Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Guest List by Lucy Foley

She's thinks she is getting married to a wonderful man and has picked the perfect venue:  an old home on an island.  She's spent a lot of money on her dress and the cake but she can afford it.  He's a TV star and she owns a magazine.  But as perfect as it seems, there are little cracks running through the big picture.

William Morrow sent me an ARC of this book to read for review (thank you).  It will be published on May 5th.

She got a note saying Will was not what he seemed.  She decides to ignore it. But there is truth there.

Will screwed his best buddy by telling the producer of the program he didn't feel he could do it.  Then he tells his best bud they said no, they didn't want him.

He got her half-sister pregnant but he was called Steven then.  Someone else recognizes him as  Steven, too.

They don't tell the bride that, though.

The festivities continue everyone gets drunk, they decide to do a frat joke he avoided in school.  He doesn't appreciate it but he makes it back. Things go on and later in the evening they notice Will is missing.  They find him out on the grounds dead.  Who killed him?

The killer is really ironic.  It's the last person I would have suspected...

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Paradise on the Pike by Sarah Angleton

For fans of Water for Elephants and Devil in the White City, a mystery set in the enchanting world of Hagenbeck's Zoological Paradise on...