Saturday, December 21, 2019

Things in Jars by Jess Kidd

Bridie Devine investigates crimes.  When she's asked to find a missing child of a doctor's, she's willing.  She has no idea how macabre the case will become before the end...

Atria Books sent me an ARC of this story to read for review (thank you).  It will be published February 4th.

This is a combination fantasy and horror story.  It's about oddities in the world, many of them human, that were shown in freak shows or museums or gathered by collectors.  

The doctor says his daughter is odd, but he won't say why.  She tries to talk to staff, but they don't have much to say.  How do you know who you are looking for with no description?

It doesn't take long before she figures out who took her.  The current nanny and the doctor who cared for her are the culprits but running them down isn't easy.

Bridie gets beaten up at home.  The doctor who stole the child has his head delivered to Bridie.  She still keeps looking.  She visits the local circus coming to town.  He intends to acquire the child but hasn't yet.

As Bridie keeps hunting, she has a ghost to keep her company.  Having an invisible set of eyes and ears is handy.

She finally decides to go retrieve the girl.  She takes her 7' tall housekeeper along with her.  It's just as well.  The men of the household are killers...

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