Friday, July 3, 2020

The Lovely and the Lost by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Kira doesn't remember her mother.  She remembers living in the forest and learning what she could eat and what she could steal from the animals.  It's a nightmare to her and although it was many years ago, she still has bad dreams here and there...

Little, Brown Books for Young Readers and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published August 4th.

When a man comes and asks her foster mother to look for a missing child, Kira wants to do it.  She's stunned when she learns he is her grandfather.  Her brother wants to go, too, and Grandpa finally talks her into it.  She still hasn't forgiven him for the past, but a lost child is more important.

They start the hunt by breaking up  into teams of two.  The little girl was sleeping in her tent but appears to have walked off.  They find where she fell in the river and that's a bad sign.  But then they find where she got out, so she's still alive.

Kira's memories surface during the hunt.  She's made a new friend but the sheriff doesn't like him.  (He's his stepson.)  Then the sheriff takes her and her friend down to the police station.  He shows her a picture of her mother and calls her an animal.  Her grandfather shows up and tells him if he bothers his family again, he'll kill him.  He tells him he's dying anyway, so he has nothing to lose.

They keep looking although hope is running out.  Will they find her?  Who could have stolen her from the tent?  There are more questions and most get answered.

I enjoyed this read.  Kira's instincts and experiences help her with this search.  You feel her anxiety...

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