Friday, February 16, 2018

Lost Books and Old Bones: A Scottish Bookshop Mystery by Paige Shelton

She's an American who is working in a Scottish bookstore.  She loves her job, has friends and life is good.  Until a new friend she made is found dead behind the bookstore...

Minotaur Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It is being published April 34rd.

Delaney likes the medical students she's met but it leads into a murder case.  She finds an old case from the past has something to do with the current events and she tries to make sense of it.  

The history of the old crime is fascinating, if a bit gruesome.  It's also true.  The author does a good of building her story from those facts.

There's a murdering doctor on the loose, everybody has some sort of secret, there are rumored affairs, and it's hard to weed out what's true and what's a lie.  The biggest lie is right in front of them but they can't see it.

The ending is exciting and Delaney almost loses her life.  I wouldn't have guessed who the murderer was and I was glad to see them brought to justice.  Especially since there was a wrong-doing long ago that got straightened out and a current plan thwarted.

If you like bits of history and books, this book is fun to read.  If you like a good mystery, this one fits that bill, too.  It was well worth my time and I enjoyed it.

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