Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Windy Hollows by Neo Edmund and Adira Edmund

DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!  Oh sure, four young ones come to learn magic and no one is there.  And they're not going to touch something?

Open Road Media and Net Galley gave me the opportunity to read this book.  It has been published, check with your ebook provider to get a copy.

Logan, Maggie, Nicolas, Selena, and Poe have come to this place in the woods to learn magic.  They don't know their teacher, they don't know the woods, and they sure don't know magic.  But when they start checking out school supplies and find a wand and a spellbook, they can't help trying it out.  Unfortunately, it turns Poe into a frog...

This is a cute graphic story with the flavor of Harry Potter.  The children are different, but traces of Hogwart magic abound.

This a quick, fun read for little ones and they will enjoy it.  After all, they have to figure out how to change Poe into a boy!

Happy reading.

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Weepers by Susanne Winnacker

Sherry and her family had lived in a bunker for three years.  They have now run out of food and must exit to the destroyed world outside to try to find more...

Marshall Cavendish and Net Galley allowed me download this book and read it for review (thank you).  The subtitle on this book is "The Other Life".  It has been published and you can buy a copy now.

This story is chilling.  It's a tale of survival and death, mutants, the government and personal character strength when facing the unknown and unbelievable.  While the story is fiction, it's amazing how easy it was to see something like this happening.

What Sherry and her father find in a deserted grocery store are monsters.  They haul off her father and Sherry is saved by a young man who was in the same area.  He tells her they are humans who were changed by the virus they were bombarded with and are now called "Weepers".

How Sherry and her new friend go after her father and her mother and brother makes a harrowing tale.  Even the safe house isn't really safe.  

The most horrifying aspect of this story is how this all began and what it means for humanity.  Whether you are a young adult or an older person reading this book, it will make you think.  How would you respond?  How long would you survive?  And is surviving the best thing?

Happy reading.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dragon Age Volume 1 by David Gaider, Alexander Freed

King Alistair is on the hunt for his father.  His companions are two rogues:  a beautiful woman warrior who looks like a gypsy and a dwarf with a deadly crossbow.  He will need them...

Dark Horse Comics and Net Galley allowed me to download an ebook of this story to read.  You can buy the book now, it was published last week.

I wasn't familiar with this dark fantasy universe but the word dragon caught my eye.  I've also confessed to being fond of reading graphic novels, so I wasn't going to miss this opportunity.

This is Volumes 1-6 of this tale.  Chad Hardin was the illustrator and his characters are very realistic looking even if some of them are monsters.  Michael Atiyeh was in charge of coloration and the graphics leap out at you. The story is full of action, fast paced, and makes you wonder what will step out of the woods in the grove next.

If you're into fantasy and can handle good sword action and blood, this book is for you.  They run into a prison break, find a dragon, meet a witch, and end up leaving without his father.  But they did find out a big secret that should help them achieve their goals.

I'm going to be watching for the next compilation of stories of this series.  I'd like to see more of the story.  It's not boring!

Happy reading. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

It's a Wonderful Life by Jesse Goossens

Anna is a seventeen year old Dutch girl who is bored by her family vacations.  To begin with, they go to a nudist camp and it makes her uncomfortable.  This year her parents have other plans for her.  They will send her to Pennsylvania to stay with Uncle York and visit America.  Anna has no idea what it will be like...

Myrick Marketing and Media and Net Galley allowed me to download an ebook of this story (thank you).  It has been published so check with your local bookstore for a copy.

The thought of a young girl vacationing in another country without her family intrigued me.  This story actually enchanted me.  

Anna is a young woman coming of age.  Her Uncle is elderly and married to a lovely woman who never sits still.  Their house is small and filled with furniture and belongings, so Uncle York puts Anna in his old farmhouse.  She faintly remembers the house but it has no TV, no internet, no WiFi and it's too far to walk to town.  He teaches her to drive and gives her his old pickup to use while in town.  He also steers her towards a job in an antique store so she won't be bored and will have some spending money.

Anna makes precious friends in her time at the antique shop.  She also learns a lot about the mortuary business from young man across the street.  The most important things she learns, though, are about herself.  Who she is, who she'd like to be, and even a family secret.

