Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Tiger's Egg by Nele Brönner

He's a tiger.  What does he do when an egg falls on him?  He protects it and waits for it to hatch.

NorthSouth Books and Net Galley gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can buy a copy now.

This is a sweet story.  When the egg hatches he has this little bird with long legs and feathers that are almost the same color as his fur.  He has to find some insects for the bird which he does.  He even teaches him how to roar, although it's more of a tweet.  That little bird is braver than he should be.  The Tiger has his work cut out for him...

The Train to Impossible Places: A Cursed Delivery by P. G. Bell

Imagine a train trolls run with a bear that fills the boiler.  Now imagine that running through your living room...

Feiwel and Friends and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published October 2nd.

Her parents were asleep on the couch, so she went up to bed by herself.  Then she hears what sounds like a burglar but it's not...

She chats with the engineer, sees the train, and jumps on as a stowaway as it goes by.  She has no idea what kind of adventure she will have.

She's pressed into postal service delivery and her very first delivery is to a wicked woman who has a boy stuck in a snowglobe.  She steals him and runs but the woman follows her trying to recover him.  The boy in the snowglobe lies to her.  In fact, quite a few people lie in this story...

This is a grand adventure with lots of danger and an underlying plot that is not obvious until the end.  It was a very good read with lots of imagination.  I enjoyed it.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Snowy: A Leopard of the High Mountains by Milisava Petkovic, Xuan Loc Xuan

Snowy goes on a walk with Mom and gets lost.  Can he find his way home?

Happy Fox Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you buy a copy now.

The illustrations are sweet and go well with the story.  Snowy has to ask the forest animals to help him home.  They do, each animal teaching him something along the way.  For example, a bunny teaches him how to jump.

It's a cute story and he does make it home.  I enjoyed this read.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Sanity and Tallulah by Molly Brooks

Sanity and Tallulah live on space station and are best friends.  They have no idea how much trouble creating a three headed kitten will get them into.

Disney Hyperion and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this graphic novel (thank you).  It will be published October 23rd.

When the kitten is discovered, it's confiscated.  But it escapes before they can hurt it.  The girls go to find the kitten who has grown large and they find rats chewing wires and drinking a liquid that kills them.  When they discover the vat of liquid is empty, the ship can't run without it.

Their only hope is that Sanity can rewire the engine to use other power...

This graphic novel holds your attention and keeps you reading.  These two girls make quite a team!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Crafter Knits a Clue: A Handcrafted Mystery by Holly Quinn

She is running handcrafters shop where she sells other's goods.  It's fairly successful. She never expected to find the the shop owner next door dead on the floor killed by a knitting needle.

Crooked Lane Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published October 19th. 

As they center on suspects, she knows they didn't do that and she tells the cops that.  They don't listen to her but the suspects are released so maybe she did some good.  She finds the missing matching knitting needle at a yard sale and she knows who the killer is.  Now if she can get out of there alive...

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Aquicorn Cove by Katie O'Neill

She finds a baby Aquicorn that has been injured and she works on making it well.  She doesn't realize that her aunt visited with them in the past.  She was asked to slow the fishing in their area but refused to do it.

Oni Press and Net Galley let me read this book for review.  It will be published the 16th of October.
When her niece visits the cove and hears their plea to stop using plastic nets, she adds her voice to theirs.  Her Aunt agrees and they go back to their hand tied nets.

Taking too much from the ocean is not good.  There has to be enough for reproduction and to feed the other fish and animals that live off the fish.  Otherwise species die.  There is a good lesson here.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Dead in the Dark by Stephen Booth

Ten years ago his wife went missing.  Everyone thought he killed her but they could find no body.  Now he's missing...

Witness Impulse and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It is being published today.

Fry has a murder to solve with no suspects.  She's also working on a human slavery case.  Cooper is trying to find the husband and he's trying to track down the wife.  Did she just walk away?  Did he kill her?

This was an interesting read that had some surprises in it.  What happened to the husband was amazing and appropriate, even if it was against the law.

Give it a read.  You'll be on Fry's side as she busts slavery houses and you can wander the old mines with Cooper.  You won't be bored.

