Sunday, January 3, 2021

Best Laid Plans by Gwen Florio

Nora and her husband Joe have both been let go from their jobs.  They decide to sell their house and get an Airstream trailer and see the country.  Nora was really excited about it until she caught her husband with a friend of hers in her home.  She gets a few things together and leaves without Joe...

Severn House and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published February 2nd. 

She's driving a big pickup with the trailer behind and her husband was supposed to be the driver but she manages.  She goes for miles before finding a park she can stay in.  She finds a spot she can drive into and camps.

Then the campground hosts husband goes missing.  They think a bear got him.  But they haven't found anything yet.

Then Nora gets attacked by a man and just barely stays alive.  The sheriff thinks she did the damage to herself.  Then her husband shows up.  He says he'll represent her in her trial.  They are accusing her of killing the missing man.  Then Joe goes missing.

Nora gets attacked again but she defends herself.

There is a lot going on and things get mixed up but somehow Nora makes it out alive.  Others are not so lucky...

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