Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Trail of the Dead (Killer of Enemies #2) by Joseph Bruchac

She's on the run, just like her ancestor of many years before that she's named for.  She has a handful of people with her but they seem to think she knows what to do.  Lozen is as lost as they are but she's willing to lead them to a place she thinks she is safe where they can recuperate and rest as long as they need to.  At least, they will if they live long enough to get there...

Lee & Low Books sent me an ARC of this book for review (thank you).  It will be published this month.  If you haven't had the chance to read the first in this series, you should.  It was very good and sets the scene for what is going on in Book 2.

This is an apocalyptic world where mad scientists made monsters created monsters, the rich and immortal killed the poor, and it's hard to survive outside cities.  Lozen remembers the tales her father and uncle used to share around the campfires at night.  She feels a lot like those first ancestors visiting new places and trying to find a place they could live in peace.  As was then, it's not easy to do when you have enemies.

Mr. Buchac works Indian history and myth into his stories as well with fantastic monsters and a human killer who is also a monster.  Staying alive is hard.  Living with what you have to do to stay alive is even worse.

I live in the area where Geronimo roamed.  As the author described certain roads and trails, I recognized them.  It made the story even more real to me.  This is a cross between a history lesson and a tale of woe with a hopeful ending.  I enjoyed the read and would read more by this author.

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