'Twas the Knife Before Christmas: A Christmas Tree Farm Mystery by Jacqueline Frost

As they begin the Christmas festivities, they find a dead man in the large container of mints.  He's been killed with a large knife that has Caroline's initials on it.  Since she had a big fight with him at a public event, the police consider her a major suspect.  Holly disagrees and starts asking questions...

Crooked Lane Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published November 23rd.

The more questions she asks, the more threats she gets.  But she doesn't stop asking questions.  Finally the killer gets her alone and takes her up to the widows walk, which has no railing.  Will she die here?  It's either jump or get killed by a nail gun.

I like the touch of Santa Claus the author worked in.  Overall this is a very good cozy.  Give it a try.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Just in Time by Suzanne Trauth

Dodie is matching her menu with the local play being put on by players in the local communities.  The rehearsals are going well but then their piano player dies and the major male lead disappears.  What's going on?

Lyrical Underground and Net Galley gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 25th.

Dodie thinks there might be a clue about Ruby's killer if she checks out her past.  She uses her young high school friend to cross reference facts.  When he gets back to her, he gives her the name of the surviving child.  Unfortunately he's standing at her car window with a gun.  It's a little late for that knowledge.  He gets in and they drive away.  Is it all over for Dodie?  Read the book and find out.

The Flight of Mr. Finch by Thomas Baas

Mr. Finch lives happily in his apartment with his little bird. It sings to him and he likes that.  Then it goes silent.  He doesn't know why.  He tries to cheer it up.  He finally buys a plant that is supposed to bring happiness...

Tate publishing sent me a copy of this book to review (thank you).  It will be published tomorrow.

What he never expected was for the plant to grow so big.  It also let his bird out of it's cage.  He's sad and heads out to find his bird.  He asks animals and people along the way if they've seen him.  They assure him there are too many birds in the jungle and he'll just have to listen for his song.  He does and when he finds him, he gets a surprise. Not to worry though.  Mr. Finch gets another surprise when he gets home...

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Chardonnayed to Rest by J.C. Eaton

It's time for festivity at the wineries and everyone is busy getting ready.  The only bad thing is that the new landowner has dramatically raised the rent on the water line crossing his land for one winery.  They can't afford to pay that.  Then there's even worse news:  The new landowner is found dead...

Lyrical Underground and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on September 25th.

While the winery owners try to figure out who killed him, suspects are arrested and then released.  In this story, the killer was one of the last persons I would have expected.

It was fun watching her take her evidence to the rascally detective who just tells her to keep her nose out of it.  He ends up using her evidence to find the killer, so he needs to apologize.  He won't though.

It was a fun cozy read.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

A Killing by the Sea by Kathleen Bridge

Living by the sea and working in her aunt's hotel is fun and she loves her aunt and tales of what she did in the past.  She never expected to find a dead man on the beach.  The worst part is she knows him...

Lyrical Underground and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 25th.

They determine that his death was not accidental but was murder.  But who on the boat did it? 

She and her boyfriend visit Jake's house and learn he must be doing more than he's supposed to be on those boat cruises.  He wouldn't be able to afford it just by bringing in fish.  

He's not the only one who has more money than he should.  Then there's another murder.  Who killed him?

As they work they way through clues and guesses in this cozy you find yourself rooting for the girl and her boyfriend to find the truth.  They do.  This one was a fun read with a touch of romance.  I liked it.

Analog: A Cyber-Dystopian Noir Volume 1: Death by Algorithm by Gerry Duggan, David O'Sullivan

It's 2024 and nobody uses the internet anymore for anything but porn.  The net is no longer secure or private and things have gradually gone back to paper...

Diamond Books and Edelweiss shared a copy of this book with me for review.  It will be published October 9th.

He never knows what is in the locked metal briefcase, he just delivers it to the person waiting for it.  But there are others that want the info and are willing to take it if they can get it away from him.  It's not an easy job.  It gets even more dangerous when the government tries to get the information from him.

As he walks a tightrope between crook and government, it gets harder to keep himself alive.  But he's tough and he doesn't give up...

