Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Beauty and the Deceased by Debra Sennefelder

It's a small town where everyone knows each other.  Kelly is back home running the store her grandmother had and loves being home again.  Especially since her cousin has come home for a visit.  But she doesn't show up for scheduled meeting, so Kelly goes to look for her.  She finds her but she's dead...

Kensington Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on December 14th.

The cops warn Kelly to leave the investigating to them but she doesn't listen.  It's her cousin, why would someone kill her?  She gets warnings to leave the case alone from the killer but that doesn't slow her down either.

As she asks questions and follows clues, she also has two men she interested in.  

Romance and mystery all at the same time.

She finally figures it out but so has the killer.  Will Kelly survive?

Monday, November 29, 2021

Silent Parade : A Detective Galileo Novel Keigo Higashino Series: Detective Galileo Series (#4)

This novel is different.  One man has killed two pretty girls, years apart, and they find him not guilty because they only have circumstantial evidence and he refuses to answer any questions.  The families of the victims decide to get their own revenge on him.

Minotaur Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on October 14th.

There are a lot of suspects and they all have good reason to hate him but how do you pick out who actually did it?

They find him dead and it takes a while to figure how it happened.  Since it was done on the day of a big parade.  It's hard to see everyone and what they are doing.

A professor offers his help.  After many questions and lots of research, they finally come up with the answer.

They did a lot to hide it but no one wants their daughter to die in their early 20's.

It's an Asian mystery and it keeps your attention.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Killer in the Snow by Alex Pine

A local farmer has called the police to report murder at his neighbors.  All three members of the family are dead...

Avon Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  The book has been published and you can get a copy now.

The house the family lived in was the scene of a killing over twenty years ago.  It doesn't seem to be related but they are checking everything.  They have several suspects.  As they go through the clues some suspects are off the list.  They find facts that clear them.

They have shoe prints but in this area they all wear the same size so it doesn't help.

When they go to visit with a suspect, he sees them and tries to escape in his van.  They follow him and he almost kills himself.  They visit him in the hospital and finally get the truth...

Where Three Oceans Meet by Rajani Larocca

This is a very nice book that has a close family and a trip to the coast where three oceans meet.  It's set in India.

Abrams Young Readers sent me a copy of this book to read and review (thank you).  It has been published so you can get a copy now.

The little one is all excited about the trip and her mother and grandmother are looking forward to it also.  You travel with them and see the things they do.  Archana Sreenivasan is the illustrator and the pictures are colorful.

This is a fun trip with three oceans being very colorful and wondrous.  Take a trip without leaving your chair!

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Head Shot by Otho Eskin: Series: The Marko Zorn Series

Marko is a cop and he's trying to solve a case that has a long lost love years before.  Did she commit suicide or was she murdered?

Oceanview Publishing and Edelweiss let me read it for review (thank you).  It will be published on December 7th.

Then Marko is assigned to another duty.  He's to protect an ambassador.  Another agency asks him to do the same thing.  He has no choice.  And suddenly people are dying because of the assassin in the states.  Now he has to figure out who is doing it.

It's dangerous and more die.  Will Marko find him or will the killer find him first?

Friday, November 26, 2021

Murder's a Swine: A Second World War Mystery by Nap Lombard: Series: British Library Crime Classics

When the couple goes to the air raid shelter, they sure never intended to find a dead man...

Poisoned Pen Press and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on December 7th.

They decide to see what they can find out.  The police don't like it but they can't stop them.

More people get killed as time goes on.  The suspects all had opportunity to do it.  So who did?  And why wear a pig mask?

There are several levels of activities going on, so it's not an easy answer.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

What the Cat Dragged In by Kate McMurray: Series: Whitman Street Cat Cafe

Paige enjoys working at the Cat Cafe but she isn't finding luck in romance.  Everyone she dates has different interests and they don't date again.

Sourcebooks Casablanca and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on December 7th.

She's busy doing fundraisers, getting her projects ready to go, and the children love it!  Then she runs into a man that looks familiar but she hasn't met him before.  He's very busy at work but they manage to date.  Then she finds out he's the brother of her boss.  She's afraid she'll get fired for dating her brother.  So they break up.

The problem is that they both care for each other.  Will they get together again?