One thing the author did that made it a more amusing read was to insert movie quotes.  Anna had watched all the old movies and often hid behind their words instead of showing her feelings.  That changed as the story goes on, but Anna still quotes movies.  There are a few pages at the back that list all the quotes and show which movies they came from.  It was a unique feature that made it even more fun to read.

This is the story of life, love, loss, and coming to terms for Anna.  It was a good read and when you end it, you know Anna is not done yet.  She's a good kid and she's going to keep moving forward and following her dreams.

Happy reading.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Hangman in the Mirror by Kate Cayley

She had aspirations of becoming a fine lady's maid; she had no idea that would eventually end in her being condemned to death...

Annick Press and Net Galley let me download a copy of this ebook for review (thank you).  It will be available for purchase on September 1st.  I found this book fascinating and very interesting.  It's based on historical fact written in fiction form.

Francoise had never had much luck in life.  Not enough food to eat, a cottage that was falling apart, her parents were drunks, and their livelihood was washing clothes for other people.  She stole what she could for meals because the money was spent on alcohol.  As if that wasn't enough trouble in her life, her parents got smallpox and died from the disease.  What was she to do?

When a neighbor gets her a letter of recommendation and she attains a lady's maid position, she thinks she has it made and life would be so much better.  But, in time, she longs for just one thing that would belong to her.  She steals her lady's gloves (she has dozens of pairs, she won't miss them) just to wear them at night and carry them with her during the day.  It satisfies that need.  It also puts a noose around her neck...

There is only one small chance of salvation.  But can she do it?  Can she convince him?

Here is trailer so you can see the position she is in:  The Hangman in the Mirror

This story reminded me of one I'd read long called The Lady or the Tiger.  The question of who is coming out of the door is not answered in the story.  This story is just as dramatic.

I highly recommend this book.  It was an accurate historical piece that added character and flavor to the book.  The main character is no better than she should be, but hanging her is a bit extreme.  I empathized with her and worried about the final outcome.  I'd read this one again; it's that good.

Happy reading.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Big Cat, Small Cat by Ami Rubinger

Here's a book where your young one can help supply words and learn about opposites and how to rhyme.

Abbeville Press and Net Galley allowed me download a copy of this ebook for review.  The book has been published, so check with your local bookstore for a copy.

The author also illustrated this fun little book.  Her cats are simple and charming and the story line is fairly easy for little ones to understand.  If they have any understanding of opposites, they will easily be able to fill in the missing words.  If not, this is an attractive way to learn these words by interacting with the person sharing the book.  Everyone should know about dirty and clean, shouldn't they? The rhymes are fun and the story short, so even younger children should stay interested.

To further the learning process, you could create some more opposites and let them help you fill in the blanks or match the words.  It might be fun to ask them to give you some examples of opposites.  They may have a unique take on just what is opposite of what...

Happy reading.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What About Cimmaron? Lauraine Snelling

Mt. St. Helen's is erupting and they have to evacuate NOW!  Only the family and the dog are able to move that quickly and Sarah is very worried about her horse...

BJU Press and Net Galley allowed me to download an ebook of this story for review.  This book has been published and you can find it on Amazon for Kindle or here:   http://www.bjupress.com/product/258004 

I lived in Washington when the mountain blew and know exactly how the Toutle River Valley looked after the mud flow from the mountain eruption.  Reading this story made me cry several times from memories.  If anything, the damage done was down-played in this story, but it is written for middle grades so I understand why the author did that.

Sarah loves her horse and wants to go back after him right away.  When they go to check on the livestock, they find the cattle but don't see Cimmaron.  Then Sarah's father falls, breaks his leg, and ends up in the hospital.

Sarah is angry at God for what has happened and gets even more anxious about her horse.  When Sarah decides to take things into her own hands to rescue her horse, things get even worse.  This is a test of Sarah's faith and a time of coming of age for her.  She almost goes too far and has to make amends for her actions.  And the worst part is that she still hasn't found her horse... 

A story of a natural disaster, a lost horse and a lost faith, it was easy to keep reading and see what happens next.  I found myself saying "Oh, Sarah..." here and there.  Grab yourself a copy and see how Sarah comes to terms with God and life.  You'll also learn about the volcano and mud flow along the way. 

Happy reading. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Beyond the Smoke by Terry W. Burns

When Bryan goes back to camp with a freshly killed rabbit for dinner, he finds everyone in the wagon train has been killed.  Comanche's attacked while he was gone and took the food, guns, blankets and anything they could use, then set the rest on fire.  When he saw the smoke in the distance he didn't think it was good news, but he never expected to be alone in the unknown wilderness around him.

