Monday, November 30, 2015

The Skeleton Tree by Iain Lawrence

He's going to go sailing with his Uncle Jack.  Anything to avoid going back to school right away.  What he doesn't understand is who this other kid is.  He's not going to have time to find out because they get caught in weather and the boat sinks with his Uncle on it.  Now these two young boys have to figure out how to survive in the Alaskan wilderness with no supplies and no love lost between them...

Delacorte Books and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published January 5th so you can grab a copy then.

There are some similarities in this story that compare with Hatchet by Gary Paulsen.  I loved that book.  I'm pleased I can say I think this one is excellent read, too.

Imagine having no supplies, no place to stay, and you aren't sure what you can eat?  Being alone in the woods is a scary enough place with wild animals around.  They are lucky enough to find a cabin.  It's not in the best shape, but it is enclosed and warms up with a fire.  Of course, they have to find some matches first.

I really liked having the raven in the story.   A Chihuahua raven from Mexico told me his name was Eduardo at the Alamogordo zoo.  It was like I passed a test because I got it.  The raven in this story helps the boys stay alive.

They learn what they can eat, they try to stay away from the bear, and they hope for rescue.  They have close calls all through the story.  

If it was me, when it came time to go, I'd be the first one on the outgoing vehicle!  You'll also learn about the significance of the Skeleton Tree in this story.  It has a  fascinating history.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald

Sara is a reader.  She lives in Sweden, has worked in a bookstore, and met a lady through a book purchase that she corresponded with in snail mail.  Amy had sent her books to read that taught her more about people in the states and how much she could learn from reading.  Sara decides to visit Amy at her invitation and sets out to meet this wonderful older woman who is now her friend.

Sourcebooks Landmark and Net Galley gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published January 1st.

She finds Broken Wheel is an almost vacant town.  There is a diner and not much else.  She waits patiently for Amy to come and get her.  After all, she has her book and can read contently anywhere.  After a while, a lady who has bought groceries tells her to go in the diner and ask about her there.  The lady in the diner tells her Amy has died...

George, who is a sober drunk, drives her to the house Amy owned and the reception at the house after the funeral.  Sara knows no one, isn't sure what to do, and is overwhelmed by Amy's death.  They tell her she can use the house, Amy would have wanted it that way.

Sara knows a lot about the people in the town because Amy told her about them.  She learns most everybody in town just bartered goods.  She also finds out there's a vacant building there that Amy owned.  She decides to start a bookshop and sell Amy's books.  Sounds good, but the people of the town aren't readers.  She decides to teach them to love books. That's only fair because they have something to teach her:  all about love.

This is a sweet story with lots of books, meddlers and several side stories that add to an enjoyable story.  Sara does find love, so all ends well.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Hostage by Kristina Ohlsson

This thriller is too close to the truth for you not be frightened when reading it...

Emily Bestler Books sent me an ARC of this to read for review (thank you).  The book has been published, so you can grab a copy now.

I haven't read this author before but I will now.  The pace of the book is marvelous, every character in it is busy, and it sounds authentic.

It's a plane that is being taken hostage.  There's a note in the bathroom that says there is a bomb on board and the demands must be met or it will be detonated.  There are four hundred people on board.  The demands are in different countries.  They want a man released from custody for deportation in Sweden and they want a high security jail facility the US controls to shut down.  

As is usual, agencies all have their own secrets and they don't want to share them.  Even with all those people on board, they quote about the greater good and how they must save the world, not just a plane.  While everyone fights over who gets to know what, their time fritters away...

They can tell that someone is playing them.  Someone is leaving a trail for them, but they don't know who or why.  While they try to figure out, they get messages from Germany that gives them information on the case in Sweden.  Why is Germany involved?

It's a tense ride on this plane.  With all the politics, personal problems, and an intelligent enemy this is tale that sticks with you.  There's danger in the air now and this book reflects modern times.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Dragon Apocalypse by Josh Powell

You need to be careful with magic; it can backfire on you!

The author and Goddess Fish Blog Tours allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It is available now anywhere that offers ebooks.

