Friday, November 30, 2018

Dear Earthling: Cosmic Correspondent by Pen Avey

Dethbert Jones is an average ten year old.  He just happens to be an alien.  He's excited about having an earthling pen pal and they both learn a lot about each other by reading their letters.

Common Deer Press and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published December 3rd.

The planet is named Crank.  He has a pet chicken snail and a best friend named Andi Social.  Puns are alive and well in this story.  Dethbert has a crush on his neighbor girl who wishes he would go away.  And he tells his pen pal all about it.

The pen pal writes back with information about his life, earth customs, what they eat and more.  The alien and the earthling could not be more different but they have fun corresponding anyway.

Dethbert goes to Space Camp and almost doesn't make it back.  He almost gets his crush to be his girlfriend.  His life isn't boring...

This was great fun to read because the names of things are either a play on words or total nonsense.  When Dethbert gets lost in space (not his fault), his earthling friend tries to get NASA to help him to no avail.  How could this not be fun to read?

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Playing with Fire: A 1960s British mystery by Patricia Hall

A young girl falls to her death from a night club.  She was too young to be there, nobody seems to have seen her, and nobody has reported her missing.  Who is she and did she fall or was she pushed?

Severn House and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published December 1st.

Harry can feel Soho changing.  There's a new group in town that's playing rough and demanding protection money.  He's not sure who they are but it's not the old group.  Not only that, there are new drugs on the street.  Maybe that was why that young one thought she could fly...

As Harry and his girlfriend investigate, they get very close to the new bad guys.  Harry has to ask her to move out so nobody hurts her.  Harry's job is threatened.  They still almost kill his girlfriend with a spiked drink.

These bad guys are really bad and they care only for money.  They leave the dead behind as messages.  Will Harry and his girl survive?

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Darkest Before The Dawn by Mike Martin

Sgt. Windflower is happily married, they have a new baby and he has his collie.  All is good in his personal world.  So why can't his work life settle down?

BooksGoSocial and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

There's not much crime in the town he lives in and he likes it that way.  Then they find a dead body.  As if that weren't bad enough, another dead body shows up.  They have no clue why these people were killed and they are relative strangers to the town folk.  As they dig through the clues, look up backgrounds and search for answers, they find out the first body they found was a druggie who ran scams.  That gives them a reason for why but not a who did it.

They keep digging and they get closer to the answer all the time.  When they find a man who will talk for a deal, they know they have a case.  But they just think they do...

The crimes aren't very pleasant but Windflower's home life with family and animals is quite enjoyable.  This was a good read.  I'd enjoy reading more in this series.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Body in the Attic by Judi Lynn

Jazzi and her cousin Jerrod flip houses to make a living.  Some they do real well on, some they don't make much on.  They can do their own work with the help of a contractor and they enjoy it even if it can be hard work.  But they never expected to find a dead body in a trunk in the attic.  Now Jazzi knows what happened to her aunt...

Lyrical Underground and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you). It is being published today.

This death was a long buried secret.  The man who lived in the house didn't know she was there and mourned her loss his whole life.  Then Jazzi finds out her son was coming to see Cal but didn't show up.  When they attempt to work on the plumbing, they find him buried in the backyard.  Who killed him?

Is it one killer or two?  The son had never been to that town before, how could he have enemies?  And which one of her lovers might have killed her aunt?

In between the murders, Jazzi is developing a new love interest that's fascinating and fun.  I'd love to read more in this series!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Crow Flight by Susan Cunningham

Gin is in her senior year.  She's taking classes to make her application to Harvard look better.  When she notices a cute new male student, she tries to get his attention subtly but it doesn't work.  She does most of her work with programs she's created that can help her with life.  She's very logical and data oriented.  Unfortunately, he doesn't come up as a match for her in the dating field.  But he does get paired with her for a programming class...

Amberjack Publishing and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published December 11th.

Gin and Felix work well together.  One thing she notices about him is that he has an affinity for crows.  It turns out his father raises and trains them.  His father also keeps a database on them.  They decide to write a program about the crows using that database.  It's a good and a bad idea both.

