Sunday, April 25, 2021

Secondhand Dogs by Carolyn Crimi

Miss Lottie took in dogs because she hated living alone.  The dogs became her family.  They all got along well and had fun together.  Then she adopted another...

Balzer & Bray and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on July 6th.

This is written for young readers but the dogs don't all get along so make sure they are old enough to understand.

The new dog is big and acts like a bully.  He wants the woman all to himself, so he starts trying to drive off  the other dogs.  He lies to the pug and sends him off to find his owner.  No one has been brave enough to tell him his owner died.

Then a dog search party goes out looking for the lost dog.  The big dog likes that because he got rid of them, too.

Lottie and the neighbor kid go out looking for the dogs with no luck.  When the dogs find the pug, they head back to the house.  The young man feels them out there and lets them in.  But the war isn't over yet.

Will the big dog win or will Gus?

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