw one of the group off the boat.  He drowns.  She wonders what she's gotten in to...

It gets more and more dangerous the further the trip goes.  She witnesses a plan to bomb Putin.  Things get real serious and there is one cop that thinks she's involved.  Then her boyfriend shows up.  He's part of M16.

You aren't sure who is going to live and die as the story goes on.  

It sure holds your attention.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Echoes of the Dead : A Special Tracking Unit Novel by Spencer Kope, Series: Special Tracking Unit (#4)

A group of four men go on a fishing trip.  They do this often so no one thought anything about it until they didn't call when they said they would.  They are missing, including the SUV they went up in.  Soon multiple agencies are looking for them.

Minotaur Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 21st.

Everybody is looking for them but there aren't many clues.  They begin to look into their background trying to find something in common.

When they begin to find to find the men, the first two are dead.  The next one was seriously injured.  And they still haven't located the congressman.

This started years ago and the killer holds a grudge.  He has something special planned for the congressman.

Will they find him in time?

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Big Panda and Tiny Dragon by James Norbury

This is a very cute book that will easily teach children how to be friends and the Big Panda is full of wise advice.

Mandala Publishing and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 21st.

The illustrations are sweet.  The Tiny Dragon has all kinds of questions, and the Big Panda shares his thoughts with him.  They make a great pair and have fun, even if they get lost.

This is a very nice children's book.  It's peaceful and good reading.  I might even buy me one for my personal library...

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Farewell Blues by Maggie Robinson: Series: Lady Adelaide Mysteries

Addie's mother is accused of murder.  She found her friend dead on the floor and picked up the gun.  The cops found there and are sure she's the killer.  Addie knows she's not.  Now how to prove it.

Poisoned Pen Press and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 14th.

The crowd that Addie runs with is all high toned elite.  When one of them wishes to marry a black person it becomes a point of contention.  This has nothing to do with the murder but it adds to the drama.

Addie's mom hires a cop to prove her innocence.  He's attracted to Addie and she is attracted to him.  If they are going to find the killer, they have to set that aside.

They know it has to be a member of the family or a servant because no one else was around.  But which one?

Addie asks questions as well as her cop friend.  Then something happens which breaks the case open.  If they can just stay alive long enough to take the killer down...

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Egg Marks the Spot (Skunk and Badger 2) by Amy Timberlake, Jon Klassen (Illustrated by) Series: Skunk and Badger

This was a fun read.  Skunk and Badger are friends.  They do things together.  In this tale, Badger is trying to get his agate back from his cousin who stole it.

Algonquin Young Readers and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 14th.

Badger and Skunk have chicken friends.  His cousin has rats.  When they find a cave that has amber and a surprise, the cousin is there to try to steal the surprise.

With rats and chickens fighting and part of the amber removed, the surprise wakes up.  Then things get really interesting.

This is the first book in this series that I have read.  I'll be watching for the next one.  Skunk and Badger make a good team.

Monday, August 16, 2021

The Best Short Stories 2021 THE O. HENRY PRIZE WINNERS Edited by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Series edited by Jenny Minton Quigley

This is an anthology of short stories from around the world.  There are a lot of black stories offered.  The stories are varied and have all kinds of endings.

Anchor and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 14th.

It was fascinating to see how the writers wrote a bit differently for whatever location they were in.

The stories are unique.  Some are about love, some about trying to stay alive, some are just about everyday things.

I don't have a favorite story, they all were interesting.  There are a lot of stories so you'll be busy reading for a while.  You won't get bored...

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Force of Fire by Sayantani Dasgupta

This tale is a fantasy that is scary and has a fight over the kingdom.  The snakes are trying to take over the world.

Scholastic Press sent me an ARC of this book to read for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

Pinki is a rakkhosh resister.  Her mother and father are both dead and she takes care of her cousins.  One is quite small and can't speak.  The snakes have stolen her voice...

Pinki has horns but she has learned to transform her looks into a human.  This is a useful tool for the snooping she's doing.

There's a battle going on through the whole book.  You're not sure who is going to win until the very end, and I'm sure there is going to be another book in this series.

It's a bit scary, everyone has special powers, friends come and go.  Don't let a young one read this.  You have to be able to get past the bad happenings.

This author has a good imagination.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

The Inheritance of Orquidea Divina by Zoraida Cordova

This is a story of a family from Ecuador.  It's also a story about magic.

Atria Books sent me an ARE copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 7th.

You learn about Grandma's life in Ecuador as a child and about the rest of the family as well.  But there are a lot of secrets that don't get told.

As the family members begin dying off, the family goes looking for more facts.  What they find is scary and odd.  

This was a very different read.  It kept my attention because you never know what's coming up next.  If you like fantasy, you should like this book.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Forgotten in Death : An Eve Dallas Novel by J. D. Robb - Series: In Death (#53)

Eve is back again and this time she has three murders to solve...

St. Martin's Press and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 7th.

The first victim is found in a dumpster.  She appears to be homeless, and they have no idea who killed her.  Then, while she's looking that site over, she's summoned to another body.  This one has been dead for years and the fetus she was carrying died, too.  She was buried in a building hidden behind walls.