BJU and Net Galley allowed me to download an ebook of this story for review.  It has been published, so you can buy a copy here:  http://www.bjupress.com/product/261057 or on Amazon for Kindle.

Bryan takes his rifle, his mother's bible, the money he can find and a horse blanket and heads out.  As he travels cross country and tries to determine which direction he's heading, he manages to run across two young Indian warriors.  They are trying to count coup on him, but he sees them before they can.  He doesn't hurt them but he gets more scared the further he goes.  Then he meets up with another traveler, who just happens to be worse then the Indians... 

I enjoyed this western tale and the characters Mr. Burns created.  The story has the feel of the west and the Texas Ranger is bigger than life and rough and tough.  There's an older man, the Professor, who peddles pharmaceutical potions, an orphaned girl he's taken under his wing, and more.

The story has a Christian theme, but it's not overwhelming.  The tale is exciting and should keep any young adult reading to see what will happen next.  Bryan lives an exciting life!  Why not read this tale and see if they get the Professor out of jail and whether Bryan finds himself a new start?

Happy reading.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Emily and Jackson Hiding Out by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Emily and Jackson had made it to Aunt Hilda's home and were safe now.  Or were they?

Delacorte Books and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read an ebook of this story (thank you).  It will be published August 7th, so make a note to pick it up.  This is the second book in this series.

Emily and Jackson caught my heart in the first book, they were both alone and being chased.  Emily by her wicked Uncle Vic and Jackson by the Child Catching Services.  Emily had an inheritance; Jackson was a young boy that could be sold to a farmer or the like for labor.  I spent a long time waiting for the next book in this series and couldn't wait to read this one!

Ms. Naylor always writes a good story, but this story is my favorite of her work.  It's a good, hearty story with lots of odd fun sayings:  mighty mouth minute and leaping lizards for example.  The bad guys are back again.  Can you imagine Uncle Vic being dressed up as an old woman in black?  And Aunt Hilda has a plan for how to protect Jackson.  But will she beat the Child Catching Services to him?

For a fun read set in the days of the west, this is the series for you.  Young readers should enjoy the action, the danger, and the affection shown in the book.  This grandma sure had a good time reading it.  Why not get a copy and see what you think?

Happy reading.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Parent's Day Today!

Open Road Media kicked off a promotion for Parent's Day this week.  I've read several of their books for review and enjoy what they are publishing for children.  This particular post is from their website and I enjoyed reading it and wanted to share it with you:

In honor of National Parents’ Day this Sunday, July 22, Open Road Media is taking a moment to celebrate story time and the read-aloud books that make this parenting ritual so magical. Each day leading up to the holiday, an Open Road Media author will share his or her favorite story time books. We'll also have some fun surprises here and there, so be sure to stay tuned!

Anna PereraKicking off our celebration, Guantanamo Boy author Anna Perera shares memories of a childhood filled with books and poetry, and talks about how anytime is a good time to read with your kids.

Books played a large part in my life when I was growing up. They were treasure chests filled with magic, adventure, and new worlds waiting to be discovered. And they were everywhere: on tables, beds, TVs. I particularly remember mum reading poetry to us four kids and though I rarely understood the true meaning, I loved the sound of the words rolling from her tongue and the way her face lit up with a variety of expressions I'd never seen before—insane grins, weird frowns, and popping eyes.

Five Minutes PeaceWhen my son was young, I read everything I could with him. We laughed over Winnie-the-Pooh and Jill Murphy's Five Minutes' Peace was a particular favourite. I read to him while he played with Legos or whatever on the floor and even when he was in the bath with me propped up against the door. It's a mistake to think we need a special time or place to read with kids.

I agree with this author.  You can read any time or all the time.  Reading is a skill children will appreciate for their entire life.  I began reading at age 3 and still read a book a day.  I'd truly be lost without them.

Not only do I agree with Ms Perera's take on books, I have to say her highlighted book choice, Five Minutes Peace, is one of the cutest children's books I've read about.  Poor Mama Elephant just wants a few minutes alone.  Did you ever try to do that with children?  They are always your shadow and generally never stop talking.  Many mom's take refuge in the bathroom and have to lock the door to keep them out.  Mrs Elephant doesn't even have that much luck...