Gin is getting quite fond of Felix.  Then he and his parents go on vacation and when they return, Felix is withdrawn from school.  She can't get hold of him by phone, so she goes to visit and his father threatens her with a lawsuit if she uses the crow database.  What's he hiding?

She hears from Felix here and there and he tells her to continue with the program they were working on and use the database as planned.  She finds a connection between the crows and espionage and then the FBI get involved.  Then she finds out her dating program is illegal and she has her own problems.  She's also worried about Felix really cares for her.

I've always had a fascination with crows (they're smart) and they made this story more enjoyable for me.  I enjoyed this read, why don't you give it a try?

Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Trail Boss's Bride: inspirational historical romance (Journeys of the Heart Book 3) by Erica Vetsch

Steve is taking a large herd to market so he can save the ranch his parents owned.  His father had taken a loan to improve the place.  It did, but it also laid a big debt on the place.  Now he and his little brother are on the trail and hope to get where they are going in time.

Wild Heart Books shared this book with me for a review (thank you).  It has been published and you can buy a copy now.  (You can get all three in one package on Amazon.)

What Steve didn't need was to find an apparently abandoned wagon in the middle of the river crossing.  Now they'd have to move it first.  He thinks he found a dead body in the wagon but it turns out to be a woman in labor. He has no idea how to deliver a baby.  He calls for his cook.  The cook won't deliver it so he fires him.  And then he attempts to help her...

When he finds out her husband is dead and their mules were stolen by Indians, he loads her in the cook wagon and takes her with them.  None of the men are happy.  They think she's bad luck.  He promises to send her on her way at the next town.

In the meantime the baby, named Little Critter by the men) is charming everyone.  Kitty doesn't want to be sent back home and offers to be their cook.  No one is excited about it but she wins them over.

I especially liked the ending of this one.  It's unusual and a very nice touch.  I bet you'll get a smile out of it, too.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Road Home: inspirational historical romance (Journeys of the Heart Book 2) by Winnie Griggs

He's taking two young children to their uncle.  Their parents died in a fire and they have no other relatives.  The uncle really doesn't want them but there's nowhere else for them to go except an orphanage.  What he didn't plan on was having to chase them down numerous times because they keep running away!

Wild Heart Books shared this book with me for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

They're missing again and when Wyatt gets off the train, he sees a circus.  He's sure that's where they went and starts out after them.  He finds them with a woman.  She has a parrot.  He thinks she's part of the circus but she's not.  The children listen to her much better than do him.  She's riding the train, too, so he invites her to share their compartment.  She even offers to go to the uncle's house to help introduce them and get them settled.

What Wyatt didn't expect was to fall in love with her.  He can't be a surgeon anymore since he hurt his hand and he's not sure what he'll do for a living now.  He can't marry her.  Or can he?

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Gentleman's Quest: inspirational historical romance (Journeys of the Heart Book 1) by Camille Elliot

Honoria hasn't had a good relationship with men since her brother's death.  First her cousin took over the house they lived in and thrust them out because she wouldn't accept his advances.  Then her mother's brother let them live with them but complained every day.  To get her mother and herself out of that household, she will have to marry.  She has no dowry.  She's not beautiful.  The man who wants to marry her is old and lecherous.  But he wouldn't be as bad as the other two.

Wild Heart Books let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

Then a male friend from her past comes to visit.  He's been avoiding her but he found one of her brother's belongings with a dead man in his barn.  He's returning it.  When he shows them there is a map inside, Honoria hopes it's for a treasure.  If it is, maybe she won't have to marry!

As they pursue clues to identify the map location, they have folks following them and trying to steal the map.  It turns into a dangerous venture both with the map and with their hearts...

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Cowboy Brave by Carolyn Brown

Emily grew up on a ranch.  She didn't mind ranch work but when they wanted her to take over the books and stay inside all day, she refused.  She got a degree and worked first with children and then with elderly folks.  The elderly folks are almost the same as working as with children...

Forever and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published January 8th.

