Sunday, February 11, 2018

Plum Tea Crazy by Laura Childs

They're watching a water parade of pretty boats and displays from the widows walk on a big house.  When one of the guests topples over the railing and falls, they think he has been hit by a cannon from one of the boats.  No, it's worse than that.  He's got an arrow in him...

Berkley and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published March 6th.

This is a cozy mystery set in a tea shop with lots of discussion of tea flavors and food.  The rear of the book has some yummy sounding recipes for you.

Theodosia is asked to look into the murder by the owner of the home.  She says she will but she knows the police won't want her to.  It's especially hard since she's dating one of them.  But she asks questions and gets answers and then shares them with the police.  The senior police officer doesn't like her interference but he does get more info from her than he did in his own interviews.  It gets even more dangerous when someone appears to be on her tail.  She gets a rock thrown her window at work, the young man working for her gets hit by a car taking out the garbage, and she's still investigating.

This was a good read with multiple suspects and not many clues.  I liked it.  Why don't you give it a try?

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