Saturday, January 25, 2020

Long Range by C. J. Box

Joe is heading out with others to check out a grizzly bear attack on a human.  That's unusual unless you get between a sow and her cubs but they need to check it out.  He's suddenly called back in because a woman has been shot.  He flies back to get there sooner, leaving his vehicle parked at the head of the trail.  The judge's wife has been shot...

G P Putnam's Sons and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published March 3rd.

It seems the judge knocked his silverware on the foot and bent to pick it up.  His wife came out with a dish of food and got in the bullet's way.  She's in critical condition.  Who wanted to kill the judge and where did they shoot from?

As Joe tries to figure out where the shot came from, the sheriff tells him to leave, they don't need him in the way.  He does figure out where the shooter was but the sheriff is acting on a tip he got and he arrests Joe's friend, Nate.  Nate had been a troublemaker in the past but he's married and has a new child.  He's given up being bad.  The sheriff handcuffs him and takes him in.  They find the gun and bullets on his property.  Joe is sure he's being framed.

Joe keeps following clues.  With the grizzly attack, the judge's wife dying, and someone kidnapping Nate's wife and child, there's plenty going on and no easy answers.  The killers are shocking, more people die and it's not all happily ever after at the end but it's the only outcome you could expect.  Joe gets his man, even if he gets shot up...

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