How could I not read a book that has a berserker in it?  

Get ready for a wild ride!  I didn't notice many humans in this story but there is everything else here.  There's an elf, an under-elven, a templerager, a unicorn, a dragon, and more.  There are cloned characters that mean you're fighting yourself.  There are plenty of enemies, magic swords, and various powers involved.  It's a magical mess.

This story is told with a lot of humor and is a bit silly but it's all good fun.  I enjoyed this read and it's the second book in the series.  I'll be watching for the next one.  Saving the world takes a lot of work.
Josh Powell will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.  Enter HERE
Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found HERE

Thursday, November 26, 2015

This Way Home by Wes Moore with Shawn Goodman

Basketball is his life.  But life changes...

Delacorte Press sent me a copy of this book for review (thank you).  It has been published so you can find a copy at your local bookstore now.

This is a hard book to read.  It's about three boys who have been friends since they started school.  They live in a so-so neighborhood but there's not much trouble on their street.  Then they find a boy dead on the sidewalk.  He was an A student, had no enemies, and it's decided it was a gang killing.  No one knows why.

As the tension grows, Michael comes home with fancy new tennis shoes the boys can wear to the play off tournament.  He won't tell them where they came from, just they are theirs with no cost.  Everything has a cost...

Then they get new jerseys.  Those have a little logo on them that marks them as part of a street gang.  They are so poor and have done without for so long, they set aside their smarts and go with the emotion of getting new jerseys.  And just like that, they've set themselves up as part of the gang they don't want to belong to.

There's another death, a confession that Elijah doesn't want to hear and he almost dies, too, before the story ends.  It's a good thing he had another friend that was mentoring him and helping him learn some things before he had to use them.

This is a good look at how insidious gang members can be to get you where you can't back out.  It's a hard look at life and consequences of your own actions.  It's dangerous out there; be careful.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Zagreb Noir edited by Ivan Sršen

This is a collection of short stories about Croatia.  These aren't pleasant stories but they do have the flavor of what the country and its people are like.

Akashic Books sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It has been published.

My grandparents immigrated to the US from either Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia depending on which relative you asked.  Their birth certificates were kept at Zagreb.  When I tried to get a copy of them, I was told that the courthouse that held the records was burnt down during the wars there and those records no longer existed.  It doesn't appear things have gotten much better.

Featuring brand-new stories translated from Croatian by: Ivan Vidic, Josip Novakovich, Andrea Žigic-Dolenec, Robert Perišic, Mima Simic, Pero Kavesic, Nada Gašic, Zoran Pilic, Ružica Gašperov, Darko Milošic, Nora Verde, Ivan Sršen, Neven Ušumovic, and Darko Macan.

There's a lot of sex, death and despair in these stories.   My grandparents came to the states to get away from tyranny.  These modern stories give me no reason to go visit the area.  They do, however, keep your attention and keep you reading as you wonder just how true they are.  Is it really that bad over there or are these just stories?

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Tomorrow Heist by Jack Soren

Jonathan and Lew have retired.  Or so they think...

Witness Impulse sent me an ARC of this book for review (thank you).  It has been published, so you can get a copy now.  Check out my earlier post about The Monarch.  You may want to get them both.

This author has a very interesting mind.  He creates situations that almost sci-fi in nature and makes them sound like normal every day events in the world he's creating.  I'd be real surprised if anyone has thought about using his plots.

Everyone is pretty laid back as the story starts.  They barely got out alive and they are just keeping a low profile.  When the evil man from the past shows up in Emily's apartment, she knows she's going to die.  Amazingly enough, another group of men show up and save her.  They take her with them and use her as a bartering chip to get Jonathan and Lew on board with them.

Most of the action takes place on board a ship.  They are having a big convention on it, but there are other plans that will make it a catastrophe.  Jonathan and Lew are sent to steal, but it can be hard work just staying alive.  Jonathan is also surprised to see a woman he thought was dead appear on the ship.  

This is another taut story with lots of action and almost impossible odds.  The author has made this book a bit shorter, not so much detail, and that makes it a much better read.  I'd read another in this series.  I want to see what happens with Jonathan next and how long it takes Lew to get healthy again.