Here is a link to the Open Road Media Blog which will show you more favorite children's books and other author's insights on books.  Open Road Media Blog

Happy Parent's Day!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Wednesdays by Julie Bourbeau

No one goes out on Wednesdays.  The businesses are all closed.  Drapes are drawn tight, doors are locked.  Strange beings show up on Wednesdays so everyone stays in.  That is, everyone stayed in until Max made his parents so angry they punished him by sending out on a Wednesday...

Knopf Books and Edelweiss gave the me opportunity to read this ebook for review (thank you).  It will be published August 14th. This story is written for young readers (ages 8-12) and is a bit scary but fun to read.

Max isn't worried about being outside by himself.  It's kind of fun.  He can swim nude and splash about with no one being unhappy.  He can jump off the diving board without waiting in line.  What's not to like?  Well, maybe coming out all blue might be a draw back.  But who's to see?

The Wednesdays have silver eyes, odd forms, and used to be children.  No one knows exactly how they started but their powers seem to be annoying pranks that they play on anybody they can.  Max has been chosen by Number Two to be the next one in his troop of Wednesdays.  Max doesn't want to go, but he has little time to try to save himself.  As his body begins changing, he enlists the aid of an old Army veteran.

This is fast paced story with unusual characters.  Max's family loves him, they just get frustrated with him once in a while.  They don't know what to do to help him so Max has to figure it out on his own.  Max is a character that catches your heart and you're rooting for him all the way.  The hero of the story is a surprise and makes the story even more special.

Why not hang out with Max and the Wednesdays?  They'll keep you awake until you finish the book!

Happy reading.  

Friday, July 20, 2012

Laugh with the Moon by Shana Burg

Clare hates her life right now.  Her mother has just died, her father has taken her to Africa with him on his trip for the Global Health Department, her cell phone doesn't work, and she knows no one in the village.  It's awful!

Delacorte Press sent me a copy of this book for review (thank you).  It has been published, so you can find a copy at your local bookstore now.

Being in Africa is bad enough, but she can't speak their language either.  Attending school is going to be a nightmare.  What she didn't expect was to be adopted by a girl near her age who has a small brother.  Memory is a loyal friend and does her best to help her with the language and cultural changes.  Innocent is her baby brother who likes Clare a lot, even though she's the first white person he has seen.  He's really excited when she becomes his first period teacher.  School is fun with Clare.

I especially liked reading about Africa and its people.  They live with much less and make the most of what they can raise or barter for.  They find joy in small things.  And they have a fatalistic point of view.  When people die, you grieve a bit and then move on.

Clare was not doing well at moving on, and Memory helps her with that.  There is another death that affects them both, but Clare persists in trying to move on and learns it is possible.  You don't forget the ones you've lost, you just find new ways to celebrate those memories.

Whether it's learning about love and loss or learning about Africa, this book has lot to give a young adult reader.  There is also a glossary at the back with the African terms, pronunciations, and meanings.  There is even a recipe.

Why not read this book aloud and dress up in the colorful clothing some Africans wear and make some sweet potato biscuits?

Happy reading.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Pigeon Pie Mystery by Julia Stuart

Princess Alexandrina is left penniless and embarrassed by her father's death in a comprising situation with a female boot black.  What could be worse?  How about having her one remaining servant being accused of murder?

Doubleday and Edelweiss allowed me to read this ebook for review (thank you).  The book will be published August 7th, so check with your local bookstore to pick up a copy.

The nickname for the Princess is Mink, and she and her servant Pooki are desperate and not sure where to go or what to do.  Luckily, the Queen offers them a grace-and-favor home on her estate.  There is no rent, she's with other ladies who have fallen below their previous station in life, and there are rumors of ghosts in the buildings.  Who cares about ghosts when you are looking for a place to live?

This reads a bit like a cozy, but it's set in Victorian times.  Mink and Pooki are very likeable characters and the problems they encounter dealing with the various characters keep you amused.  

When the General-Major dies, you find out almost every character in the book had a reason to kill him.  When the police focus on Pooki because she was the one who made the pie he gorged himself on right before his death, Mink has to do her own crime detection to save her.

The whole story is amusing, interesting and fun to read.  Why not spend a quiet afternoon reading about two penniless, cast-aside ladies who don't give up and are making their own happy ever after ending?

