Friday, May 28, 2021

Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles (Easy Classics) by adapted for children by Stephanie Baudet

This story has been adapted for younger readers but it's still scary.  One man dead and another being set up for murder.  Sherlock sends Watson with the next victim...

Sweet Cherry Publishing and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on June 10th.

No one is sure if the dog is real or just superstition.  Watson pays close attention to everyone Henry meets and talks to.  He sees nothing suspicious but he does notice that the escaped convict is living on the moor.  He sees another man, too, so he goes to check it out.

To his surprise, it's Holmes.  Then they find a dead body and think it's Henry's but, while it's his clothes, it's the convict.  They rush to find Henry but they are interrupted by a hound...

There's a history behind the facts that explains the motive and more.

It's a good read but a bit scary.

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