The Monarch by Jack Soren

Jonathan has left his old life behind.  No more thieving.  He's a father now and his daughter is his world.  He has to do something when someone starts killing people and using his signature as a symbol on the bodies.  He's not the murderer.  He's also not really being framed; he's being sent a message...

Witness Impulse sent me a copy of this book for review (thank you).  It has been published so you can grab a copy now.

This book reminds of the TV series, 24, or of a James Bond film.  It's a high paced thriller with lots of action, explosions and even medical experiments to keep your attention.  I think if it was a bit shorter it would read better.  I found myself setting it down and coming back to it.  I would have read it straight through if it hadn't had so much detail.

Jonathan knows someone is trying to find him.  When a picture he stole to present the rightful museum owner ends up in a body marked with the monarch, he finds out the museum director sold it to a collector.  Then it went on the black market.  Someone knows of his past and wants something from him.  He calls his old partner and tells him what's going on.  They decide to investigate.

What surprised me was that the author gave them love interests in this story.  They're running around the countryside, Lew's killing anybody that gets in their way, and they aren't getting anything to eat or an opportunity to sleep, but they find love?  It's not impossible but I thought it was odd.

When the madman kidnaps his daughter, Jonathan has no choice.  He agrees to meet with the man who has her.  He wants one last thing to make his transformation complete and he sends Jonathan after it.  

It's an exciting read.  I like the team of Jonathan and Lew.  They complement each other well.  The plot was unusual, the ending was a blow out, and I'm glad I have the next book in the series to read, too.  Jonathan might be retired, but the monarch is still alive.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Space Cadets by Laurence Moroney

Her father died in the last conflict in Korea.  He got too much radiation and didn't survive.  But he wrote her a letter.  In that letter, he told her of his dream to visit the stars and find new worlds.  She's determined to do that for him.

The author and Goddess Fish Blog Tours gave me the opportunity to read this book (thank you).  It has been published, so you can grab a copy now.

This is a new series that is written for young adults.  It's an adventure, science fiction/fantasy type story that sounds almost believable in this day and age.  Aisha is an African American, female and the first of her color and her sex to go to the Space Academy.  There are other girls there but she and her roommate are both different.  Her roommate is Asian and very intelligent.  They're not well liked by the upper classmates.

A lot happens in this first book.  Aisha's new boyfriend almost gets killed by another classmate.  They get to explore a new world.  And the world they left in is in danger.

It will keep you reading and wondering how it will turn out.  It will take more than this book to tell the whole story.

There is also an opportunity to win:

Laurence will be awarding a signed copy of Space Cadets to a randomly drawn winner (US ONLY) via RAFFLECOPTER during the tour.

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found HERE.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Blood Will Tell: A Dorothy Martin investigation by Jeanne M. Dams

Dorothy Martin can get in trouble no matter where she goes.  She and her husband are at Cambridge.  Alan is at a police conference and she's free to wander around.  She finds a door open and goes into a lab.  She can smell the taint of fresh blood and sees some spilled on the floor.  She also saw a small piece of white lab jacket.  She scoots back out the way she entered so she won't be the next victim.

Severn House and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published February 1st.

I enjoy Ms. Dams books and this one was good, too.  If you haven't read any of her others, try them while you wait for this one to be published.

She runs to Alan and shares what she saw.  By the time they return, there's no blood.  The locals think she might have misunderstood what she saw, but Alan knows better.

The mystery moves a bit slowly as Dorothy and Alan piece together what happened.  They have to think about it from the right angle. They talk to a lot of people and get snippets of truth.  The story is intertwined with the students, the adults, and a bad decision years ago.  One student doesn't want to tell the whole truth.  Another disappears.  You'll keep turning pages to see what happens next.

The solution wasn't something I saw coming which pleases me as a big mystery reader.  Dorothy has made some new friends along the way, too.  I'm sure they may have cameo appearances in future books.  It's like visiting old friends again and that's a lot about how I feel about Dorothy and her husband when I read these books.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Death by Tea by Alex Erickson

Krissy has a bookstore/cafe and a famous father.  She loves her father but finds him embarrassing because he loves being in the limelight.  She's more of an introvert and enjoys her small store and most of her customers.  It's the book clubs that give her a bit of a problem.

