Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Broken Spine by Dorothy St. James

Tru can't believe that they are going to get rid of all the books in the library and turn it into an electronic heaven or hell depending on how you look at it.  The books are all boxed up following the town manager's instructions.

Berkley and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published January 19th.

Tru comes up with a plan.  She'll take a mix of books down to the basement and checked them out there to those that won't give it away.  She also fills up a tote and takes books to them.  But only those in on her plot know about it, nobody else.  It's a secret.

When she works in the basement she hears a loud noise on the floor above.  She goes to see what it was and finds the town manager under a book rack.  He's dead.  It doesn't take long to find out it was no accident,  Someone had removed the screws that held it in place.  Someone murdered him.

There are a lot of suspects.  Books matter to some people (like me).  The cops investigate and the suspect list starts to go down.  Tru doesn't believe they have the right person.  She works hard on  it, even suspecting some of her friends along the way.

She finally thinks she's got the right person but she never expected to get caught in the basement with him.  Will she survive?

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