Eve starts with the first body and sorts through her life.  There's a reason she ran and it eventually shows up in Eve's investigation.

The body that's almost 40 years since death has been shot.  The building belongs to a monied family and they wonder which one killed her.

If that isn't enough, they find a man hanging in his apartment.  Eve went to ask him questions but it's too late.  Then they see that he was hit with a syringe  and someone else hung him.  Who would do that?

With lots of questions, help from her husband and staff, Eve finally interviews her suspects and gets confessions.

This is very busy police procedural where facts, lies and other evidence need to be sorted out.

Eve is always a good read.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Port of London Murders by Josephine Bell, Series: British Library Crime Classics

This is an intriguing read.  There are many different characters, many schemes going on, and even murders.

Poisoned Pen Press and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 7th.

It all starts when it's so foggy no one can see where they going on the water.  Some barges get broken off the boat and some of the packages go in the water.  Those packages held pieces of rubber and even some nightgowns.

They have problems with drugs in this seaside town.  The cops watch carefully to see if they can figure out how they get transported.

One character is a young boy.  Another is a beautiful girl.  She has two suitors.  One is good and one is bad.

A cop disappears, they presume he is dead.  They find dead bodies here and there, even one of the doctors.  Will they find out who supplying the drugs?  Will they be able to stop this person?

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Necklace by Matt Witten

They were a very happy family until one day the daughter is killed by some monster.  It was an ugly death.  It came about because her grandmother was supposed to pick her up at school, but left a message she couldn't do it after the girl's mother had gone to work.  The child never made it home.

Oceanview publishing and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 7th.

They find a suspect and take him to trial.  He had confessed to killing her.  But he insisted it was from too many questions through the night with no breaks.  Never the less, he was found guilty and the mother asked for the death penalty and got it.

Twenty years later they are getting ready for the execution.  And the mother has remembered little things that her husband did.  He might be the killer.

As she tries to find proof and tries to save the man on death row, time is running out.  Will she be able to prove it in time?

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Missing Piece by John Lescroart

A man was put in jail for raping and killing a young woman.  11 years later, another man confesses and his DNA is found to match.  The man is only out of jail for a couple of weeks when he is killed.  They think the father of the girl did it but suddenly he's dead too.  Who is killing them?

Cops and private investigators look for clues.  More people have died in the program that resulted in the death in their town.  As they look, they find that whoever did it left no clues.

They question several people and seem to get no where.  But the private eye suddenly thinks he knows who did it.  He sets a trap for him with the help of a woman.  If he's right, it's very dangerous.  But he could be wrong.

Will he live or die?

Canyonlands Carnage by Scott Graham, Series: National Park Mystery Series

They are going whitewater rafting.  Everyone is experienced for the most part.  But it's not as fun as it should be because members of the party start showing up dead.  Who is killing them and why?

Torry House Press and Edelweiss Let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 7th.

The first one to die is their most experienced host.  They think he died from natural causes until Clarence says he thinks he was murdered.  Then a woman guide dies from a rock hitting her head.  Chuck checks it out and concludes that was murder, too.  Then Leon is pushed off a canyon wall and breaks his neck.  The man he was fighting with said he was trying to kill him.

It gets worse when Chuck's family shows up.  They came to give him a warning from the Indian they know.  Chuck is afraid one of them might become the next victim and he and Clarence protect them through the night.  They would have gone back home but all the truck tires were slashed.

The next day, Chuck figures out who the killer is.  Will he be able to stop him?

Monday, August 9, 2021

Last Viking, The : The True Story of King Harald Hardrada by Don Hollway

This is a book of war.  You learn about the boy who grows into a man but mostly all the Vikings did was fight.

Osprey Publishing and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 7th.

This man didn't get to be King for a long time, but he managed to get married and have children.  He had more than one wife.  The first one only had girls and he needed a son to inherit.

They do terrible things to their prisoners.  They fight with swords and axes.  This is combat up close and personal and everybody gets injured somehow.

This set in the 1040's on.  No modern devices just strength and anger are their weapons.  Even if they were friends before some slight can make them enemies.  If they aren't punished immediately, they go on the enemy list.

All the brave ones seem to die but they don't mind because they died with honor.

It seems the wars never ended in that era.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

An Illustrated Collection of Fairy Tales for Brave Children Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Scott Plumbe (Illustrator)

This is a collection of fairy tales that include several by the Brothers Grimm.  They pulled no punches in their tales.  There's a lesson to be learned in each.

Floris Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 7th.

The illustrations are just lovely and add a lot to the story.  These are classical stories but it's like a breath of fresh air with the illustrations.

You may need to explain a few things to your child so they understand what is going on.  

The best thing to do is to read the book together the first time.  I'm sure your child will want to read it again many times.

This would make a great present.  I enjoyed it, why don't you try it?

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Once Upon a Camel by Kathi Appelt, Eric Rohmann (Illustrated by)

This is an interesting tale of a camel that is friends with two kestrels.  They give her the chicks to carry on her head and keep them safe.

Antheneum and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 7th.