Happy reading.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Courtney Crumrin, Volume 1 by Ted Naifeh

OK, I'll admit it.  I still like to read comics.  This graphic novel also includes monsters and witches.  How could I pass it up?

Oni Press and Net Galley allowed me to download an ebook for review (thank you).  This book has been published in hardcover.  Check with your local bookstore for a copy.

Courtney and her parents have just moved into a big old mansion that belongs to her father's great uncle.  (He's not real sure how many greats should be ahead of his name, but he knows he can get free room and board there and that's all that counts.)  Her parents want to be part of the social network and be "important".  Courtney just wants to get along and have peace in her life.

As you can guess, the new girl in school doesn't get much respect or attention.  Only one nerdy boy in school will even talk to her.  When she gets bullied by the local kids who want her money (they had taken it all the day before), she runs into the woods.  The boy follows her, but he never comes out.  There's a monster in the woods you see.

Courtney can't sleep at night because there are "things" in her room.  She wants to get rid of the monster.  And she has access to her Great Uncle's huge library.  It's filled top to bottom with books.  Odd books at that...

Warren Wucinich is the illustrator and his graphics fit the story line well.  The monsters are dark and have big teeth; the library is huge and well stocked; the Great Uncle is long and lean and a bit odd; and Courtney shows her emotions through facial expressions.  A very nice job by the illustrator.

The story line is entertaining and interesting.  I'd like to read more about Courtney.  The author shows how cruel children can be and yet leaves you with a positive outlook for Courtney's future.  She's a survivor.  

Are you?

Happy reading.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Let the Devil Sleep by John Verdon

Dave Gurney got a bit beat up on his last case; he was shot three times.  He's trying to adjust to being retired but all he feels is boredom, apathy, and depression.  When he gets asked to help a young woman on a journalist project, it's something to do.  He's interested because she's talking to the family members who lost a loved one to a serial killer; the case is unsolved.

Edelweiss and Crown allowed me to read an ebook of this story for review (thank you).  It will be published in a week, so check with your local bookstore for a copy.

This is a complicated story with lots of twists. Gurney is only along as a sounding board for the young journalist, but it turns into more when he starts looking over the case.  He has a gut instinct that they approached the case incorrectly.  The FBI doesn't care what Gurney thinks.  Even the profiler for the case thinks he may have PSTD from his shooting and dismisses most of his ideas.

Gurney calls on his cop friends and the man who tried to chase the Good Shepard down and ended up dismissed from the department.  The more he learns, the less clear the case is.  

Then someone begins killing the surviving family members...

There is a lot of detail in this book, but it all ties together and creates a stronger story.  You don't find out who the killer is until about four pages before the end and the ending is beyond belief.  I found myself going:  "Oh, wow!"

If you like a good complicated murder mystery, this one will make you happy.  It's a very good read with all the elements of mystery racing about on the book pages.

Happy reading.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Buried on Avenue B by Peter De Jonge

Darlene is a homicide cop who has seen ugly things and heard many stories, but she finds herself a bit incredulous about a murder that's a decade old and being reported by the caregiver of an old man with Alzheimer's.  Is it true or is it his imagination?

Harper allowed me to read this story for review (thank you).  It will be published in a week or so.  Check with your local bookstore for a copy.

Gus, the Alzheimer's victim, states he buried a big black man under a willow tree in the garden at Avenue B.  Darlene is still doubtful, but she begins to look into the matter.  The garden was there then, she's pretty sure she knows which tree it was, and now she's does some research to see who this man might have been and if he might really be buried there. There is a partner Gus had long ago and he seems to have disappeared when Gus got out of jail.  She finally gets enough facts that they decide to exhume the body that might be buried under the tree.  Then the case becomes really complicated:  The body under the tree belongs to a 9-year-old boy...

The search for his identity and why he got he killed at that age takes Darlene to some very strange places.  She finds the boy in artwork, talks to a bearded lady, walks among gypsies and skateboard riders, and keeps following the tangled weave and piecing the story together.

This story offers an interesting mystery that is filled with emotion and callousness both.  It is not a straight beginning to a logical end; it's full of several bonds between characters and unusual circumstances.  It's ending is also unusual.  You won't figure out the plot before you reach the end of this story.  That made it more interesting to read for me.

