Monday, May 31, 2021

Avery’s Gift by Jonathan Hoefer, illustrated by Milana Samarskaya

Avery wakes up in the middle of the night.  Nothing looks familiar and she has lost all her colors.  Where did they go?

Mascot Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published June 1st.

Avery asks the animals to help find her colors.  They lead her out to the water where she finds a boy.  It doesn't take long before they are friends.  She goes for a ride with him and gets her colors back.

There really was an Avery and a Dalton.  Their story is an addendum in the back of the book.  It's both sad and happy.

Read it and see if you can guess their secret.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Gerald Needs a Friend by Robin Boyden

Gerald has his home and his garden and everything he needs.  He makes jams and other things from his produce so he will good things to eat in the winter.  One day he decides to go to town...

Frances Lincoln Children's Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.
Gerald has a routine at home that works well for him.  He goes to bed at seven.  But when he gets to town there are two mice there selling whatever you might need.  He doesn't like the crowd but when it thins out, one of the mice comes over and invites him to try on costumes.  He does and he has fun.
Soon it is later than he thought and he has to run home.  That night he can't sleep.  He thinks about the fun he had and comes up with an idea.
Can you guess what his idea is?

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Life with Lily by Margaret Morgan

Dee's mom and dad buy her a grey Welsh pony.  She's thrilled.  The pony needs some work.  She doesn't want to be brushed and she's a bit fat.  The first thing they discover is that she has barbed wire stuck in her neck.  The vet clears that up.

This book is self-published and I was allowed to read it for review (thank you).  It's been published and you can get a copy now.

This is written for young adults and it's a good read.  Dee loves her pony and her friends want to ride it, too.  She shares the pony with her friends.  Unfortunately her dad  has lost his job.  He's upset about that and it concerns her mom, too.

You learn about prejudice because her mother is black and everyone thinks she's a servant, not her mother.  Her mom stands up for herself.  She gets a job cooking meals for the schools in her district.  Everybody loves her food!

There's a lot of trauma in the adult relationships but the children get along fine.  The pony helps everyone with their worries, fears or needs.  She gives them eyelash kisses.

The story has some sad stuff but it has a lot more positive things and it ends well. 

Be prepared to answer some questions from your young one.  They may understand or they may not.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles (Easy Classics) by adapted for children by Stephanie Baudet

This story has been adapted for younger readers but it's still scary.  One man dead and another being set up for murder.  Sherlock sends Watson with the next victim...

Sweet Cherry Publishing and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on June 10th.

No one is sure if the dog is real or just superstition.  Watson pays close attention to everyone Henry meets and talks to.  He sees nothing suspicious but he does notice that the escaped convict is living on the moor.  He sees another man, too, so he goes to check it out.

To his surprise, it's Holmes.  Then they find a dead body and think it's Henry's but, while it's his clothes, it's the convict.  They rush to find Henry but they are interrupted by a hound...

There's a history behind the facts that explains the motive and more.

It's a good read but a bit scary.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Wildflowers TOON Level 2 by Liniers

The plane they are riding on crashes on an island that has been claimed by wildflowers.  Soon they find the flowers talk!
TOON Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has beeen published and you can get a copy now.
Then one of them finds a little house at the base of a tree.  She says it's a gorilla's house but they say it's much too small.  They knock and a miniature gorilla comes out and looks at them.  One of them picks him up and puts him in her pocket.
All of a sudden, there's a dragon after them.  They run trying to get away.  It's not a big island so there isn't much of a place to hide...
I liked the ending and I think you and your children will, too!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

My Way West: Real Kids Traveling the Oregon and California Trails by Elizabeth Goss

This is a very nicely done educational tool.  It's truthful, has good and bad times, some of it is  sad, but those who survive meet their goals.

West Margin Press and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published June 29th.

Between 1841 and 1884, more than 300,000 people—40,000 of whom were children—moved over land across North America in search for a new start and better life.  They were leaving a not so pleasant life on the east coast by going to the west coast where they could be free.  Some were black, some were European, others just wanted a new start.

You get the story of the journey and learn it was hard.  I enjoyed reading the quotes from the children.  Some lost parents, some lost food, some got hurt, but they all went on.

