Friday, July 31, 2015

Drape Expectations by Karen Rose Smith

Caprice has family problems, boyfriend problems, and a murder to solve.  She's trying not to get involved but Ace was going to marry the victim and he wants her to find out who killed her.  As you can guess, the cops aren't happy about that...

Kensington Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It was published July 28th, so you can grab a copy now.  This is the fourth in the series and the best one yet.

The more Caprice tries to find out about Alanna, the more she realizes she was hiding something.  She's not sure what, so she keeps digging.  After all, she was staging Alanna's house for selling and she'd worked with her.  She didn't like her and it seems most folks didn't.  She was a widow, had no children and only one sister.  There was a son from an affair her husband had in the past but Caprice was sure he wasn't the murderer, just like Ace wasn't.  What could motivate someone enough to kill?

Caprice goes home for the family dinner on Sunday and picks up the tension as soon as she opens the door.  Her estranged Uncle has come home.  After rejecting the family for his new wife, he no longer has a wife and is trying to come home.  Her father is letting him stay but Nana is very upset.  He betrayed her and he hasn't apologized.  When Nana ends up in the hospital, Caprice talks to them both.  She's not sure that's going to help.

Her long distance boyfriend, Seth, is still fun and she still loves him, but can she live with the cancellations of dates, meals, and plans that come with doctor's work?  Does she want to follow him from one hospital to another on his career path?  Does she want to leave the comfort of her friends and family?  And how has Grant gotten so important to her?

All in all, Caprice is very busy in this book.  It was a good murder mystery as well as a good romance.  I'm ready to read the next one and see what new challenges Caprice finds!

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