Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Stardust Dreams by S B Redstone

He's an astronaut.  He's also old and sick, very sick.  He has terminal cancer.  He also has a plan...

S B Redstone and Goddess Fish Blog Tours gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published so you can grab a copy now.

Lance Forrester is going to take a chance.  If he stays on earth, he'll die for sure.  If he blasts into space, freezes himself and meets kind aliens, he'll have a chance to be healed and make some new friends.  It may be crazy but what's the other alternative?  The only thing he needs to acquire before he leaves is a companion.  He had one, another scientist.  But he died before the rocket was ready.  Then Lance reads about a woman who is also on her journey "out" due to illness and he went to school with her.  He visits her and pitches his idea.  She thinks he's nuts.  He leaves her his phone number and goes home to wait and see what happens.

This was an interesting read.  You never really know where the author is going with the story and it doesn't sound like anything I've read before.  (I read a book a day, so that's saying something.)  You have sharp mouthed old lady, an easy going and trusting astronaut and they meet up with an alien culture that lives forever and is bored.  The earth artifacts they bring with them fascinate the aliens and they mimic the humans they see in films or pictures.  

Lance's plans don't all work out but it does have a happy ending.  I prefer those.  I bet you can't predict how this will turn out either.  I sure couldn't.

Here's some info on the author:  Steven Rosenstein, penname S. B. Redstone, had a career as a school psychologist and private practice Licensed Clinical Social Worker on Long Island. Always seeking the truths of human nature, he wrote a personal improvement book, Taming Your Inner & Outer Bullies: Confronting Life’s Stressors And Winning, published by New Horizon Press Books. He has written articles on human nature and relationships, given lectures, and appeared on radio shows. Always having a vivid imagination, he first became a successful writer of short stories.  His mystery thriller, A Sinister Obsession, was published by Black Opal Books. As an expert in the field of human psychology, he has an exceptional ability to develop realistic and exciting characters in his novels. Many of my characters have been taken from his clinical experiences. Stardust Dreams is his first romance novel, although romantic relationships stand out in his other works. He is a member of the International Thriller Writers Org and Romance Writers of America. He resides with his wife in New York and Florida.

Buy his book HERE

S. B. Redstone will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter.  Enter the contest HERE.

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found HERE.  

Happy reading and good luck!


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Steven Rosenstein, LCSW, MS said...

Thank you so much for that wonderful review and I especially thank you for having me as your guest today. I look forward to speaking to your readers and will check back later. Steve

Victoria Alexander said...

Thanks for sharing!

Cali W. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I like the excerpt and cover. :)

S. B. Redstone said...

Thank you for your comment on the excerpt and cover. Jack at Black Opal Books is a wizard. And if you think the excerpt is great, just read the book.


bn100 said...

sounds interesting

Unknown said...

The premise sounds engrossing! Thank you for sharing and for the contest!

Steven Rosenstein, LCSW, MS said...

Hi Betty,

That you for your kind thought. Better than the premise, the story is so realistic you'll imagine you've joined Lance and Sage on their quest for immortality.


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