Kensington Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published November 24th.

When one of the book club presidents brings in a cardboard cut out of her father, she hates it.  So she decides to sneak down and remove it.  She'll return it to the lady after the event so she doesn't have to look at it all day.  Sounds innocent enough, but it turns into trouble for her.

Her next door neighbor tells the cops she saw her go out when she reads about the murder the next day.  A new book club member has been killed in the shop.  She never saw him or the killer but she has one cop that really hates her and he harasses her.  When she loses her temper and hits on his shoulders, she finds herself in jail for assault on police officer.  If all that isn't bad enough, her former date won't even talk to her.  He's the chief's son and he's distancing himself from her.

Krissy is one of those inept people who speaks before they should.  When she does it during the competition, it almost lands her in jail again.  She had the crime all wrong.  About the time she gets it right, it's almost too late...

This was an interesting cozy mystery filled with lots of odd characters and secrets all around.  I'd like to see Krissy get a bit stronger.  I'll have to read the next one to see if she can get her new love interest back.  She snarled when she should have made peace.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Yarned & Dangerous by Sadie Hartwell

Josie is only back in town because Uncle Eb needs help.  His leg has been broken in a car accident and his wife died in the accident.  She remembered him as old and crotchety.  He still was.

Kensington Books and Net Galley gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published November 24th.

Josie's Mom has gone for a cruise, so she's sent to help Eb and close down the yarn shop.  She knows nothing about yarn, can't cook much, and would rather not go.  Too bad!

Her uncle is still crabby.  He also has a war going with his neighbor, who is as old he is.  They snipe at each other, play tricks on each other and pretend they hate each other.  The best news is that the other family has a young man around her age and he can help her get things done.

When she walks in the yarn shop, she's overwhelmed.  She's never seen this much yarn or the varieties of yarn before in her life.  How's she going to liquidate stock?  Since she didn't lock the door behind her, here come the yarn ladies.  They want to buy the shop, buy the stock discounted, or ???

The worst part is when she is beginning her inventory and finds a woman strangled in the back of the shop.  How did she get in the locked building?  Who killed her?

This was a good mystery with a touch of romance and a tale of a young woman becoming quite fond of her old Uncle Eb.  I really enjoyed this read and hope there will be more of this series.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Hardcastle's Collector: A police procedural set during World War One by Graham Ison

Hardcastle is an old curmudgeon that orders people around, expounds his thoughts, and can be a very good investigator.  He demands a lot from his employees.  He also solves all his cases...

Severn House and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published February 1st of 2016.

Hardcastle reminded me of the older people in my life.  They don't explain much and can be gruff, but they get things done.  When he's sent out from Scotland to help a small town's cops solve a murder case, he's more than willing.  He takes his favorite man and off they go.  The poor local cop assigned to him discovers he wants everything done immediately.  Scotland Yard does not waste time.  Or at least Hardcastle doesn't.

A young woman was found on a local farm strangled to death.  At the autopsy they find she's two months pregnant.  She was fond of sharing her favors with all but who killed her?  

This story had several likeable points to me.  Hardcastle was an interesting character.  As he was investigating, he was also training the young constable from the area.  The killer was someone unsuspected by everyone except for Hardcastle.  It's a tight mystery with good interaction between the characters and was a pleasure for read.  I'd be happy to read another one in this series.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dead in a Park by B L Blair

Leah is just going for a walk in the park with her dog, Harry.  She never expected to find a dead man.

The author and Goddess Fish Blog Tour gave me the opportunity to read and review this book.  It's available on Amazon and other eBook sites.

Ms. Blair writes a pretty good mystery.  She gives her main character a couple of men friends that come in and out of her life and gives the story a touch of romance.  She creates a nasty side of Leah's family and throws in a bit drugs and you have a nice mix of mayhem.

