Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard

Jina loves working with computers.  Everybody in her department plays computer games on their lunch break.  They don't realize that they are being tracked by the people they work for.  Not until they get new assignments...

William Morrow and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published March 6th.

When her boss tells her she has a new assignment, she's not sure she wants to go.  They are assigning her to a "Go-Team" that goes into dangerous situations and retrieves an informant or information or takes out whoever is causing the most damage.  It's not a fun thing but she'll be in charge of the drone that does surveillance for the team.  What's worse?  It's all men and they don't want a weak woman in their midst...

The author writes well.  You feel her exhaustion while she's getting in shape.  You feel the danger when they go out on assignments.  And you feel her fear when she's afraid she will be left behind...

These soldiers kick butt.  They're a solid team with lots of talents and they don't put up with much.  Neither doe she.  They keep waiting for her to quit but she doesn't.  However, when their assignment goes south and she has to walk out to meet them, they almost leave her behind.  They thought she was dead.

It's realistic and a bit scary but it's a thrilling read.  I don't think I'd do very well on a foreign mission...

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