Friday, September 21, 2018

The Music Box 1: Welcome to Pandorient Script by Carbone / Art by Gijé

Her mother is gone.  Since it's her birthday she wishes her back but her father tells her it's a useless wish.  But he has a special gift for her:  her mother's old music box.  It's made of glass and it's magical.  Just how magical she doesn't know yet.

Europe Comics and Net Galley let me read this book for review.  It has been published so you can grab a copy now.

She sees a mini girl in the globe who is asking for her help.  She finds she can shrink and enter their world.  Once there she tries to help them save their mother.  (It's a good thing her mother had been a nurse.)  She manages to save her, they bust the contraband maker in the attic, and it's time to return to her world.

I wonder if her mother is living in that world?  Everyone there knows her...

Dry County by Rich Tommaso

His life is boring.  He works in an office writing comics during the day and drinks at night.  It isn't until he goes down to do laundry that he meets someone interesting...

Diamond Books and Edelweiss allowed me to read this graphic novel for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

She's an attractive blonde with a good personality and he finds himself wanting to see more of her.  He dates her for a while and then one of her ex-boyfriends kidnaps her.  Can he find her again before she gets hurt?  Or is he just another stalker like her other boyfriends?

As his life spirals out of control, he keeps looking for her...

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mardi Gras Murder: A Cajun Country Mystery by Ellen Byron

The city has flooded again and when they clean up the debris at the bridge base, they find a body.  He's not from around there and he's been murdered, not drowned in the flood.

Crooked Lane Books and Net Galley let me read this for review (thank you).  It will be published October 9th.

If that's not bad enough, one of the judges for the queen for this year, is shot and killed, too.  Is it because he opposed the Orphan Train Exhibit?  Or did someone want their daughter to win and his vote was going elsewhere.  Or was it something else entirely?

Maggie finds out he was blackmailing a lot of people but none of them would have killed him.

People in Louisiana are proud of their heritage and trace it back years.  No one wants an unknown relative showing up and changing the family tree.  That's why people are dying.  And Maggie needs to be real careful.  She's getting too close to the answer so the murderer comes for her...

Owl Love You by Matthew Heroux, Wednesday Kirwan

This is a very sweet picture book of a mother owl and her baby.  It's a great way to assure your child you will always be there for them.

Cameron Kids shared a copy of this book with me for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can buy a copy now.

The owl and the play on words drew me into asking to read this one.  I'm glad I did!

The illustrations are lovely and easily show the love between mother and child.  Reading it reminded of my mom and her love.  She would have said:  "Owl always love you..." 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Homeward Hound by Rita Mae Brown

It's winter months but the fox hunts go on.  They come in early, switch days, but they don't give up totally.  When the snow arrives early and turn into a blizzard, they head back home.  The only problem is they are one person short.  There's no sense in trying to find him in a blizzard.  They'll have to wait until the next day...

Ballantine Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published tomorrow.

They search for the missing man without much luck.  Finally, the dogs start digging and the humans take over.  They've found a missing man, but it was not the one they were looking for, it's another.

Everyone grieves for the dead man, but they keep searching.  When one of the dogs retrieves a hand, the search turns even more gruesome.  They manage to retrieve both hands and find his boots, but where's his body?

You learn about fox hunting, the dogs and more as you read this story.  The killer was a surprise to me.  Did you figure it out?

Death and Daisies: A Magic Garden Mystery by Amanda Flower

She's opening up a new flower shop and is anxiously awaiting opening day.  It's awful inconvenient when the local minister is found dead on the same day...

Crooked Lane Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published November 23rd.

He'd already threw her out of church and publicly embarrassed her.  He's been in the store once causing trouble.  But she didn't kill him.  So who did?

As she snoops about she gets closer to the truth and she starts getting threatening notes.  The killer wants her to back off.  Her boyfriend wants her to back off.  Does she?  No.

But then she gets too close and she has bullets whizzing by her.  Will she manage to stay alive?  Read the book and see...