When her little group wants to go stay on a ranch and remember their pasts and make some new memories, she can't say no.  When she goes to confirm the stay, see the rooms and sign a contract, she dresses up so she looks like a lady.  The problem is that she steps in a cow pie on the way to the door.  And they are her brand new expensive new heels.  Or rather they were...

The cowboy who opens the door stuns her.  He's tall, good looking and fills out his jeans just right.  This looks like it could be a long week.

He's only into one night stands, he has no desire to get married.  She doesn't trust males generally and doesn't want any commitments herself.   Despite that, they end up dancing around each other with romance in the air.  His mother doesn't like her.  She hasn't told him her parents own the biggest ranch in the territory.  And her elderly clients are pushing them together and getting in trouble on their own when they're not.

This was a fun read with lots of odds and ends of problems and a good start towards a lasting love.  She's almost a cowboy herself, so it was fun to see how she shocked him with her abilities.

I found it a very enjoyable read.  See what you think!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Sydney Noir by John Dale

These short stories include drugs, murder, sex and gangs.  I've never been to Australia but after reading these stories, I'd almost be afraid to go...

Akashic Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published January 8th.

Some stories have cuss words, most all have evil of some sort in it, and all of them are unique.  It reads up fairly quickly because they are short stories.

Brand-new stories by: Kirsten Tranter, Mandy Sayer, John Dale, Eleanor Limprecht, Mark Dapin, Leigh Redhead, Julie Koh, Peter Polites, Robert Drewe, Tom Gilling, Gabrielle Lord, Philip McLaren, P.M. Newton, and Peter Doyle.

Out of all these, my favorite was Slow Burn by Gabrielle Lord.  It takes a long time to get their ducks in a row but when they do...

Why not give this one a read and then tell me which story you liked best?

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Lies Come Easy by Steven F Havill

It begins with a two and a half year walking along the road in the snow, his parents no where around.  When they find his father, he hasn't much to say.  To jail he goes...

Poisoned Pen Press and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published today.

There's a missing range tech, his girlfriend is dead from a gunshot, the father of the young boy has died of a gunshot and all the cops have are questions.    They are pretty sure the range tech is dead, too.  The problem is that everyone in the small village lies.  They tell tales to protect others in the village.  When they are caught at it, they play dumb.  It's hard to find facts when no one cooperates.

The cops don't give up.  They talk to those they can and then go to talk to the man they believe is the killer.  He has an ugly industrial accident right in front of them and they have to try to talk to him in the hospital.  All he can do is write notes.  Is he telling the truth now?

This was a well-put-together mystery.  As they piece things together, they work out who the killer is.  It doesn't make you happy but life is like that.  Bad choices have a backlash.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Sophie Washington: Secret Santa by Tonya Duncan Ellis

When Sophie gets a package in the mail, there's no return address on it.  When she opens it, it has a gift and a motivational note in it.  She didn't sign up for a Secret Santa this year.  Who could be sending it?

Goddess Fish Blog Tours and the author shared a copy of this book with me for review (thank you). It's on sale for only 99 cents during this tour, so you can grab a copy now.

Sophie is a fun character to read about.  She's determined to find out who is sending the gifts and looks over her classmates for clues.  She's sure the girls aren't doing it.  How about the two boys she's friends with?  She eliminates one of them but isn't sure about the other.  He keeps trying to ask her questions and they keep getting interrupted.  Might it be him?

These stories have a good flow, are uplifting and have subtle messages in them.  In this case, it's someone trying to thank them for being nice in the past.  It's a real surprise to both of them.  Any middle grader should enjoy this book, I did and I'm way past that time in my life...

Tonya Duncan Ellis will be awarding $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.  Enter HERE.

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:

Good luck and happy reading!  

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Lackbeard by Cody B. Stewart and Adam Rocke

The youngest brother has dreamed of being a pirate since he was small.  His mother told him he had the heart of one.  But she died before he was very old and he and his older brother are in an orphanage.  The bad news?  They are being moved, separated, and being sent quite a distance from each other.  He refuses to do it.  He's going to become a pirate.

Common Deer Press and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).   It will be published December 3rd.