This book also points out that the immigrants moved in and took over the land that the Indians used for grazing, hunting and more.  We're lucky we have any left.

All in all, it's a good educational source.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Detecting Fear by Shannon Hollinger

This was an interesting collection of short stories that are based on fear.  It's a quick read but the stories all have elements of surprise.

BookGoSocial and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published so you can buy it now.

I found the first story was gripping and made me wonder if I wanted to read more, but I did.

There are killers that are unexpected and lots of small scares.  I can't tell you about the content of the stories because you need to read it yourself and see if you can figure out the murderers.

Reading this will keep you awake for a while...

Monday, May 24, 2021

The Night Hawks by Elly Griffiths

Ruth is an archaeologist and while there is an excavation going on at the beach where some Bronze age artifacts are found, they also locate a murdered man.  He's no artifact, he's a current member of the community.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published June 29th.

If that murder is not enough, there is a farm where a man and his wife are dead.  It looks like he shot her and then himself.  There is a small problem, though.  His right hand fingerprints are on the gun and he's left handed...

The group of people they are investigating is a mess.  One man has a wife and a mistress.  The daughter of the couple had an affair with a teacher she met at school.  

The Night Hawks search at night for treasures.  Then they find one of them dead.

As the search continues more secrets come to light and there are no end of suspects.  Ruth helps with the case but it's complicated by affairs and the number of players.

Will they ever find out what happened?

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Haven Point by Virginia Hume

Haven Point has a beautiful view of the ocean and the families that live there have been there a long time.  When visitors come, they are ignored, treated with suspicion, but not really welcomed. 

St. Martin's press sent me an ARC of the book to read for review.  It will be published June 8th.

This story concentrates on one or two families and follows them through life.  You watch the children grow up to be adults.  These families are a bit dysfunctional.  Happiness is sprinkled here and there, and grudges are not forgotten.  There are tragedies that no one can forget.  

It begins in 1944, goes to 1970, and ends in 2008.  You learn about their personalities, their desires, and about death.  

This is not a happy book, but it mimics real life.  As you read you may see resemblances between someone you know and the characters.  If you enjoy reading about family life, you will enjoy this book.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Captain's Daughter : Essential Stories Alexander Pushkin, Antony Briggs (Translated by) Series: Pushkin Collection

This is a small collection of Russian stories.  These were set in years long ago so they are not pleasant tales to read.  Those in charge have no remorse about the deaths they caused.  Even when they weren't fighting, people died.

Pushkin Collection and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on June 15th.

My Grandfather was a Czech who could speak 8 languages.  He knew Russians and these tales sound a bit like the stories he told.  Long ago, every man was for himself and being nice didn't count.

These stories are memorable.  They will stick with you for a while.  There's no happy ever after in these tales...

Friday, May 21, 2021

The Dead Letter by Seeley Regester, Leslie S. Klinger (Edited by)

Eleanor is in love and will soon be married.  Richard loves her, too, but she loves Henry.  Then they find that Henry has been murdered!

Poisoned Pen Press and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published in June 15th.

Someone stabbed him in the back.  Eleanor withdraws into herself and mourns.

Richard is not part of the family but he works in the firm and appears to be a successor for Eleanor's father.  After this murder, he gets a cold reception from the old man.  Someone is spreading rumors about him.

There's turmoil in the family, no real evidence on who the killer could be and it turns into a real mess.  Luckily Richard meets a man who is willing to look into it.

It takes a long time, several trips, and the perseverance of the man helping to get to the truth of what happened.  

This is a classic written several years ago and the writing style is slow and filled with details.  It took a bit to read but it was a good mystery.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Book No One Wants to Read by Beth Bacon

This book is tired of sitting on the shelf.  It wants to be read!

HarperCollins and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on June 15th.

I've read a lot of books, but I've never had one talk to me.  The person who picked this book didn't know it would talk to them either.

Soon the book is telling the reader what to do and how to hide the fact they weren't really reading the book.  Imagine having a book boss you around.