If you'd like my copy of this book, leave a comment here on the blog and email me at info at bookfaerie.com with your name and address and why you'd like to read it.  I'll give my copy away in about a week.

Happy reading.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Room 1515 by Bill Wetterman

If you're afraid of Big Brother, don't read this book.  If you read this book, you will be afraid of Big Brother...

Lightening Book Promotions invited me to be part of their blog tour for Mr. Wetterman and he sent me a copy of the book for review (thank you).  You can grab a copy of the book on Amazon now.

She lost her family and everyone around her in a horrific car accident at age nine.  She has no emotions and wants none.  Emotions just hurt and will influence her actions; she prefers to operate like a machine.  Since she has nothing left to lose, she attempts to join the CIA.  Instead, she becomes part of a secret unit, where no one has a real name and they do as they are commanded or die.  That works for her. What Secret Agent Peacock didn't expect to happen was falling in love with the enemy.

Mr. Wetterman has created an ugly world.  It may be all too close to being true, but I'd prefer not to believe that.  This special unit is playing power games and manipulating money.  There is a similar movement on the UK side of the pond, and the two groups are about to clash.  The bad news is that Peacock is going to end up in the middle.

It's a tense, mean story that grips your attention and keeps you reading.  You wonder how this young woman is going to survive despite her killing skills.  You find yourself developing empathy towards her new husband.  I know I sure didn't like the ending.  It's not the "end", just the end of this first book in the series, but I wanted to rewrite part of it.  I think that's a sign that the author has your attention, don't you?

If you want to read an unusual story about secret agents and a world where life means nothing, this is good match for you.  The story also addresses more important issues that should make you think.  After all, which side would you be on?

If you'd like my copy of this book, just leave a comment here on my blog and email at info at bookfaerie.com with your name and address and why you'd like to read it.  I'll pick a winner in about a week.

Happy reading. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Marlow and the Monster by Sharon Cramer

Here is a really cute book for children that has a good message and is done with unusual illustrations.  I really liked how the author put this together.

B & F Publishing and Net Galley shared this ebook with me for review (thank you).  You can grab a copy on Amazon.

Marlow has a monster under his bed but his parents don't believe him.  They think he's making up tales.  He's not...

Everything in this book is basically black and white, except for the monster.  He's got every color in the rainbow and wings and long, creepy hands and feet, and he just persists in bothering the boy.  Marlow finds his parents can't even see the monster when he's in the room.  He has to do something!

Being a typical brother, he decides to "share" the monster with his little sister.  How this turns out is what makes this book so special.

With the color contrast for the monster and the little girl's ingenuity, this is a picture book with a happy ending and eye-catching illustrations.

Happy reading.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Heart of Stone by M L Welsh

Verity and her family are living happily near her Grandfather's mansion.  Wellow is a pleasant place and she can sail almost every day.  She wonders about the white sand she keeps seeing, but she doesn't worry about it much.  She should...

David Fickling Books and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to download and read this ebook.  You can grab a copy of the book next week at your local bookstore.

It's a fantasy tale mixed with witches, magic, love and hate, and a bit of greed.  Verity's story first began in "Mistress of the Storm".  I didn't read that book and had no trouble picking up the story line in this book.

Ms. Welsh writes a fast paced story with mystery and mayhem intertwined.  Verity has two special friends, Henry and Martha, and they've spent the summer together.  A little conflict in romance comes to play when Jeb returns to the island.  Henry is not happy to have Verity's attention taken from him.

This is written for young adults and it's a great adventure story for them.  I think I saw some signs of future conflicts to come in the next book that looked very interesting.  I found it a fun series to follow.

Why not let your young adult see how this current danger is handled and decide if they think Jeb or Henry would be a better boyfriend for Verity?  I'm not sure the author even knows at this point...

Happy reading.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Heirs of Prophecy by Michael A Rothman

They were on vacation and their Dad wasn't telling anyone where they were going, he just said it would be fun.  His first stop is to explore a cave.  Mom and the kids aren't as enthused as he is, but they all play along.  What his Dad hasn't planned was to fall through a portal into another world...

I am participating in a Goddess Fish Blog Tour for this book.  M & S Publishing and the author sent me a copy of the book for review (thank you).  The book has been published so check with your local bookstore for a copy.

