Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Give Me Chills: A Devil's Beach Novella by Tara Lush

Hadley left home and moved away after she found out her boyfriend was untrue.  She's running an ice cream van and makes her own ice cream.  He sneered at that, too, so she's starting over.

Tara shared a copy of this book with me for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

She's not doing bad at all when a very good looking young man comes up for ice cream.  He likes it so well, he takes more home to share with his aunt.  She loved it, too.

Unfortunately, his aunt dies.   He asks Hadley to make an ice cream cake for the wake.  She does, he lets her in the house to store it.  It's while she's in the basement she overhears a conversation and realizes the death was not natural.

She doesn't want to tell him, but does.  He invites her to the wake so she can listen to voices.  She hears the man but not the woman.

She hears her another time and then it's up to the cops.  Will they arrest them successfully?  Is Zander going to be her new boyfriend?  Read it and see...

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