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Dark Night : A Mystery by Paige Shelton: Series: Alaska Wild (#3)

Someone had killed Ned.  Ned had a hot temper and was abusive.  Nobody really liked him but who would kill him?

Minatour Booksand Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on December 7th.

The Alaska area is cold and has refugees hiding in the town.  Quite a few people are going by false names.  As questions are asked, it gets more and more complicated.  

Then they find another wounded person in the woods.  Someone needs to tell the truth.

The truth is hard to take once they get that far in the investigation.  There is a lot of personal trauma in people's lives here.

The killer surprised me.

There will be more in this series. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Witching Tree : A Natalie Lockhart Novel by Alice Blanchard

This is a story about witches.  The two covens are friends, the leader of one of them is kind and helps folks.  So, why is she found dead?

Minotaur Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on December 7th.

Natalie wants to know what happened and who killed her.  It was a gruesome death.  She was chained to the tracks and a train killed her.  Who and why?

The more questions she asks, the more complicated it got.  Someone in that group of friends had a secret they didn't want others to know.

You learn about superstitions, the Wiccan religion, and more.  The killer was someone I never expected.  Did you figure it out?

Natalie has two men she loves.  How can she decide which to pick for long term?

Monday, November 22, 2021

Murder Under Her Skin : A Pentecost and Parker Mystery by Stephen Spotswood

Will Parker used to be part of a circus.  Now she works for Mrs. Pentecost as a detective.  But the circus comes back to haunt her...

Doubleday and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published onDecember 7th.

When the circus comes to town, they decide to go visit.  Willl can see her friends from the past.  Unfortunately, before they get there one of Will's good friends has been killed.  And the cops have jailed her mentor because it was his knife and he's had some words with her right before her death.

The Pentecost and Parker team goes to work trying to find the killer.

The details about the circus are fascinating, but finding the killer is not easy.  The more questions they ask, the more questions are created.

Then someone tried to burn a segment of the circus and Will had to save the man who lived there.

There are drugs involved as a last ditch effort to keep the circus going.

Will suddenly knows who did it but will she stay alive long enough to prove it?

Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Midnight Hour by Elly Griffiths

Emma and her friend, Sam, have just started a private detective agency.  It doesn't take long until they are hired by a widow who wants to know who poisoned her husband...

Mariner Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published December 7th.

The cops and the PI's are trying to figure who the killer was.  

It doesn't take long until there is another murder.  The search gets more concentrated and more people are brought in.

The murder is a revenge killing but the man that died had several affairs so it's not easy trying to figure out who the killer is.

I was surprised by the killer.  You read it and let  me know if you figured it out.

This was a good read.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Absence of Mallets by Kate Carlisle

Shannon is pretty happy with her life now that Mac has moved in.   They love each other and he's a popular author.  So they decide to put a workshop together.

Berkley and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on December 7th.

They had six writers show up.  They looked nice enough but they weren't.  It doesn't take long for the dead person to show up.  The worst part is that she was nicest of the group.

Shannnon's boyfriend is willing to help her sleuthing.  Her sister is dating the chief of police and they are looking, too.

It's a mess and many questions get asked.  Then they see a fight between two friends that almost becomes deadly.  By careful questioning, they finally get the truth.  Will that be enough?

Friday, November 19, 2021

A Plus One for Murder by Laura Bradford

Emma wanted her own business.  She's tried being a travel agent but that wasn't working out.  The old lady she visited said she should hire out as a friend.  She wasn't sure about that but Dottie has a few friends that call for appointments.  She finds out she likes the work.

Berkley and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on December 7th.

She goes along as a friend with a man who is going to read poetry.  They eat, he goes up to speak and shortly thereafter he falls over dead.  He had a bad heart but that's not why he died.  He was poisoned.

Emma wants to leave it to the cops but her female friends don't want to do that.

There are several suspects.  It takes a long time to weed out who might have done it.  But Emma goes to brace the killer alone and almost dies...

It's not a large city but there was plenty of crime for those so inclined.

This was good read.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

How to Book a Murder by Cynthia Kuhn

Emma has returned home to help save the family bookstore.  She helps plan an event that should increase sales.  The only problem is that she finds a dead body before the event....