With Leah, what she doesn't know could kill her.  Troubles from long ago raise their heads again and she has no idea what she's up against.  The dead man was killed by having his neck broken.  It's unfortunately not the only murder and Leah finds the second one, too.  She needs to be careful.

The authors words flow well, the story moves right along, and so does the romance.  I really liked this read and hope there will be more in this series.  I'd like to see where these characters go next.

B.L. Blair will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, enter HERE.

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found HERE.

Happy reading and good luck!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Detective Gordon: The First Case by Ulf Nilsson

When the squirrel comes wailing into the police station complaining about stolen nuts, Detective Gordon has his first case.  There's not a lot of call for police action in the woods, but he's ready.  Now he has to decide what to do...

Gecko Press and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published, so you can grab a copy now.

This is a cute story that young ones will enjoy.  The detective is a frog.  He decides to watch the tree and see who is snitching the nuts.  He does catch somone but he's almost frozen and he has to beg the thief for help.  She does.  She's a small mouse who is starving.  She has no family or name.  So he names her, lets her eat the nut, and then hires her (room and board) as his assistant.

The illustrations are simple and very nice, the story line is fun, and they do find the thieves.  The solution is amusing.  This would be a good story to read a chapter from each night.  It won't be long before the child will be able to read it themselves.  Share this with your young one, they'll enjoy it.

Oddly Normal Book 2 by Otis Frampton

Oddly Normal has a witch for an aunt.  She needs to have someone because she made a wish on her birthday and both her parents were taken away.  Now she's working on getting them back.

Image Comics and Net Galley allowed me to read this graphic novel.  It has been published so you can grab a copy now.

This series appeals to me.  There are "far out" characters, lots of magical happenings, and more.  Oddly is human looking except for her green hair.  She's the product of a witch mother and a human father.  Most of the kids don't like her but she does have some friends.  It's while she's visiting those friends she finds her own birthday gift (it's a bit strange) and has more adventures.

I can't wait to see where she goes next.  Right now she's waiting to see her friend Rocket Ball.  Looks like a rough game to me!

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Night Children by Sarah Tsiang, Delphine Bodet

This is a haunting story.  It's about the children of the day and the children of the night.  I was afraid of the dark, so it probably wouldn't have been a good book for me.  The story isn't scary and Ms. Bodet's illustrations are frame worthy.

Annick Press and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published, so check for a copy at your local bookstore.

This book reminds children to go home when darkness is coming.  I liked the fact that there are children of different colors and cultures represented.

When the night children venture out they are like shadows and they steal slices from the moon, knock the leaves down from trees and do other mischievous activities.  When the child wakes up and ventures out, he wonders if they were really there or only part of his imagination.  He wanders about in the sunshiny day and greets the morning as an old friend.

The night children wear silly hats.  Does your child own one?  They might want to wear it to bed and be a night child... 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

A Bone to Pick: A Peggy Henderson Adventure by Gina McMurchy-Barber

Peggy loves archaeology.  She enjoys the challenge and the discoveries.  So she's sure her adult friend will take her on the new dig.  Even when she finds out it's to be a class on how to do it, she's ready to volunteer her help.  Unfortunately, they don't need her help...

Dundurn and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published December 15th.  This is a series so you can read the earlier books while you wait.

I especially liked this story.  The author weaves a Viking story with a modern day discovery.  The paintings on the wall tell the story of a young Viking girl who had a warrior's heart.  This cave is a tribute to her.  When a local girl shows Peggy the cave, she asks her to keep it a secret.  Peggy is torn in half.  She, too, wants to learn the story and claim the find.  But they don't have the resources and it really belongs to the public.  When she can't find her friend and tells the other professor, he acts like it's his find!

The matter gets resolved and Peggy even learns to cook.  This is another good story in this series.  I've enjoyed reading them.  Peggy is impulsive and always ends up in trouble, but she means well.  That's about the best a child can do.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Splinter the Silence: A Tony Hill and Carol Jordan Novel by Val McDermid

Carol is a very stubborn woman.  She's at dinner in a neighbor's home and decides she's through being social.  She won't let anyone drive her home; she's OK.  Unfortunately, a breathalyzer test shows she's not...