This story is a bit silly and a bit far-out but it's very entertaining.  They begin by raiding a pirate exhibit and sneaking out a map and an ancient artifact.  Then they have to escape the home they are in.  When they do, the other orphans hitch along for the adventure.  The older brother doesn't know that but the younger brother doesn't give them away.  Next, they steal a boat...

The first thing that happens is that they run into some pirates that want the boat they stole.  They escape them and head for the island with the treasure.

They end up on the island with not only the other pirates but the military man who wants the older brother and the crazy old man who lived next door to them at home.  It makes for an exciting encounter that could go any which way!

It was busy, made me laugh in places, and it was great fun to read.  Your middle graders should love this one.

Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery

She's an orphan and she's a girl.  She's sad to have no home but isn't worried about being a girl until she finds out the folks who were going to take her into their home wanted a boy...

Sweet Cherry Publishing and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

This is a classic story from the past that I read long ago and liked.  I didn't remember much about it so I decided to read it again and see how it stood up after so many years.  It's still a very good read no matter what age you are!

While she's not a boy, the man bringing her home is fascinated by her chatter.  She names things magical things, tells him about herself and asks questions here and there.  He enjoys it so he asks his sister to let her stay.  She says she has to go back.  She takes her to the lady who chose her for them and asks why they didn't get a boy.  That wasn't the message she got from the message carrier, but she says she can place her.  There's a woman with lots of children who is looking for a caretaker for her children.  She's not a nice woman.  She agrees she would take her and gives Anne a big list of does and don't right there in the living room.  Marilla takes Anne home with her.  Matthew will be happy and they'll adjust.  It's good that she feels that way because there is a lot of adjustment to do...

Anne makes friends with the neighbor girl.  She goes to school.  She learns to cook.  And she gets in trouble a lot.  She has a fantasy world she escapes into and it often happens right at the wrong time.

Parts of this book will make you laugh and part will make you cry but Anne perseveres and it's a pleasure to watch her growing up.  She bring life and love into a cheerless home that brightens up with her as an addition.

This was still a very good read even if it is an old classic.  It's a great book for middle graders. 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Hooks Can Be Deceiving: A Crochet Mystery by Betty Hechtman

Molly Pink has enough to do with an upcoming TV show, a crafter's group that meets, and her regular job at the book and yarn shop.  But when a young woman who is a companion to another dies on the lawn from electrocution, she's not sure the young woman was the intended victim.  The lady she worked for is worth a lot of money and her brother wants the property.  She took a walk around the property every evening.  Was she the intended victim?

Crooked Lane Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published December 11th.

The more she digs into the mystery, the worse it gets.  She gets threats.  She's working with her old boyfriend and they still have feelings for each other.  Her new boyfriend is very busy with his job, so he's not around as much as he should be.  She keeps digging.   And she keeps working on accommodating the TV crew.  They keep making changes to improve the set where the shoot will take place.  There's also a celebrity that doesn't crochet who is going to host the show.  There's a problem.  She said she's an expert at crochet but doesn't even know how to do it.  Can they teach her in time?

This was a pleasant cozy with lots of odds and ends tied together.  I found it to be an enjoyable read.  It has an exciting ending, too.  Give it a try.  

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Polar Bear Explorers' Club by Alex Bell

She wants to go on an expedition with her father but girls are not allowed.  He refuses to take her until her aunt wants to send her to finishing school.  She's got her scheduled to start as soon as Felix leaves.  He tells her no and foils that plan by taking Stella with him.  She is going on the expedition!

Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

Stella has no idea how exciting and scary this trip will be.  When her father is bedridden by seasickness, she wanders the ship and finds herself around a bunch of caged wolves.  Her trip is almost cut short by a storm they enter.  She gets thrown overboard!

There are three other young adults on the trip.  One is a friend from home, one is the wolf whisperer, and the other is a member of the Squid Explorers and he's not very friendly or nice.  She decides she doesn't like him.  But when they get separated from the adults because the Squid wolf squad is not very well trained, they just have themselves to depend on.

They meet frost fairies, find an ice palace, get chased by a Yeti, and visit a bandit's tavern.  There are plenty of adventures and, in time, a friendship builds between all of them.