Crooked Lane Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on December 7th.

The event is a success.  But then she finds two more dead people.  The cop is beginning to wonder why she finds them.  A bully from grade school says it was Emma and her aunt who killed them.  So Emma starts trying to determine who would murder them.

She finds out there was corruption in the department and that the men had more than one girlfriend.

The killer was surprising to me.  You'll have to see if you can figure it out before the end.

It was an entertaining read.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Bear a Wee Grudge by Meg Macy


They are going to have a festival soon, so Sasha certainly didn't want to find a dead body.  But she did.  And then the cop she doesn't like arrested her boyfriend...

Kensington Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on November 30th.

He was a married man that fought with his wife and hit her, too.  Now Sasha had to find the killer so her love can go free.  

She spends a lot of time asking questions.  After visiting with her friends and talking to the ones who knew the victim, she finally thinks she knows who did it.  

When she goes to question the killer, she's alone.  She had lost her boyfriend in the crowd.  This was not the smartest thing to do.  Soon she is about to become the next victim.

Will someone save her?

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Killer Words by V.M. Burns

Sam is back home, working in the bookstore.  She owns it, her grandmother works there as do several other helpers.  Everything is going fine until they find the dead man.

Kensington and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on Novmber 30th.

He had just had a fight with a cop and the deputy is charged with murder.  Sam knows he didn't do it, so she starts asking questions.  The cops are happy they have a solution.

It takes another death and many more questions until she figures it out.  But when she does and goes to share her reasoning, the killer is there with a gun...  

Monday, November 15, 2021

Ralph Compton the Sagebrush Trail by Robert J. Randisi; Ralph Compton

This story is set just after the Civil War and includes Buffalo soldiers.  It amazed me at how the Army tried to get stock at low prices.

Berkley and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on November 30th.

The man leading the Buffalo soldiers is white, as well as the second in command.  The others are all black but they like the man they work for.

He's taking horses to a sale he's negotiated.  Unfortunately, the buyer sent a telegram backing out of the deal.  Now he sends more telegrams trying for a buyer.  That army wants them but doesn't give them a long time to get to the fort.  In addition, guns have been stolen.

He makes his trip with Indian interference and not a lot of cooperation from the local sheriffs.  

Will he and his men get there?  He has big plans for his ranch but he needs money.  There are a lot of obstacles in his way....

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Mrs. Jeffries and the Midwinter Murders by Emily Brightwell

They waited for the lady of the house to come down for dinner.  When she didn't show, they went up to get her.  The door was locked.  Using the spare key, they got in and found her dead on the floor.  At first they thought it was a natural death but no, she had been murdered.

Berkley and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on the 16th of November.

The inspector for the police does the best job he can trying to find the killer.  Mrs. Jeffries helps him.  There are lots of suspects, money is the reason for the death, and it's hard to identify the killer.

They look into the other sister's death.  It was a year ago and it was thought to be suicide - but it wasn't.

They talk to everyone, look at their pasts and finally Mrs. Jeffries thinks she knows who did it.  When she accuses the killer, he takes a hostage.

Will they be able to save the hostage?

Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Moorland Murderers by Michael Jecks

Jack Blackjack is running from the queen's men.  He thinks he's far enough ahead  of them to stop for a beer.  There he meets a man that wants to gamble with dice.  He asks the bar owner for dice, he's not going to use the ones the gambler had.  They play until he's taken all the gambler's money and his horse.

Canongate and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

As he goes outside to relieve himself, he notices someone in front of him.  While he looks at that, someone hits him with a blow on his head.  When he wakes up, his money is gone and the man he was watching is dead.  Unfortunately, he's from out of town and he gets accused of the murder.

He's subjected to different groups of people but they all intend to hang him.  How can he prove he didn't do it?

As time goes on, he asks questions but it isn't getting clearer.  Will he find the answers soon enough or is he going to hang?

Friday, November 12, 2021

Getaway With Murder by Diane Kelly

Misty has bought a lodge in the mountains and hopes to book groups into it.  As she and her staff work on cleaning up, she gets a reservation.  She's thrilled!

St Martins press and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

Everyone is appearing to have a good time even if the owner of the group likes to tell everybody what to do.  Then about halfway through their visit, they find the owner under the porch dead.