The illustrations are colorful and the author gets points for a good imagination!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Mermaid Cassandra Encounters a Giant Squid by Antoinette Lawrence

This is the fifth book of this series.  Mermaid Cassandra is Mermaid Annabella's mom.  She's painting her a special picture but needs to add more color to it.

Publishing Push and the author shared this series with me so I could review it for you (thanks).  It has been published so you can get a copy now.

She finds some bioluminescent  creatures.  That would be a nice addition.  But a giant squid wants to take them!

There is a quick quiz at the end to help your child remember what they learned.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Merman Evan's Curious Creatures by Antoinette Lawrence

Here's book four of the series.  This time it's a merman, not a woman.  He's excited because Mermaid Antoinette is coming to visit!

Publishing Push and the author shared this series with me so I could review it for you (thanks).  It has been published so you can get a copy now.

She asks to see the sharks in his world.  His shark is very different from hers.  Then he shows her a couple more creatures.  This is in another part of the world.

The illustrations are fun and the quiz will help your young ones learn.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Mermaid Natalie Explores the Coral Reefs by Antionette Lawrence

This is the third book in the series.  This mermaid has a magnifying glass!

Publishing Push and the author shared this series with me so I could review it for you (thanks).  It has been published so you can get a copy now.

She goes to see what creatures she can find on the coral reef.  She finds several and she even has a favorite!  After reading the book, there's a quiz at the back to see what your young one remembers.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Mermaid Antoinette and the Sharks by Antoinette Lawrence

This is the second book in this series and it is just as sweet as the first.  In this one you learn about sea creature, a bit about geography and there is a quiz at the end to let you share what you've learned.

Publishing Push and the author shared this series with me so I could review it for you (thanks).  It has been published so you can get a copy now.

This time you get another mermaid as a guide and the sharks are kind instead of cruel.  The illustrations are fun.  This is an easy way for someone young to learn.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Mermaid Angela Finds a Sunken Shipwreck by Antionette Lawrence

This is one of five stories written that will introduce your child to new things.  This one teaches them about seashells, the parts of a boat, and even a bit of geography.

Publishing Push and the author shared this series with me so I could review it for you (thanks).  It has been published so you can get a copy now.

The illustrations are fun, you have a mermaid to show you the things you can learn and there's even a quiz in each book to help you retain the knowledge.

Friday, May 14, 2021

What Comes Next by Rob Buyea

This is a story of a good dog who helps people heal.  He's fun, he's likes everyone and Theo shares her dog with her sisters and friends.

Delacorte Books for Young Readers and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on June 8th.

Thea has lost her best friend, he was a victim in a traffic accident.  She feels like she could have saved him by trading him places but it's too late now.  Her parents decide to move to another city where no one would know this sad history.

When they are all moved in, they decide to go look for a dog.  They visit the shelter and pick out one that is grown and has a bad eye like her friend.

All goes well for a while.  Thea, who became mute after the accident, begins to speak again.  Her little sisters play hide and seek with the dog.  The dog comforts Theo.  He reminds her of Charlie, her friend.

Then, one day, her new male friend almost gets killed in another accident, but the dog saves him.  But then the dog goes missing...

Will they ever find Jack Jack, the dog?

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Gunshy: An Oliver Redcastle Historical Mystery (Redcastle Mysteries Book 1) by Louise Titchener

Oliver used to work at Pinkerton but he's moving on.  He wants to get into a less dangerous business.  But going home didn't remove any danger...

BooksGoSocial and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

He and his cousin fought on different sides during the Civil War.  Oliver made it back in good shape but his cousin didn't.

Oliver runs into several versions of trouble at home.  He wants to invest and the sheriff says he can have two days to decide if he would like to join their group.  He gets solicited as a detective by a woman that wants to work with him.  She's not who she says she is.  There is a plot to kill the president that he wants to stop.  And all this going on at the same time.

As if that isn't enough, someone is trying to kill him.  Will he live long enough to sort it out?

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Don't Lose Your Head: Life Lessons from the Six Ex-wives if Henry VIII by Harriet Marsden

Henry VIII might have been King but he was not a nice man...