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Lost Carousel of Provence by Juliet Blackwell

Cady takes pictures of carousels,  She's got a contract to do a picture book of them.  When she finds a burned and broken one, she suggests a book on the condition of it and the restoration.  They say they'll think about it.  Now if the old grouch will let her do it, she'll have it made...

Berkley and NetGalley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It is being published today.

Being in Paris is a new experience for her and she finds she likes it.  She also likes the man she meets but they have different agendas.  He will inherit the chateau she's staying at and he intends to sell it.  She thinks he should keep it and rehab it over time.  The old man living there just wants to be left alone.  She's allowed to stay because she walks his dog and cooks his meals.  She still gets thrown out twice since he has a bad temper and was crossed in the past.

You read about the past as well as the present.  I found that interesting.  I also sympathized with the characters.

Will Cady go home with her dream unfulfilled?  Or will the old man let her stay again?  Read it and see.

The Good Demon by Jimmy Cajoleas

She knows she's possessed by a demon but she's like having a sister.  She's good company, tells her stories, and she enjoys having her around.  At least she does until she takes possession of her...

Amulet Books sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It is being published today.

When she almost gets raped, the demon takes over and bites the boy badly.  Her stepfather has a preacher in to get rid of the demon.  She feels lost and alone and wants her demon back.  What she doesn't realize is the cost she will have to pay...

This is a horror story where the girl learns about demons and herself.  What she thought she was willing to do, she's not.  She has to learn to stand up for herself.  This isn't a story you will forget quickly...

Monday, September 17, 2018

A Scandal in Scarlet: A Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery by Vicki Delany

She's out for a walk with her dog when she discovers a fire in the West London Museum.  There's a lot of damage done, so they decide to have an auction to raise funds.  But before the auction begins, the Museum Board Chair is found dead in the back room...

Crooked Lane Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published November 23rd.

Gemma tries to keep her nose out of it but the shopowner across the street asks for her aid.  They are looking at her for the murder...

The dead woman was a bit harsh and outspoken so she had more than one enemy in town.  As Gemma gets closer to the truth, the more dangerous it gets.  Another woman ends up dead.

I have to admit the killer in this one surprised me.  They weren't on my suspects list.  How'd you do?  

Dark Tide Rising: A William Monk Novel by Anne Perry

Monk is asked to escort a rich man to an dangerous place where he will pay the ransom to get his kidnapped wife back.  Unfortunately, they take the money but his wife is dead...

Ballantine books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It is being published tomorrow.

Monk has always been a favorite character of mine.  He gets used in this story but doesn't discover it until the end.

Since it appears the kidnappers knew what routes they were using to attack them, one of his cops must have betrayed them.  He's searching for the kidnappers and questioning his own men.  He's getting nowhere.  The man they were shadowing shows up dead and they have no new leads.

Then he meets a young woman from the bank who says someone is embezzling from a trust fund.  That fund belonged to the dead kidnapped woman.  Might that have been why she was killed?  As he waits to talk to the bank president, she arranges to meet him again.  She never showed.  It was because she was dead...

He gives that case to the police whose jurisdiction it was.  They surprise him by arresting the husband of the kidnapped woman.  The surprises aren't over...

Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Most Beautiful Village in the World by Yutaka Kobayashi

His family raises fruit to sell at the market.  They sing while they harvest it.  Life in their village is good.

Museyon and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published October 1st.

This year the younger brother gets to go the village with his father.  His brother is away, fighting the war.  After they have sold their goods, his father buys them a lamb to take home.

While it may be the most beautiful village in the world, when winter comes the war claims the village and there is a village no more.  The Afghanistan war is unforgiving.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

In Peppermint Peril: A Book Tea Shop Mystery by Joy Avon

She's catering a big event at a home she used to frequent as a child.  The lady who owns the house is going to read her new will to them.  Before that happens a diamond goes missing and the gardener is found dead in the conservatory.  Maybe they shouldn't have catered this event!

Crooked Lane Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published November 23rd.

The man was killed with a screwdriver so they go after the handyman first.  Then they go after Ben who walked by the conservatory.  The cops are jumping into solutions that don't work out.  Callie decides she better do some sleuthing of her own.  She finds out the gardener was not a nice man and he was blackmailing several people.  But it wasn't just him.  Who else was involved?