This middle grade book will hold reader's attention and has enough excitement to make it a fun read.  Share it with your young one and I won't tell if you read it, too.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

No Place for Wolverines by Dave Butler

Jenny is sent in undercover to check out a proposed ski lodge.  There was a ban against them and then the legislature removed it.  Now there's a proposal for a huge development.  It'll take Jenny home and she can check on her mother so there's a personal benefit, too.  But she has no idea just what she's taking on when she accepts the assignment.

Dundurn and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

The first thing she finds is a burnt building where a wolverine researcher was killed.  That's concerning but it should haven't anything to do with the ski lodge, should it?  That's just the beginning of the questions.

She finds herself caught up in politics, threatened by the ski lodge administrators and her temporary boss, and ends up with her mother being kidnapped and threatened.  She refuses to back down but it just gets more dangerous.

The worst part is that much of this story sounds like it could be the truth.  There are corrupt people everywhere.  She trusts people she shouldn't.  If the ski lodge goes in, it will kill the wildlife that lives in that area but the lodge is being pushed and the environmental studies take too long.

Then there is talk of a new highway (right through a pristine forest) and a pipeline accompanying it.  All the investors get excited.  It's getting worse all the time.  Can Jenny stop it?

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Angel and Bavar by Amy Wilson

Angel is an orphan who is now living with a nice couple that took her in.  When she goes to school, she meets an odd boy who hides himself from most people, but she can see him.  She thinks he might know something about the monster that killed her parents but he tries to avoid her.  She's persistent, though.

Katherine Tegen Books and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published now and you can grab a copy now.

This book is part fantasy, part paranormal, and part horror story all at once.  The creature that killed her parents came from another world.  Bavar fights them to keep our world safe but each battle he fights leaves its mark on him.

When Angel finds out a spell can close the rift they come through, she wants to use it.  She needs help to translate it.  Bavar doesn't want her want her to do it because it's dangerous.  But the spell is from her father's book and she knows it will work if she can do it right...

With talking portraits, his Grandfather talking through the head of a statue and more odd things about the house, it's challenge just to find her way back to the room.  In the meantime, Bavar is fighting with one of the monsters.

Will Bavar survive?  Will Angel do the spell right?

This was an interesting read with both Bavar and Angel trying to do the right thing.  If ugly monsters don't scare you, give this one a read! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Nobody's Sweetheart Now: The First Lady Adelaide Mystery by Maggie Robinson

Lady Adelaide is having her first dinner party since the death of her husband.  It's not going too badly but then her staff tells about the nude dead body of a woman in one of the outbuildings.  She has her ex-husband at the dinner party...

Poisoned Pen Press and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It is being published today.

The murder is bad enough, but now she has Rupert's ghost to deal with, too.  Then they find the gardener is dead.  It appears to be a drug overdose, but he never used drugs.

The Inspector who is investigating thinks she might be a bit batty because he hears her arguing with herself.  (She's the only one that can hear Rupert.)  He thinks she's innocent, just stressed.  He works with her as they look over the guests at the dinner party.  She finds him attractive and even flirts a bit.  She has an old friend she grew up with who wants to marry her, but she's not attracted to him in that way.

The killer was a real surprise and Adelaide might have gotten shot if Rupert hadn't saved her.

This was a very good read and I hope Adelaide hooks up with the Inspector.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Creatures of Want and Ruin by Molly Tanzer

Are you ready for a horror story with demons?  You're in the right place.

John Joseph Adams/Mariner Books and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published tomorrow.

First she finds a moonshiner looking like the sea got the better of him.  She tries to help, he tries to kill her.  She fights back.  He's the one that dies.  She takes his moonshine.

Then she finds out what that moonshine will do.  It gives people visions and they are not pleasant.  They see the future and what the new reverend has in mind for them.  But how can they stop him when he's mesmerized everyone in town to his beliefs?

One of the ladies makes a deal with a demon.  They all go with the intent to kill to stop the ceremony.  But the reverend is possessed by a demon, too...

