Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Let Me Lie by Clare Mackintosh

Anna still misses her parents.  First her father committed suicide, then a year later her mother did.  She's devastated and can't understand why her mother would leave her alone.  Anna is now a mother of her own and she wishes her mother was still here.  Be careful what you wish for...

Berkley and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published March 13th.

Anna thinks she sees her mother around, out of the corner of her eye, standing in the shadows when she walks by.  When she tells her boyfriend about it, he tells it is part of grief and part of postpartum.  She still thinks she sees her.

When she gets a threatening note, she goes to visit the police.  The cop she talked to is a civilian now and he can't take on the case, but she's got his interest.  He decides to look into and see if he can find something concrete that would reopen the case.

This author always works in personal relationships that are a bit off kilter in her stories.  It's not just a mystery, there's more than that going on.

Eventually, she finds out it wasn't just suicide; it was murder.  Anna thinks it's her father coming after her and her child and her mother, who faked her suicide.  Then she finds out the dead body was her father's.  So who is after them now?

With relationships going sideways, mixed up feelings in Anna, and the fear her mother inspires in her about what happened keeps your attention and makes you wonder how a perfectly normal family could have found themselves in this situation.  You won't forget this one easily.

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