This was an interesting cozy mystery that I enjoyed.  Why don't you give it a try?

The Circus Thief by Alane Adams

He tries to get his dad to give him an allowance but he won't pay him for regular chores.  However, he will take him to the circus...

Spark Press and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published November 6th.

His son gets to ride the circus horse.  He finds they plan to get rid of the circus horse, which bothers the son.  Then the horse takes off and the circus officials accuse the boy of stealing the horse.  His father saves him and the horse.  Thank goodness!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Blood Highway by Gina Wohlsdorf

She's surviving on her own.  She goes to school, pretends to be a waitress so she can eat other peoples leftovers, does a little pocket pickin', anything to keep from bothering her crazy mother.  Then she comes home and finds her mother has committed suicide...

Algonquin Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published.

She finds out her father has been released from prison and that's why her mother killed herself.  She'd told her he was dead, so this is quite a surprise.  It's even more of a surprise when he shows up and carts her off with him.  She goes with him so he doesn't hurt the cop that has befriended her.

She finds out he intends to ask her where the money from the last robbery is hidden.  She knows nothing about the money.  

The farther she goes with him, the meaner he gets.  He kills two teenagers.  He shoots her friendly cop.  He even shoots his partner.  It's not looking good for her, but she doesn't give up.

Who's going to win, Daddy or the daughter?

The Bookshop Girl by Sylvia Bishop, Poly Bernatene

Her parents took her to a bookstore and left without her.  She hid in the lost property box.  When they found her, they took her in and called her Property.  She loved the bookshop and they even slept there at night.  Then they win another BIG bookshop!

Peachtree Publishers and Edelweiss let me read this book for review.  It will be published Oct. 1st.

The new bookshop is magical.  The shelves rotate up and down so there is much more in there than you expected.  The desert adventures section has sand and other desert amenities.  It's a wonderful store.  

Then in comes a man wanting millions for a manuscript he sold the previous owner.  When they find the old manuscript, the previous owner had spilled lemonade on it, ruining it's value.  They're going to lose both stores...

Then Property finds out it's fake but it's too late the lady's already signed the papers.  Can they steal them back?  No.  But maybe they can cause him other trouble with his forged papers...

I loved Property, the Bookshop Girl! 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Smoke and Mirrors by K. D. Halbrook

She's part of the trapeze artists in this circus and she loves it.  She doesn't love going to school though.  There's a bully there that picks on her.

Paula Wiseman Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

They have a gray smoke that hovers around and causes trouble.  It's from a magician who has lost the one he loves.  She transformed into a whale and he can't transform, too. So he blames the circus and causes them trouble.

When the girl get disillusioned by school and the students, she makes a wish everybody would go away, including her mother.  The smoke rises up and both her parents turn into birds and fly in the smoke.  She didn't mean it.  Now how was she going to get them back?  She'll have to go to the edge of the world... 

She and her little brother fight monsters on the way and she finds out things about herself that will make her stronger.  

This is good action story that will keep you reading.  I wish there was more to this series.

The House of Lost and Found by Martin Widmark

Niles lives alone in his old dirty house of memories.  His children live far away, his wife died several years ago, and he lives with his memories.

Floris Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published tomorrow.

One evening, after he's in bed, he hears someone knocking on his door.  He goes down to see who is bothering him and finds a young boy who is holding a flower pot.  He asks if he will water his plant while they are on vacation?  He grabs the pot, closes the door, and throws the pot on the table.  He goes back to bed.  But the next day, he waters the seed.  Soon he sees new growth coming up.  And, just like the plant, he feels himself begin to blossom with new life...

The illustrations in this book are lovely and this is a very sweet story.  This one is a keeper.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Salt by Hannah Moskowitz

Their parents went off to kill a monster and never returned.  The children left behind assume the monster won that battle.  But the eldest wants to go see what happened. She runs the ship, so off they go.

Chronicle Books and Edelweiss shared this book with me for a review (thank you).  It will be published October 30th.

