Sunday, January 12, 2020

Nairobi Noir edited by Peter Kimani

These stories take you down into the dark parts of town where you get down and dirty.  You meet prejudice, racism, the moneyed and the poor.  You meet corrupt police, criminals, and the innocent.  These tales don't make you feel better but they do make you glad you live where you do...

Akashic Books sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It will be published February 4th.

The authors included are:  Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, Stanley Gazemba, Ngumi Kibera, Peter Kimani, Winfred Kiunga, Kinyanjui Kombani, Caroline Mose, Kevin Mwachiro, Wanjikũ wa Ngũgĩ, Faith Oneya, Makena Onjerika, Troy Onyango, J.E. Sibi-Okumu, and Rasna Warah.  The oldest writer is eighty-one, the youngest twenty-four.

You read tales from the past to the tales of the present.  Not much has changed.  If you see a crime, get out of the area or you might be the one beaten and arrested if not killed.

This country is not an easy one to live in.  Most of the tales are a bit sordid.  But it keeps you reading to see what is going to happen next. 

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