Ulysses Press sent me a copy of this book to read and review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

You learn about Henry's wives (he had six) and each has a chapter devoted to her.

Each wife tells you how they were brought up, why they married him and how long their marriage lasted.  He enjoyed having women in his bed, but it didn't take long before he got bored.  His staff helped him find excuses to get rid of them.  Some got beheaded, some died from childbirth, some were sent away.  As he got older, the women he married were younger.  Most were looking for security.

Some of these I knew about but there were more I didn't.  Reading their stories lets you walk in their shoes.  This was a fascinating read based on facts.

You won't be bored!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Jak Barley Private Inquisitor and the Case of the Cursed Golden Muskrat by Dan Ehl

This is a fantasy tale that is written by a man with lots of imagination.  There are all kinds of enemies in Jak's world but that doesn't make him give up on his quest.

The author sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It has been published, so you can get a copy now.  There are several books in this series and they are all fun to read.

He is on a job to find the heir to the throne that went missing as an infant.  When you don't know what he looks like for sure and he hasn't been taught to act like royalty, how is he supposed to find him?  He goes looking anyway.

Another person has hired him to get back the shipment that was stolen.  There was something in the box besides the goods but the owner doesn't know what it was.  However, those looking for it think he does...

Jak has to fight Ghennison Viper Mages and try hard to stay alive.  He's got a huge automation that looks golden who is on the hunt for the wand that's missing.  He needs to find it first...

Jak has his girlfriend, his half brother and Lorenzo with him but it takes a lot of work to be safe.  His girlfriend is a witch, so that's handy.

The book is full of action, danger, and unexpected consequences.  Trust me, you won't be bored.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Life with Lily by Margaret Morgan

Dee gets a pony that is that is a bit shy and needs to be treated gently.  She can do that but she's a bit impatient.  It doesn't take her long to realize her pony is clever.  She tries to help anyone having a bad day.

The author allowed me to read her book for review (thank you).  It will be published July 27th.

They have a donkey that soon makes friends with Lily.  Dee enjoys riding her pony.  Life is going well until her dad loses his job.  He has big plans for starting his own business but with no money that seems to be out of reach.

He helps her with her horse.  She has a good girlfriend that's stronger than her.  That comes in handy when two boys bother the animals.  Soon, the issue is resolved and everyone is friends again.

Young readers will enjoy the tale of Lily, the pony.  Everything is not sweetness and light but it's like life actually is.  The family overcomes their problems, the pony is sweet, and Dee has some good ideas.  Together they survive.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Death in Daylesford by Kerry Greenwood: Series: Phryne Fisher Mysteries

Phryne gets a letter from a Herbert Spencer asking her to come to his place of business.  He runs a home for soldiers that are shell shocked.  He doesn't say why but Phryne's curiosity makes her go.

Poisoned Pen Press and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published June 1st.

Phryne and Dot go thinking of it as a holiday.  It's no holiday.  There are missing women and murder is done right under their noses!

Phryne decides to try to figure who the killer is.  One cop warns her off, the other asks for her help.  There are booby traps, more murder and it gets dangerous to be snooping about.  That doesn't stop Phryne.

She finds nothing obvious and isn't sure who the killer could be.  After lots of fact finding and some meditation on the matter, she thinks she has it...

Saturday, May 8, 2021

The Very Impatient Caterpillar by Ross Burach

This is the story of a caterpillar changing into a butterfly.  He has no patience...

This book has been published so you can get a copy now.

He doesn't even know the process for becoming a butterfly.  Another explains it to him and says it will take two weeks.  He can't stand it.  There's nothing to do while he waits.  He breaks out of his chrysalis but it's too soon.

He makes another one and waits.  This time he's successful and becomes a butterfly.

The part that tickled me was that he kept asking if it was long enough yet until all the other butterflies tell him to shut up.  It's like a child saying, "Are we there yet?"

Friday, May 7, 2021

The Little Butterfly That Could by Ross Burach

This little butterfly is supposed to be migrating with the others but he got lost in the fog.  Now he's asking a whale for advice.

This book will be published April 6th.