They are killing monsters on the way, so it's not a direct trip.  Her brother meets a pretty lady, sleeps with her, and then finds out she's a pirate.  When they back to their boat she's taken all their weapons and the sail!

Their way is rough and being a monster killer isn't easy, but they do the job.  They even get ripped off by the same pirate again.  Life isn't easy as a monster hunter...

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Royally Dead by Greta McKennan

He's a big man and he usually wins in the games.  He's been accused of cheating but he just brushes that off.  Besides throwing trees around, he likes to drink.  When his flask is left in the tent closest to the competition, he goes in for another snort.  That one turns out to be fatal...

Lyrical Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It is being published today.

Someone laced his booze with torch fuel.  She'd been watching the people going in and out of the tent and couldn't imagine anyone of them killing him.  But someone did.

As she traces what few clues she has, she checks into the dead man' background and his family.  She's amazed to find his heredity went all the way back to Prince Charles.

She makes the mistake of telling the wrong man and she's suddenly found her killer.  Will she  manage to evade him and stay alive?  Read the book to find out!

My Little Gifts: A Book of Sharing By Jo Witek Illustrator Christine Roussey

Did you know that sharing makes things more fun?

Abrams Appleseed sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It's being published today.

When she doesn't want to let her little sister play with her red suitcase, her father suggests they share.  She finds she can't make a bracelet, it's all knots.  Her school friend straightens it out for her.  She learns to make things for gifts and she learns to let her little sister have her way once in a while.

There are all sorts of suggestions in this book for how to make things better.  Share it with your little one and come up with some ideas of your own...

Monday, September 10, 2018

The Christmas Remedy by Cindy Woodsmall, Erin Woodsmall

Holly has gotten permission from her Bishop to continue her education.  She wants to get certified so she can continue to work at the drug store and she can be more help to their Amish patients.  Her father's life could have been saved if he'd just taken some medication.  If she's to follow this career, she can't marry.  She doesn't want to stay home and raise babies.  But the more she's around Josh, the harder it is to stick to that...

Waterbrook and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published October 23rd.

When Lyle, owner of the pharmacy, has a stroke, she calls his son to come home and help.  Then he's accused of writing too many prescriptions for one patient.  Holly and Joshua go hunting the patient.  Since it is a common Amish name, there are a lot of them to weed through.  But they find him and get proof from him it was done correctly.  Meanwhile his son is looking at what the camera saw and he finds out who was trying to cause them problems.

Holly can't deny her heart and talks to the bishop again.  He wants to talk to them both.  It looks like a good Christmas from here!

Begone the Raggedy Witches (The Wild Magic Trilogy, Book One) by Celine Kiernan

With witches, magic, shapeshifting and more, this is an exciting story to read.  You're not sure how it's going to turn out until the very end...

Candlewick Press and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published tomorrow.

Mup sees witches in the trees on the way home from the hospital.  Her Mom's aunt is dying and the witches have come for Mom.

It seems her mother is the Queen of the witches and she wants to retain that power.  She's kidnapped Mup's father, intends to jail Mup and her brother, and then she'll capture her daughter.  She underestimates Mup, though.

This was an entertaining read with lots of action and a very fitting ending.  I'd read more in this series.  It's good! 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Six Cats a Slayin' by Miranda James

Charlie is getting ready for Christmas.  He could do without his nosy flirting neighbor.  And then there's the five kittens that show up in a box at his front door.  He has enough to do without them but he takes them in...

Berkley and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published October 23rd.

Diesel finds the new kittens fascinating and is willing to babysit them.  That's good because his daughter-in-law is getting exhausted and they are trying to get her to accept help.  Then there's the party across the street he should attend as a good neighbor.  He does.  And then the hostess falls over dead at the end of the party.

Between trying to help the police with the murder, finding out who left him the kittens, and worrying about his daughter-in-law, he's real busy.

Ms. James writes good cozy mysteries.  I enjoyed this one, too.  Give it a read.  You'll be happy you did. 

Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Evonne Wareham

Everyone has secrets. Some are stranger than others. Madison Albi is a scientist with a very special talent – for reading minds. When she s...