This story is creepy and odd but it kept me reading.  Give it a try and see what you think.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Murder at Harbor Village by GP Gardner

Cleo has been offered early retirement at her job.  She's looking for a place to live and happens on to another job opportunity.  While she's thinking about it, the manager of the facility gets murdered...

Lyrical Underground and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published November 13th.

Lee was not well-liked, so there's no end of suspects.  What surprises Cleo most is to find out the dead woman was her ex-husband's new wife.  She'd rather not talk to him.  After all, they've been divorced for more than twenty years.  However, he owns the franchise and she has no choice.  He asks her to fill in temporarily as an interim manager.  She agrees, but things aren't what they seem...

The first thing she finds is embezzlement and it's not for a small amount.  As she traces down the culprit, she finds other discrepancies.  The deeper she digs, the more things she finds wrong.  But she hasn't found the killer yet...

I enjoyed the characters, the mystery was good, and Cleo might even be finding a new romance interest.  I enjoyed it, why don't you give it a try?

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Henry & Eva and the Castle on the Cliff by Andrea Portes

Their parents were killed in a boating accident and now they have their uncle and his significant other living with them and caring for them.  They're not happy about the situation.  When the family ghosts tell them it was not an accident, it was murder, they decide to investigate and crack the case.

HarperCollins and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published so you can buy a copy now.

Henry is younger and very smart.  Eva is good with people.  Together they begin searching out what might have happened.  Their first suspect is the uncle they live with.  They found proof that their parents died from an explosion.  The uncle is planning a huge mansion for a cliff top.  They live in a house on a cliff top.  Did he plan on doing it there?

As the story goes on, you find that the lady living with them had a lariat show in the past and is still good with a rope, the uncle isn't as bad as they think, and the enemy is close.  There's a dramatic ending that keeps you on your toes.

It was interesting, kept my attention and I liked the ending.  It's bit sad but it's also uplifting.  For a fun read with paranormal activity, this one will fit the bill.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Casper and Jasper and the Terrible Tyrant by Tilia Klebenov Jacobs

The new ruler that has taken over their town is evil.  He imprisons people to make them work as slaves mining for ice.  He usually lets them go after a year or so because they serve as good examples of why you should do what he's told you to.  But when a large group gets turned in, he keeps them.  They might try to organize again if he lets them out...

Linden Tree Press and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published, so you can grab a copy now.

The couple whose home was where the meeting was held had two baby twins.  They didn't want to take them to prison, so they threw them to the crowd.  The couple that caught them couldn't have children and felt like they were an answer to their prayers.  They saw they were wearing bracelets with a C and a J so they named them Casper and Jasper and then raised them as their own.  Twelve years later the boys find out the truth.

The men and women are segregated at the prison and everyone wonders if their spouse is still alive.  When the mother befriends a bird, she finds that she will work like a carrier pigeon and carry messages to her husband.  This improves both their attitudes and when she finds out the men are all still alive, she shares that with the other women.  Suddenly they are getting inspired to try to escape.  But can they?  With trolls guarding them and death as a punishment it's very dangerous to attempt it.  But anything is better than being imprisoned.

There are carnivorous marshmallows, werewolves, trolls, swamps and more to contend with.  The twins are trying to find their parents and get captured themselves.  There is joy and sorrow when they are reunited.  But their resolve to escape has not weakened!

This is an exciting read with many fantasy characters and plants to keep you on your toes.  I really enjoyed this one and recommend it for middle grade readers or young adults.  It works for older adults, too!

Santa Puppy by Lynn Cahoon

Jill is going to host an adoption event for the local animal shelter.  But, first, her boyfriend has to help her wash thirty dogs...

Lyrical allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has just been published, so you can grab a copy now.

Jill keeps seeing Santa around but no one else does.  Is she seeing things?

Then she finds a little dog that makes her fall in love with him.  She finds out his previous owner died.  But was it really of natural causes?  What amazes her is how many people knew him.  As she gathers information, she's not sure it's making things clearer.

I liked the touch of Santa and how things worked out with the little dog.  To me, that added to the authenticity of the story.  (Yes, I believe in magic.)

