Sunday, January 5, 2020

Less Than a Moment by Steven F. Havill

When mention of the Sheriff's nephew being picked up for drunk ends up in the paper, he's lost his chance to work at the new development as a train operator.  Soon afterwards, the newspaper office got shot up and so did the two employees working late.  Did Quentin do it?

Poisoned Pen Press and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  Publication date is March 17th.

They find out that Quentin traded twenty two's with another boy.  They know that the one he traded with has a temper.

Then there's a death.  The landowner next to the new development has fallen off a ridge and hit a rock squarely when he landed.  When they find out he was kicked off the ridge, their suspect list goes to four young men who have been training in the martial arts.

They ask to see the young man at work and find he didn't show up.  So the Sheriff and his Undersheriff go to the boy's trailer.  He gives up one twenty-two but the sheriff knows the make and serial number so he sends him to get the other one.  He comes out with the rifle loaded and begins shooting...

Mr. Havill's stories are never boring...

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