Monday, January 11, 2021

Savage Road: A Thriller (Hayley Chill Thriller #2) by Chris Hauty

The US is being attacked by cyber specialists.  It begins as TV stations go down, then a train crashes, and it's going on from there.  They think the man doing the damage might be from Russia.

Emily Bestler Books sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It has been published so you can get a copy of it now.

This is a complex story about the white house and the moles that are planted there.  Hayley knows the president is one.  Her job is turn him and give information up that could help the US.  There are more.  It's hard to tell who is and who isn't.  There were more moles than I expected in this story.

Hayley knows who one of them is but they don't want her going after him...  One thing about Hayley, she's dangerous.  She ends up taking out two of the moles and a couple secret service agents.

Things shift often in the story and it's hard to tell who is doing what.  Everyone keeps secrets.

This story is almost scary because it's so realistic.  I doubt there is any government who doesn't have a mole or a spy in it.

The story keeps you glued to it.  It's intense and it's a good read.

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