When he finds out he has to fly 200 miles, he wants to give up.  It's a good thing the whale acts as cheerleader for him.  He responds positively to anything negative and he finally builds the butterfly's confidence enough to try.

Luckily the butterfly makes it and is among his friends once more.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Black Widows by Cate Quinn

Blake Nelson is Mormon and has three wives.  They don't get along so well.  The only thing they have in common is Blake.

Sourcebooks Landmark sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

Rachel is the first wife and she does whatever Blake asks.  Tina is the second wife.  She's just out of rehab and was from Las Vegas.  Emily is a young wife, number three, and she's quiet and often scared.

Then, one day when Blake goes fishing, they find him dead.  The cops think one of the wives killed him, but which one?  They begin by arresting Rachel.  Then Tina confesses to it.

As the cops try to make sense of what they are finding, the story continues and gives you an insight into the women's lives.

The killer was not one of his wives, so who was it?

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The Keepers by Jeffrey B. Burton

Mace has taught his dogs to find cadavers and to smell the killer, too.  He has a crush on the cop he works with but she just wants to be friends.  He gets a call and heads out to with his dogs.

St. Martin's Press and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published June 29th.

One victim was really beat up.  When they find the band member that left the group, the dog goes on high alert.  That's one killer found.  The other cases are more complex.

They are finding important people killed.  The cops are working with the mob and anyone that doesn't do what he's told ends up dead.

As they learn who is involved, it's apparent that they will need the help of the FBI to take them down.  But they need proof.

Their investigation gets more dangerous every minute.

Will they survive to take down the bad guys or will the bad guys win?

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Ali Cross: Like Father, Like Son by James Patterson

Ali is looking for the girl he likes.  He has his friends with him  and they are at a concert that Zoe's mother is going to put on.  Then he hears a gunshot from the direction she went in...

Hatchet Book Group and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on June 28th.

He lays on the ground and looks for Zoe under the buses parked there.  He sees her and someone else's shoes.  The other person leaves, and Zoe has been shot in the wrist.  She won't tell him who shot her.

Her mother is divorced and her sister lives with them.  Her father is homeless, but he works two jobs.

As Ali attempts to find out what happened, he finds more and more connections to Zoe.  Ali's father tells him to be careful.  He wants his son safe.

Things begin to fall into place.  Ali is not a bad detective but he's learning that following clues can be dangerous...

Another good read from Mr. Patterson.

Monday, May 3, 2021

A Fatal Footnote by Margaret Loudon

The Duke is marrying his love and Penelope has been invited to the wedding.  Everything is going well until they find the Duke's previous girlfriend dead...

Berkley and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published July 6th.

Penelope decides to try to determine who the killer is.  She wouldn't bother if her cop boyfriend had the case, but they have sent in another detective from a prominent division.

He tells her thank you for her help and they work together on it.

When she gets a flat tire because it was cut by a knife, she knows she must be getting close to the truth.  She's suspected many people but she's not sure who it actually is.

When she gets taken hostage, she knows her life might over...

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Little Bat in Night School by Brian Lies

Little Bat has all his school supplies ready and can't wait to go to school.  He's so excited!  But almost everyone at school is much bigger than him...

HMH Books for Young Readers and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on June 29th.

The bats that are there are playing and ignore him.  Nobody seems to care about him so he goes to a cupboard to hide,  There's a possum in it but he's willing to share.  Soon he and Little Bat are friends.

During recess, they make things to play with.  They learn their numbers and their teacher starts to read them a story.  She'll have to save the rest of the tale for the next night.  The sun is coming up and the children head for home.  Little Bat loves school!

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Multispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures by Taiyo Fyjii and many more authors

This is an anthology of science fiction stories about what the earth may evolve into.  They are all interesting and most have new ideas of what might be coming.

World Weaver Press sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

There is  a long list of authors.  The stories were written by

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None of the stories are boring.  Some are almost all fantasy but they are all entertaining.
Any book from the World Weaver press is well written and makes you think.  This book has several things that challenged how I view things.  Give it a try and see if you have the same results.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Evonne Wareham

Everyone has secrets. Some are stranger than others. Madison Albi is a scientist with a very special talent – for reading minds. When she s...