Misty knows it had to be someone staying there that did it and she starts investigating just like the cops.

There are false leads, no way to prove who did it because the power went out, and it's getting close to their return to the world.

Will Misty find the murderer?

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Once Upon a Seaside Murder by Maggie Blackburn

Summer has come back home to run her mother's bookstore.  Her mother had died, so this bookstore has memories of her anywhere you look.  Summer loves working there with the staff but someone is looking for something and knocks Summer out in an attempt to find it.  This isn't the last time either...

Crooked Lane Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published so you can grab a copy now.

She knows that she has a book for sale about a murder that is a cold case.  The author used the bare facts and then fictionlized the rest.  Summer hasn't had the opportunity to read it yet, but she intends to.

There are three authors that plan to tell folks about their books.  All of a sudden, one is kidnapped.  The demand is that Summer has to sell the bookstore to get the missing author back.  The author was staying with her when she was kidnapped.

With all that going on, Summer is trying to get to know her father's family.  Some are receptive and some are not.

She has to be careful.  Whoever the killer is has no reason not to kill her, too.

It's a busy book with lots of characters and various traumas.  It holds your attention.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Fox's Tower and Other Tales by Yoon Ha Lee

This is a book of short tales all based in fantasy.  They read fast, some are scary, but they all keep your attention.

Andrews McMeel Publishing and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published so you can get a copy now.

These aren't bedtime stories.  You need to read them during the day.  There is a nice variety and lots of animal characters.  

It was a good read for me.  Try it and see what you think.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Well-Offed in Vermont: A Vermont Country Living Mystery by Amy Patricia Meade

They have bought a new house and are going to close the deal.  Stella hands got dirty so she was going to wash them off.  But when she runs the water, there is blood in it....

Beyond the Page Publishing and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can buy a copy now.

The police chief doesn't seem to be making a lot of progress and they can't live in their house because it's a scene of murder.  So Stella and Nick start asking questions.  There is lots of gossip.  Not everyone has an alibi.  And the killer is still around.

Will they be able to solve the mystery?  Or willl they become the next victims?

Monday, November 8, 2021

The American Gun Mystery: An Ellery Queen Mystery by Ellery Queen

A wild west show is playing in New York when one of the performers is shot dead.  Who did it?

Penxler Publishers and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

They all had guns but they were filled with blanks.  Someone had a small pistol they used to kill him.  It had to have been done by someone at the show so 20,000 people had to stay to be interviewed.  All guns were confiscated but no gun matched the bullet.

There is a large hunt carried out but still no luck at finding the gun.

As questions are asked, Ellery thinks he knows what happned, but how to prove it?

It's well done mystery about the missing gun and the killer.  The killer was unexpected.  It took good brainwork to find the killer.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Inspector Chen and the Private Kitchen Murder by Xiaolong Qiu

Inspector Chen has been moved from the policeforce is now the director of Shanghai Judicial System Reform Office.  He went after the truth and didn't listen to those above him who had other ideas.

Canongate Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).It has been published so you can grab a copy now.

When another murder is found, he asks his secretary to find out some things for him.  She likes doing it and soon is asking her own questions.

This takes some time and not everyone is telling the truth.  Chen is sent away, so she sends messages on her phone.  Chen tries to make sense of what he hears but it's not coming clear yet.  Then he gets an emergency text from his secrtary.  Will he be in time to save her?

Saturday, November 6, 2021

A Lesson in Murder (A Lady Eleanor Swift Mystery Book 7) by Verity Bright

Miss Swift lost both her parents at an early age.  She was sent to a girl's school by her uncle.  She never imaged coming back,  but she was requested as a speaker as she had travelled the world on a bicycle.

Bookouture and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published so you can get a copy now.

While she's on stage waiting to speak, some bells go off and they find a teacher dead in the library.  It was her favorite teacher.  She starts asking questions and looking for the killer.  The cop warns her off, but she doesn't listen.

They invite her to stay and take over the class.  She agrees.  It turns into fun for her.

She and the cop compare notes.  He can't tell her everything but she gets the idea.  Then the music teacher dies.

She keeps looking and asking questions until she gets too close to the killer.  Will she survive?

