Saturday, December 5, 2020

Sisterhood of the Infamous by Jane Rosenberg LaForge

This is the story of two sisters who really can't relate to each other.  The whole family is dysfunctional so that's not a surprise.

The author sent me a copy to read for review (thank you).  It will be published February 23rd.

Barbara is a very petite woman that wants to be part of a famous band.  She creates her own band and they perform a few gigs, but when she meets Jasmine she wants to be part of her tour.  Jasmine is a popular pop singer.  The worst part is that Barbara falls in love with her.  It's a mutual attraction and they enjoy each other's company but after so long, Jasmine says she wants out.  Barbara is too clingy and makes her feel burdened.

Barbara's sister gets married and starts a family.  Barbara was always smarter than her.  After being dumped by Jasmine, she doesn't want another relationship.  But she thinks her sister took the easy way out.

This is not a happy story.  Barbara comes down with cancer and her sister goes to visit.  Not much is said but the memories from the past are still alive.  Then they hear Jasmine was murdered.  The reporters fill the driveway trying to get information about Barbara but they are turned away.

Who killed Jasmine?  How much longer will Barbara live?  

If you like emotion driven characters, you will like this book.  I felt bad for Barbara.  She wanted fame and fortune but it passed her by.

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