The family finds themselves in a misty woods that resembles nothing they are familiar with.  The animals and fruits and unrecognizable.  They don't know if they are in friendly or enemy lands.  And, for some reason, Ryan's hands now flash a bit of electricity.  More changes are coming...

This is story written for young adults and has everything you could imagine in a good fantasy story in it.  A wicked wizard, an evil queen, elves, dwarves, ogres, and even more odd characters permeate this story.  The family is found by the Protector of the region and he takes them home with them.  He knows he must hide them and not let their ignorance of the present culture show they don't belong.  Anyone who doesn't belong dies.  Even some of the ones that do belong die.

This is a world full of conflicts, strange powers, and a prophecy that somehow seems to be coming together.  The story is fast paced, exciting and all the characters are facing challenges.  The family has powers they didn't know existed and they are part of the prophecy.

This is Book 1 in the series and I will be reviewing Book 2 later this year.  I enjoyed this read and look forward to next installment in the story.  This book could be a standalone read if you don't want to continue the series.

Why not settle in a comfortable chair and fall through the portal with this family?  It's an adventure you won't forget...

If you'd like my copy of this book, leave a comment here on the blog and email me at info at bookfaerie.com with your name and address and why you'd like to win it.

You have another chance to win even more:
Michael will be awarding a $50 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour.

Follow the tour and comment; the more they comment, the better their chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:  Goddess Fish Blog Tour

Happy reading!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Lonely Book by Kate Bernheimer

This story touched my heart.  I've had a love affair with books since childhood and have my own favorite books so this story really talked to me.

Schwartz & Wade sent me a copy of this book for review (thank you).  They always choose good stories and produce a quality book so it's fun to review for them.  You can buy this book at your local bookstore now.

If you've used the library, you will be aware of how books generally start out up front on special shelves for new books.  This is where this book was placed with pride upon its arrival at the library.

As time passes, the book goes back on the regular shelves.  Usage lessens with time and the book develops wear.  But there is one little girl who finds the story special and declares it her favorite book.  At the end of its library life, it's stored in the basement for an upcoming sale.

As it sits and waits it get lonelier and lonelier.  It liked being held in children's hands and it enjoyed watching them read the story with delight.  What would happen to it now?

As a child, I had a favorite book.  It had little elves or fairies that traveled on lily pads and lived in the forest.  It had whimsical illustrations.  I loaned it out and never got it back.  I'm still looking for that one.

This book is discovered at the book sale by the little girl who loved it so much in the past and gets to have a real home and an owner who loves it.  How could life get better for either the book or the girl?

This one is going in my personal library.  I may never find the book I lost but this book will remind me of it each time I look at it.

Happy reading.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Carrot by Vanita Oelschlager

Remember how the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence?  I've often wished I could have something that someone else has, at least to experience it for a bit.  This story relates to that adage.

VanitaBooks and Net Galley let me read an ebook of this story for review (thank you).  The book is available for sale at your local bookstore now.

Carrot is the name of orange cat.  She's quite content in her lot in life.  After all, she's the only cat in the house she lives in and they let her roam and visit the waterfront and the food's good.  But then she sees something to make her wonder if maybe she might be missing out...

A very pretty long-haired fluffy white cat lives on a boat!  She imagines exotic food, servants to wait on her, a throne, and even more pampering.  It's not until she realizes she'd have to stay on the boat and she might get tired of eating fish that she decides she's luckier to be where she is.  After all, she'd probably miss out on her bratwurst.

The illustrations are gentle and welcoming and the story is sweet.  Why not share a cute tale with your little one?  They'll enjoy this tale!

Happy reading.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Sundered by Ruthanne Reid

Imagine a world where the water is black and tries to claim you if you get too close.  Now try to imagine what kind of creatures live in that water...

4th Floor Publication and Goddess Fish allowed to me to read this book for the blog tour (thank you).  You can buy this book on Amazon now.

This is a science fiction tale that kicks butt.  The story is gripping, this world is ugly, and humans are just barely getting by.  The author draws you into this world just like the black water would drag you in if you touch it.

Harry believes there is a better world, a better land.  It's called Hope.  And he keeps searching for it with his band of travelers.  They have to be very careful around the black water so they travel in small boats and find islands that will support their weight and not let them roll into the water.

The Sundered live in the water.  They are mostly broken, odd-looking creatures.  They have tiers of intelligence.  Human's "claim" them by entering their minds and making them slaves.  They fetch water, do chores and often die serving their masters.  No one cares but Harry. 

