Thursday, November 30, 2023

Wolf by Kelly Oliver

This was a wild book.  They didn't like the one professor but he died because of poison.

Then the Russian janitor gets involved.  The paintings were lost.  It took a lot of investigation to figure out who had them.

There were lots of people who got involved and the ending was good.

Could you figure out who the killer was?

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Missing Mona by Joe Klingler

This story has two Mona's (actually only one)and lots of other characters.  The cops are dirty, too.

As you read along you wonder who killed who, find that counterfit money is there, and a cop is willing to listen.

It will keep your attention.  Do you think you can solve it?

Monday, November 27, 2023

Bittersweet Herbs by Marty Wingate

This was an interesting story.  The woman died and everyone thought it was suicide, but it wasn't.

They looked for the poision she drank but it was gone.

The rest of the book is trying to find the killer.  The chapters are long, but quite readable.

At the end of the book you find out who did it.  I had no idea.  Did you?

Saturday, November 25, 2023

MURDER AT LUNA LAKE a traditional Southern cozy murder mystery (Blue Ridge Mountain Cozy Mysteries Book 1) by Cathy Pickens

 A lost wife and no one knows where.  It was an interesting book.

The chapters were long, but they made good reading.

When they find the dead body in Luna Lake, they begin looking for the killer.

The killer surprised me.  Did you have any idea who did it?

Friday, November 24, 2023

CHRISTMAS AT GREENOAK an utterly charming English Christmas mystery (The Potting Shed Mysteries) by MARTY WINGATE

This was a mystery that made you think.  She saw a man that was at the end of the stalls and she bought some of his plants.  But when she went back he wasnt there any more.

She keeps looking for him.  Most of the other vendors didn't see him.  When she found him again, he remembered her.

It's a short story that has lots of twists and turns.  I enjoyed it.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Murder at the Filmore by Zelda White

The Filmore is a hotel with many rooms.  It surprised people when a dead body is found.

He was not the most likeable person but why would somebody kill him?

This is a Virginia Holmes mystery.  She has plenty of brains and starts looking for the killer.

The rest of the book is all about detecting.  Then she gathers everyone together and tells them the name of the murderer.

It was a good read.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

MURDER MOST COLD an absolutely gripping cozy mystery full of twists and turns (Smart Woman's Crime Mystery Book 5) by VICTORIA DOWD

This was an interesting read.  The Smart Women got snowed in and someone was killing them.

It was a mystery until the end of the book.  Then they found out that one of them was the killer.

It kept you reading (the chapters are long) and trying to figure out who did it.  I was surprised by who had done it....

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Nona's Nerves by Modello Brown

Nona's nerves made her unable to sing during the competition.

She had learned to sing well. but she shrank when when competition time came.

As she watched the others, she decided she would try.  She was the youngest so she was last.  

She went out and sang one note.  Then she began to sing.  She got a standing ovation.  She was proud.

Could you do that?

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Kidnap by Philip McCutchan

This was an interesting read.  He agreed to kidnap a boy so he could half the money.  But the man he was doing it with was murdered.

The boy has a big mouth.  He also tries to get away but no luck.

His father will not pay for him.  It turns into such a mess that you don't know what will happen.

It is a fascinating book with the boy being the main item.  Will he escape?

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Go Find Daddy by Steve Goble

This was an interesting book.  The litttle girl has cancer and wants to see her daddy.

Mr. Runyon goes looking for her dad but he's hiding and not easy to find.

There are lots of gunshots, assaults and more.

It isn't until the end you find daddy and the girl gets to see him.

It was well worth reading.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Twice Around the Clock by Billie Houston

This was an interesting book.  There are two bodies that have been murdered.

You spend the book reading to find out who killed them.  One man says he did it but he didn't.  

The clues are many and Brent is trying to find out who did it.

Think you could tell?

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Ink and Daggers

20 short stories by various authors.  A lot of people died and the stories were not all fun.

It was well worth reading though.  Do you want to read it?

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Murder Under the Mistletoe by Liz Fielding

This was a mix of Abby looking for a killer that killed two men. They were poisoned.

The cops took her DNA.  She knew she didn't kill them.  But the cops didn't.

Edward fell down from the tree he was putting the star on.  He died.

Then a man who told women what to do died also.

It was a mystery over who did it but Abby finally figured it out.

Can you figure it out?

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

A Mystery Before Christmas (An Italian Village Mystery Book 3) by Adriana Licio (Author)

This was a good mystery.  

Travel writer Giò Brando can’t help but be intrigued by the string of coincidences connecting Betta to the De Blasi family. Why does the child bear such a strong resemblance to a long-dead man? How does she know an ancient tune from the remotest parts of Britain? And why does the carillon that Mrs De Blasi gifts to Betta play that very same tune?

Embracing her natural sleuthing skills, Giò faces a desperate race against both time and the worsening weather. Will she be able to ensure it’s a happy Christmas for everyone in Maratea?

Betta looks like the boy who died years ago.  Why?

You'll have to read it to find out...

Monday, November 6, 2023

Christmas at Baskervillle Hall by Charles Veley

This was a short story about Christmas.  Sherlock Holmes and Lucy are a team that manages to solve mysteries.

The mine is blown up.  It takes time and effort to open it up again.  But the group manages.

Holmes is in the mine with others when it collasped.  He has an idea who did it.  But when he tells the person the man denies it.  He doesn't mind.  He has evidence.

The ending was good.  Can you figure out who collasped the mine?

Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Case of the Missing Finger: A Cruise Ship Cozy Mystery (Ellie Tappet Cruise Ship Mysteries Book 1) Kindle Edition by Cheri Baker (Author)

This was an amazing mystery.  There are missing diamonds, an unattacheted finger in ice.

Ellie is questioning people and watching what they do.  She finally gets it put together and solves the mystery.

It was a good read.  Try it and see what you think...

Friday, November 3, 2023

A Friend for Christmas by Mike Martin

It's Christmas and the tall ones are decorating.  The rabbits are looking for lettuce and carrots.

The rabbits don't want to mix with the cats.  But this kitty is friendly.  Whisper tells the rabbit she wants to be friends.  After running and hiding several times, he decides to talk to her.

For Christmas she gives him a bag of carrots.  His little ones are in heaven!

Mom and Dad are happy, too.  Whisper likes the family and they have a good Christmas!

Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Evonne Wareham

Everyone has secrets. Some are stranger than others. Madison Albi is a scientist with a very special talent – for reading minds. When she s...