Friday, November 5, 2021

The Abberley Beach Murders by D.E. White

This is an unusual crime.  Four people went to use a room that is under the water.  Four people died when the water filled the rooom.

Joffe Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).   It has been published and you can gt a copy now.

There was another murder years ago that might be related to this one.  And then a more recent murder pops up.  Could they hav a srial killer? 

It's an in depth investigation and the suspects change.  But they don't give up.   And, in the end, the truth comes out.

It's a bit scary and the killer is hard to make talk but they do get at the truth.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Cat's First Baby : A Board Book by Natalie Nelson

This is a cute book.  They have just had a baby and they bring it home.  They have a cat.  The first thing the cat says is:  I am a cat.  Are you a cat?

Quirk Books let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on March 1st.

The cat smells the baby and decides he's not a cat.  But they do things together and become good friends.  Even if the baby takes a wet bath and the cat takes a dry one.

I had a cat that slept in the cradle with me and let me do almost anything to him.  He lived to be 16.

This is a book without a lot of text but with plenty of pictures.  I enjoyed reading it and I bet your small ones will, too.

You See a Zoo, I See… by Michael Downs

This is a cool book.  You go to the zoo and see all the animals there.

Charlesbridge and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published March 8th.

There are crocodiles, chimpanzees and lots more animals.  The adults see it as a zoo but the child sees it as something else.  Can you guess?

The illustrations are great and your child can learn about the animals and how they act.  It'a an enjoyable book.

A Bookshop Christmas by Rachel Burton

Megan grew up in this bookshop.  When her husband died, she moved back home.  Now she helps her mother in the bookshop.

Aria and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

Megan is grocery shopping when someone runs into the back of her legs with their cart.  He's quite rude and she doesn't like him.  Then she finds out he's the author they are promoting.

They try to be polite and manage to sell several books.  He asks her to go out to coffee with him and she does.  That is when they find out they both had lost people they loved.

They are getting along well until an article comes out in the paper about a female author.  Unfortunately he thinks she let the secret out but she didn't.  (He wrote those romances with his mother.)

Will they get back together again or is the end of this romance?

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

A Death at Candlewick Castle (A Jemima Jago Mystery Book 2) by Emma Jameson

Jemima is boating with friends and the plan to visit the Pirate Festival, but all the slips are taken.  So they go the castle sid and plan to walk back.  They have plenty of room there.  They notice scavenger birds bothering something.  They go to look and find a dead body.

Bookouture and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published so you can get a copy now.

Jemima starts looking for a killer.  It has to be someone on the islands.  The cop tells her to stay out of it.   She has an interest in him, but her old boyfriend is there too and she's not sure which one she should chose.  Then they say the boyfriend did it.  She knows he didn't so she goes to snooping again.

I was surprised by the killer, so was Jemima.  Will she be able to save herself? 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Man Who Wasn't There: A Sally and Johnny Heldar Mystery by Henrietta Hamilton

Sally and Johnny are surprised by their cousin, Tim.  He got the girl he loves to say yes to marriage but someone has killed her employer and the cops think it was her...

Agora Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).It has been published and you can get a copy now.

The dead man was already on a walk to death because his heart was bad.  But someone shot him.

This turns into a deadly search for the killler.  As they go out asking questions and trying to determine who's telling the truth and who is not, The woman who agreed to get married is in danger.  Someone is trying to kill her.

There was resistance in France some families were involved in.  Could it be someone from that time?  As they search and ask questions, they get closer all the time.  Can they stop the killer in time?

Monday, November 1, 2021

Please Don't Tell Cooper That Jack is a Rabbit by Michelle Lander Feinberg

Cooper jumps over the fence and chases a rabbit.  The rabbit is scared, but Cooper just wants to be friends.

SDP Publishing and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on November 3rd.

Cooper is smart dog and does many things just like a human.  It takes time, but he finally convinces the rabbit he's a friend.  Then they play together and get along well.  The rabbit even gets to stay with family.

If someone is different than you that can be a good thing.  You can learn from each other.  Being nice is a good thing. 

Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Evonne Wareham

Everyone has secrets. Some are stranger than others. Madison Albi is a scientist with a very special talent – for reading minds. When she s...