Atlantic Monthly Press and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published December 1st.

I enjoy Ms. McDermid's writing.  She doesn't pull punches, she makes her characters both strong and weak, and she mixes love with hate.  Every character is complex and sorrows from the past still affect those carrying on.  Carol thought she was getting over the loss of her brother and his wife but all she was doing was hiding behind alcohol.  After all, if you're numb, then you don't feel.

Tony comes back into her life and works on straightening her out.  She gets angry about it but she knows she needs him to get it right.  Sitting in a jail cell gets the point across.

There's a new task force being put together.  The man in charge wants Carol to head it up.  Drunk driving is not a good thing but he manages to get her charges dismissed, along with a few others to make it look good.  It should have been a quiet matter but someone in the department leaked it.  Now she's got media attention she doesn't need.

Ms. McDermid writes with intensity.  Her characters are always stressed, their personal problems flow over into work, nothing goes right for them, but they continue to research the cases and use the talents they have.  Sometimes their talents take them beyond the law, but as long as it can't be proved, who cares?

I'm always hoping for the best when we get to the end of the book but the author is always leaves someone with a broken heart and someone with grudge.  Carol's problems aren't over yet.  I wonder what kind of case she'll get into next?

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Beast of Barcroft by Bill Schweigart

Before you buy a house, be sure to check out the neighborhood.  Some people are difficult to deal with as neighbors...

Hydra and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published November 17th.

Ben's next door neighbor is the neighbor from hell.  She started out rehabilitating raccoons and then started feeding the birds and taking in cats.  It turns out that rats were attracted.  And soon something else is, too.

This situation causes enough strain that Ben's fiance moves out on him.  She says he's angry all the time.  Now he's alone, buried in debt and has only his dog for company.  When he takes his dog out for final bathroom visit, he tries not to look at the house next door.  When he turns around, he sees his dog being tossed across the fence!  He follows the monster who has taken it.  It appears to be a large cougar.  When it turns and walks toward him, he's sure he's going to die.  But it walks away, taking his dog.

He calls the police, who are less than impressed.  He looks crazy, his story is unbelievable.  When he gets the curator at the local zoo to look at the tracks and the hair left behind, she's amazed.  She's also up for a hunt for the animal. That's not the best idea she could have.

The next witnessed attack is a wolf.  It tears the neck out of one his neighbors as a public meeting is getting out.  All that Ben learns from this is that he has no idea what kind of animal or being it is.  How can it change shapes?  Is it just one being?  How do you fight something you think is coming for you when no one believes you saw what you saw?

This is a haunting horror story of a monster.  It takes several people to help rid the community of the menace.  It also didn't die, it just moved on.  Let's hope it moved a long, long way away...

Be careful when you go out at night.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

A Cold Creek Christmas Story by RaeAnne Thayne

She's a small town librarian and she enjoys it.  She especially likes reading to the children.  She even wrote her own book for children.  Her sister illustrated for her and, to her surprise, it becomes a best seller.  Now they want to do an animated film about it.  Does she want to do that?

Harlequin and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be available November 17th.

Celeste is getting ready for Christmas with her family.  They do a big celebration, offer sleigh rides and other activities and just enjoy the holiday.  What she doesn't expect is how this holiday will turnout...

This is a sweet romance that was very enjoyable to read.  Her hometown hero (from when she was thirteen) comes home to clean out his grandmother's house.  He has his daughter with him.  She's got PTSD from watching her mother be killed by her boyfriend and his death from suicide.  Flynn is very, very protective of her but when she enjoys being around the librarian and even hugs her, he decides to let it be.  He's even willing to encourage it, but when he does, he finds out he enjoys being around her, too.  He's just here to finish up the house clean up and then he'll sell.  He lives in California and has a big business.  He's not here to stay...

Celeste knows that and tries to protect her heart.  We all know how that goes.  The author adds a sweet ending and happily ever after wins.  I'm glad.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Evonne Wareham

Everyone has secrets. Some are stranger than others. Madison Albi is a scientist with a very special talent – for reading minds. When she s...