Monday, June 8, 2015

Huckleberry Harvest by Jennifer Beckstrand

Anna is back on a matchmaker quest and Felty is along for the ride.  Mandy is coming to visit to help her girlfriend sort out her man troubles, not looking for a husband.  Grandma Anna doesn't care.  She starts shopping for a husband...

Zebra Books sent me an ARC of this book to read for review (thank you).  It's being published in June, so check with your local bookstore for a copy.

Mandy goes to the door of the man who betrayed her girlfriend and gives him her glare as she tells him how awful he is for leading the girl on and then dumping her in a text message.  He tells her to get off his property and is not the least bit impressed by glare.  She's taken aback and decides she doesn't like him.  Imagine how surprised she is to find him at her grandparents house the next day doing handyman jobs!

I love this series and have read them all.  This one seemed a bit long to me.  The author carries the trauma further than I would have liked.  Others may find they need that length to resolve their misunderstandings.  The story is good and Mandy's girlfriend is not.  Kristina lies and makes much out of nothing.  Mandy learns this the hard way.  Then Kristina does the same thing to Noah and he realizes how foolish he was almost too late. Even Amish life is not free from human problems.  It's how you deal with that matters.

I don't know how many other family members Anna will be trying to marry off, but I'm not sure if she has enough potholders.  She gives them as gifts to every boy she convinces to come to the house as a prospective partner for her victim.  Oh, I meant grandchild.  She can't cook and she's a bit mortifying as a grandmother but everyone loves her anyway.  If you haven't read any of this series, you should.  It's a fun read.

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