Wednesday, September 9, 2015

THE MISER'S DREAM: An Eli Marks Mystery #3 by John Gaspard

Eli Mark is a magician.  He thought he was a pretty good one until he saw Quinton perform.  After watching him, he feels like he's a hack.  And if that wasn't bad enough, Quinton is flirting with his girlfriend and she might be flirting back.  As if that wasn't enough, he goes home, looks out the window, and sees a dead body in the projection room of the movie house next door...

Henery Press and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published October 27th.

Eli calls it in.  The cops know him and aren't very happy he's found another body.  The lady who runs the theater didn't know how it happened.  Neither does anyone else.  However, there was a goodly sum of money in an envelope and a missing movie.  Could that be a clue?

Magic shows continue, Uncle Harry has a love interest, and Eli is still jealous.  The lady next door is giving him the eye, but he doesn't need more complications.  He's also trying to figure out the murder because his strange friend has asked him to.  This "friend" is more threatening than friendly but Eli wants to know what happened too.  

As it is, both magician's think they have the solution.  Quinton tells his solution and tries to show how it would work to no avail.  So Eli then takes the stage and tells his story...

This is a well-done mystery.  I enjoyed the magic trick discussion and it was a kick to see Uncle Harry decide to get married.  Maybe in another book or two, Eli might, too.

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