The camels are taught to race and do quite well at it.  The royal Pasha of Smyrna, makes them a gift and soon they are taken to Texas.  That's where she meets the kestrels.  And it's also where a bad sand storm separates everyone.

The mom and pop kestrels get separated.  The camel and the two baby birds head for shelter.  They even get to meet the mountain lion who lives there.

Will they be able to find their mom and dad?  What will happen to the camel?

Friday, August 6, 2021

Pax Journey Home by Sara Pennypacker, Jon Klassen (Illustrated by)

As a boy, Peter took in a baby fox and raised him.  Pax was wonderful but as things happened in the boy's life, he took him into the woods, threw his toy, and sneaked away.

Balzer + Bray and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 7th.

Pax finds himself a mate and they have a family.  The water they are drinking isn't healthy for them and it really affects the babies.   Peter has joined the crew that is cleaning the water up.

Peter has lost both his mother and father.  He's a teen but he still wants to go home.  He doesn't realize that Pax is there with the worst of the babies.  He enjoys playing with Pax but he's not enthused about raising another fox baby.  However he takes the poor thing in.

Both Peter and Pax have lost parts of their families.  Despite that, it's a fun book to read and there might be more to the story yet...

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Tales of the Mushroom Folk by Polly Lawson (Translated by) Signe Aspelin

This is a cute children's book.  It show families of mushrooms and will introduce your child to them.

Floris Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 7th.

The illustrations show the shape of the mushrooms and the children are smaller versions of it.  The author gives you details on how they grow.  Some smell bad.

The back of the book shows you which ones are safe for eating.  Not many are, so be careful.  Teaching your children about them is good but don't let them touch the poisonous ones!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Last Chance Library by Freya Sampson

June loves her library and the people she knows.  But she's shy and almost dies when she has to speak in front of a crowd.  Her mother ran the library before her so she has lots of memories.

Berkley and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on August 31st.

June has not traveled far from her hometown but she's content.  Then she learns that the council is planning to shut down several libraries and hers is one of them.

There are protests, they even take over the library by occupying it.  But it doesn't matter.  After the activities she's participated in, June gets brave enough to tell her suspicions to everyone.  Unfortunately that happens at a wedding.  It creates a big disturbance and that's when June realizes her boss didn't know her husband's plans.

It turns into a real mess but it does get straightened out.  It's not all sweetness and light but neither is life...

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Midnight Lock by Jeffery Deaver

Amelia and Lincoln are back but they aren't having an easy time of it.

GP Putnam's Sons and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published November 30th.

Women wake up the next morning and realize someone had been there while they were sleeping.  The person takes a pair of their panties and one of the kitchen knives.  They advise the cops but no one knows who it was.  The person avoids cameras and leaves no trace behind.

However, Lincoln and Amelia are very good at forensic work and find tell tale signs.  

The mayor is being pressured by his opponent and he removes everybody from the investigation.  This isn't normal.  But there is someone in the office who is a mole.  They eventually find him.  And they find the killer and more.

Will that be enough to get Lincoln and Amelia and the others be reinstated?

Partners in Lime by Bree Baker, Series: Seaside Café Mysteries

Everly has her tea shop running fine and she enjoys her detective boyfriend. She just has one bad habit, she gets involved in murders.  She says it's to help him but she likes solving mysteries.  If only it wasn't so dangerous...

Poisoned Pen Press and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published August 31st.

There's a new guy in town who is a surfing champion.  He's not the nicest person but he enjoys being No. 1.  Then they find him dead with an arrow in his back.  That means the cop suspects Matt who uses a crossbow and had argued with him the night before.  Everly knows he didn't do it so she starts asking questions.  Her boyfriend tries to make her stop but to no avail.

She gets a warning from the killer to stop looking but she doesn't listen to him either.   As time goes on the threats increase in intensity.  

Then when she's alone, she finds out who the killer is and he kidnaps her.  Will she survive?

Monday, August 2, 2021

Where I Left Her by Amber Garza

Whitney goes to pick up her daughter from a sleepover, but the people in the house now are older and know nothing about her...

Mira and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you). It will be published August 24th.

This book is all drama and many untruths.  Things are explained as you go along and then you find out it was not true.

Whitney is the mom and she searches for her child.  It seems that everything can go wrong does.  There is tension, and no one is really a friend.  

It keeps your attention because you want to see where it goes next.  The ending is is the final truth and it's not very nice.  If you want happy ever after, you won't find it here.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Darkness Knows by Arnaldur Indridason

They found a missing person who had been gone for 30 years.  He was frozen solid but they could tell that was not why he died.

Minotaur Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on August 17th.

Konrad is a retired policeman but this had been his case, so he starts snooping around.  There are several suspects and some will talk and some won't.  They have a man in jail but Konrad doesn't think he did it.

This is a long investigation with pieces of enlightenment here and there.  Now if he can join things together maybe he can get to the truth.

He needs to protect himself, too.  Not all these suspects are nice.  

It takes quite a while but he finally gets to the truth...

Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Evonne Wareham

Everyone has secrets. Some are stranger than others. Madison Albi is a scientist with a very special talent – for reading minds. When she s...