Then Harry suddenly meets and claims a Tier 1 - the highest range on the scale.  He soon finds he needs him to face his challenges.  He also is suspicious that this Sundered he owns might be manipulating him.  But he has no idea how bad it really is...

This is an exciting story that had me rooting for Harry and for the Sundered.  It's a new world that is dangerous and full of all sorts of monsters, human and Sundered both.  I really enjoyed this read and recommend it to anyone who loves science fiction, fantasy, or a good adventure.

The ending left me with my mouth open.  It was totally ironic and will occupy my mind for a while more.  Why not get a copy and scare yourself?

Ruthanne will be awarding a $5 Amazon GC to one random commenter at every stop and a $50 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn commenter at the end of the tour.  The more comments you make, the more chances you have to win.  Here is the list of reviewer's blogsites to visit and comment:  Blog Tour Schedule

Happy reading!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Killer Critique by Alexander Campion

Like French food?  Like murder mysteries?  This book is for you!

Kensington Books sent me an ARC of this book for review.  It has been published and you can get a copy at your local bookstore.

Capucine is back again in a tale of exquisite French cuisine and dead restaurant critics.  Sometimes it's just not safe to give a bad review...

This was a strange little tale.  Capucine loves high fashion and expensive shoes; she even chases criminals in them.  Her husband is an excellent chef that writes critiques. They know those who died as well as the suspects.

Capucine is getting nowhere in her investigation and more people are dying.  In frustration, she goes even further afield in search for the truth.  This part was a bit far-fetched to me, but I've never visited Paris.  Perhaps what was suggested is common there.

The author does twist the tale even more as a trap is set for the killer.  You'll have to read the story yourself to find out just what the twist was.

If you'd like to have my ARC of this book, leave a comment her on my blog and email me at info at bookfaerie.com with your name and address and why you'd like to read this book.  I'll pick a winner in about a week.

Happy reading.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tuesday's Child by Fern Michaels

Mikala (Kala) knew Sophie had not killed Adams disabled wife.  The other attorney knew Adam had not killed her so the only reasonable choice was Sophie.  After a wicked court battle, Sophie was found guilty and jailed...

Kensington Publishing sent me a copy of this book for review (thank you).  It was published at the end of June, so you can find a copy at your local bookstore now.

When Kala is ready to retire, Sophie's case still haunts her.  She's sure she's innocent but, despite searching for other answers for years after her incarceration, there is no other plain answer for why Ms. Star died of an overdose of her medications.  Then Adam Star comes to her office.  He's dying and wants to confess to killing his wife.  He not only frees Sophie with his confession, he gives her his fortune he acquired from his wife.  But did he really kill his wife?  Suddenly Kala begins to doubt it. 

This is a very interesting read with several odd twists.  I enjoyed Kala's romance with her judge, Ben.  

Nothing works out quite like you'd expect in this story.  The scales of justice flex back and forth as the tale goes on and when you reach the end, they're not quite even.  Was justice served or not?  I felt like not quite.  Why don't you read the book and see what you think?

If you'd like my copy of this ARC, please leave a comment here on my blog and email me at info at bookfaerie.com with your name and address and why you would like to read this book.  I'll pick a winner in about a week.

Happy reading.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Teddy's Day by Peter Liptak

Here's a chance for your little one to follow Teddy around during his day and see how he amuses himself...

Little Bear Books and Net Galley let me download a copy of this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can find a copy at your local bookstore.

This is a simple tale with illustrations that look a bit like Mr. Biannicleger used crayon to do them.  The teddy bear's adventures are a lot like any young one's normal day.  Find something fun to do and keep busy all day.  The illustrations are low key and colorful.  Teddy reminds me of a little boy. Why not share a day in the life of a teddy bear with the little one in your life?  The text flows well and Teddy is cute.

The part I like best about this book is that it so simply done, your child might be inspired to create his own book.  I wrote a book about a mouse when I was in grade school.  It was great fun and my Mom helped me with illustrations.  You can read Teddy's book and then create your child's own masterpiece with them.  It'd make a great keepsake.  (I still have that story, fifty years later...)

Happy reading.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Evonne Wareham

Everyone has secrets. Some are stranger than others. Madison Albi is a scientist with a very special talent – for reading minds. When she s...