Friday, May 14, 2021

What Comes Next by Rob Buyea

This is a story of a good dog who helps people heal.  He's fun, he's likes everyone and Theo shares her dog with her sisters and friends.

Delacorte Books for Young Readers and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on June 8th.

Thea has lost her best friend, he was a victim in a traffic accident.  She feels like she could have saved him by trading him places but it's too late now.  Her parents decide to move to another city where no one would know this sad history.

When they are all moved in, they decide to go look for a dog.  They visit the shelter and pick out one that is grown and has a bad eye like her friend.

All goes well for a while.  Thea, who became mute after the accident, begins to speak again.  Her little sisters play hide and seek with the dog.  The dog comforts Theo.  He reminds her of Charlie, her friend.

Then, one day, her new male friend almost gets killed in another accident, but the dog saves him.  But then the dog goes missing...

Will they ever find Jack Jack, the dog?

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