This is a novella and doesn't take too long to read but it's very enjoyable.  Give it a try!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Wedge of Fear by Eugene M. Gagliano

Tony and his parents have moved from New York to Wyoming.  It's huge change for them all, and Tony wishes his mother would stop being a helicopter parent.  She wants to take to him school and he's in the sixth grade.  He's old enough to go by himself but will she listen?  His father tries to help the situation and sometimes does but not often.  He knows it has something to do with a child who died before he was born but they won't tell him anything about it...

The author And Goddess Fish Blog allowed me to read this book and participate in this book tour.  (Thank you.)

He makes himself a new friend and a school bully finds him the first day of school.  Jed is fun; Regina is a pain.  She's bigger than he is and he's timid.  She loves to harass him.  Jed tells him to ignore her.  So does her teacher.  But it's hard for him to do.

Tony finally gets a chance to go camping, fishing, and horseback riding with Jed.  He learns things along the way and tries to be braver.  But it's when he and his mother are home alone during a tornado he finds he has to step up and take care of things no matter how frightened he is...

Life isn't always easy but as Tony finds out you do what you have to do when you have to do them.  He won't be wimpy anymore; he's found his strength of character.

Eugene M. Gagliano will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Enter HERE.

Follow the tour and comment; the more they comment, the better their chances of winning. The tour dates can be found HERE.

Happy reading and good luck! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

A Cold Brew Killing by Lena Gregory

One of the men running for Mayor is found dead in her friend's freezer.  She knows he didn't do it, but who did?

Lyrical Underground and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published now and you can get a copy now.

I enjoyed the first book in this series so I was looking forward to reading this one.  The author did not disappoint me.

Trevor got in trouble as a youth for not managing his temper, so he becomes a suspect in this death.  After all, he was in his freezer...

When Gia tries to prove he didn't do it, she finds that some of the folks in town are related and they all have history together.  Some of it is not very pleasant.  But who would hate him ebnough to kill him?

As she digs, she gets closer.  But a killer has already stepped over the line.  What's one more death?

There are lots of suspects and plenty of dirt to find.  I didn't figure out who the killer was until the end.  Were you smarter?

The Deserving by Efren O'Brien

The forts in New Mexico were, for the most part, built to protect the residents against the Indians.  They didn't want the white people moving in and taking over their hunting grounds.  Not too long afterward, the Civil War began.  The majority of the soldiers here were Union soldiers.  But the Confederate soldiers were bold and greedy and began a campaign to take over the forts and the land...

BooksGoSocial and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you grab a copy now.

Since I live in New Mexico and have visited several of these forts, I was interested in reading more about them.  This is a good historical source of facts about the war.  Most of the forts mentioned are still standing and you can visit them as historical sites.  Reading about the people who lived here, who occupied the forts, and more is almost eerie.  When we visited Fort Craig, I could hear voices.  I saw no ghosts but I heard their conversations.  That made this book even more real to me.

The Confederates came up from Texas.  They followed the Rio Grande.  (It flows through Las Cruces.)  They were outnumbered but they used their knowledge of fighting to win more than one battle.  While all this is going on, you have a side story of a young woman and a soldier who find themselves falling in love.  They get separated quickly and it's years before they find each other again.

This is a good story and is a great way to visit the battle fields of New Mexico.  Even Kit Carson was here in those days.  Come visit the old days in New Mexico.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Colors of All the Cattle by Alexander McCall Smith

Mma Ramotswe doesn't really want to run for a council position but her friends want her to.  She finally agrees but hopes she loses the election...

Pantheon and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published today.

They want her to run for office to stop construction of a new hotel right next to a cemetery.  The locals don't want it there.  She's only one council member, but she'll vote against it.  She doesn't even hang around to see the election results.  She heads out of town to find out who hit the doctor who has asked her to investigate.  She visits with the mother of her suspect and finds out she's picked the right young man.

My favorite part of this story is that Charlie opens up and confides in her.  He's not shared much in the past but he's talking now.

I also enjoyed how her long term as council member lasted.

This is a good series and I always enjoy reading these stories.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Evonne Wareham

Everyone has secrets. Some are stranger than others. Madison Albi is a scientist with a very special talent – for reading minds. When she s...